90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 311: letter

New Year's Eve, new community, no one knows anyone, in Yuxi's subconscious, Xu Hui must have rushed, vigilantly opened the door, there was a child standing at the door, and the opening was a happy new year.

Yuxi was stunned, counted how many children there were, and hurriedly shouted, "Jun Min, help me get some candy and oranges."

Nian Junmin grabbed two handfuls of candy and five or six oranges and handed them to the children, "Happy New Year."

The children outside the door were not very big. They said Happy New Year and left happily.

Yuxi smiled, "I thought that only when I was in a bungalow would I come to my house to pay New Year's greetings!"

Nian Junmin waited for a few little guys to go downstairs, and closed the door until they could no longer see them, "Everyone just moved here, and they are still used to it, and they won't be in two years. The little guys just now are arrogant and cute. ."

Yuxi asked while washing her hands, "Are you both getting old and loving children?"

Nian Junmin, "...Can you change the word?"

Yuxi rolled her eyes, "Did I say something wrong?"

Nian Junmin, "...you'll know it when you get older. I also admit that I like children."

Yuxi has long seen that this guy is a very rare child, Zhou Yao is too old, and he hugs him.

Lai Luo finally came out of the bathroom, afraid of being seen crying, and washed his face.

Lei smiled and asked, "Sister, are you eating at home?"

Yuxi shook his head, "We've eaten it in the morning, and we'll be going back in a while, so let's eat."

Lei Xiao patted the flour in his hand, "Then I won't pack it, these are enough."

Yuxi asked, "Is there any sugar in it?"

Lei smiled and said: "I put two, two plates of dumplings, let's see who I and Luoluo can eat."

Yuxi got up, "I'll cook the dumplings for you, you clear the table."


After the dumplings were cooked, Yuxi and Junwen left, going back to the courtyard to help out.

Back at the compound, all the New Year's greetings were gone. Yuxi and Nian Junmin tidied up the house, had a simple meal at noon, and watched TV all the time.

The two stayed in the compound until the fifth day of the Chinese New Year before returning to their home.

Only Lei laughed at home, "Where's Lei Luo?"

Lei Xiao explained, "I went back to the company to live in the third year of junior high school. When Zhang Heng came back, he went back. Sister, he left a letter for you."

Yuxi took it hesitantly, "He wrote it?"

Lei smiled and nodded, "It was really written by him, and, thank you sister, let Lei Luo come over."

After finishing speaking, Lei Xiao put on his shoes and went out. Yuxi touched the envelope, which was quite thick, and took out the letter, which was full of two pages.

"Cheezy sister, I always owe you a thank you, thank you for taking me in regardless of the past, thank you, let me feel family again in my dark life, thank you, I didn't have any grudges to give up on me, of course, if you can be gentle with me , I would be more grateful..."

Yuxi read it quickly, "The writing is so ugly!"

Nian Junwen took it over and looked at it, "This kid is skinny, and he knows what he knows. As you said, he has a good heart and can teach him well."

Yuxi, "Assuming he has a conscience, I don't ask him to be very promising. It's fine if he can become a talent. It's also right for me."

"I think he can become a talent, but he hasn't carved it well before."

Yuxi returned to the room and put the letter in the box, her heart was warm.

On the seventh day of the first day, the company went to work. Zhou Lingling was busy resting the factory and was about to move to the new factory to work. Yuxi was busy writing the script.

In the blink of an eye, the Lantern Festival, Yuxi's script outline and character settings were written.

During the Lantern Festival, the company was on holiday, and Yuxi rarely woke up late. When he woke up, Lei Xiao had gone to make up lessons, and Nian Junmin was sitting on the sofa watching the news.

Nian Junmin heard the door open and stood up with the handle, "I'll go and serve you breakfast."

Yuxi scratched her hair, "Finally slept enough."

Nian Junmin came out with steamed buns and porridge, "You can stay up late."

Yuxi bit the bun, "I'm in a hurry, too. The school starts soon, and I don't have time to write. I hurriedly write it out. After Wen Rong has read it, the things that don't work have to be changed. I think they have been finalized before school starts."

Nian Junmin sat aside and asked, "The filming starts, do you want to follow too?"

Yuxi nodded, "Of course, this is my first time making a movie, so I have to follow it, but it will take a while for the script to be finalized, and the actors and crew members to be selected. There are so many chores when I think about it, the director really doesn't know what to do. easy."

Nian Junmin counted the days, "In this case, it will take two months at least?"

Yuxi nodded, "Almost, why do you ask this?"

Nian Junwen gave Yuxi another bowl of porridge, "I've calculated the recovery plan, and I want to accompany you."

Yuxi counted silently, her eyes lit up, "If it's two months later, the rehabilitation program is almost over, you can really follow me."

Nian Junwen smiled, "Hurry up and eat, and buy glutinous rice balls."

Yuxi nodded and quickly ate breakfast.

After the meal, Nian Junmin washed the dishes and Yuxi washed up. At nine o'clock, the two of them went out.

At the gate, Yuxi said faintly, "I really don't know whether Xu Huichong is stupid or smart. Bing hasn't appeared since the showdown. Isn't this just a trick?"

Nian Junwen, "It's a pity I got the monitor back."

Yuxi's eyes lit up, "It's not a pity, you give it to me, it's safer to press into the factory, to be honest, security awareness is quite shallow now, if there really needs to be a security company, who can also help with monitoring facilities, it will definitely work. , I heard that there are overseas, specially for the installation of security, a set of facilities is not a small amount of money."

"There will also be domestic ones."

Yuxi didn't hear clearly, "What did you say, be louder?"

Nian Junwen said, "I said, if you don't leave again, the bus will pass by in a while."

"There's still ten minutes, and I'll have time. By the way, I'm writing the script. I'm not busy to ask you, you leave early and come back late, you can't see anyone, what are you doing?"

Nian Junwen blinked, "Learn to sculpt, Master has found it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yuxi," If you have time, let me see your progress. "


The two arrived at the bus stop while they were talking, and when they met Xu Yue, Xu Yue was not too cold. She sat on the bench and stared at the front.

The two of Yuxi came over and didn't see it. The bus came, and Yuxi helped Jun Min to get on the bus.

The flight attendant shouted, "Little girl, can't you get up?"

Xu Yue snorted and rushed up, "Thank you."

There was no seat in the car, Xu Yue was standing next to Yuxi, Xu Yue was stunned, bit the corner of his mouth, and went to the back of the car silently.

Yuxi looked at Xu Yue thoughtfully, until she got out of the car, and said to Jun Min, "This girl is really honest. I said ten meters are only ten meters. If you see me in the community, you will hide. How about seeing you?"

Nian Junwen, "Hide too, my eyesight, this girl is not bad."

Yuxi's heart was full of doubts, Xu Yue sat on the bench with no innocence, only confusion, she shook her head, what happened to the Xu family's siblings had nothing to do with her.

The supermarket was on the opposite side, and they had to cross the road. When the traffic lights arrived, the two of them crossed the other side, and Yuxi stopped.

Nian Junwen asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

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