90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 309: inexplicable

Nian Junwen, "I asked Li Yan to get the monitor. He asked a friend to get it and retired it. He helped me get two. I'll try it and put it at the gate of the community to see who made the ice."

Yuxi touched, "You know this?"

Nian Junwen said proudly: "I have touched it a few times, I have studied it, and I have also touched a computer, but the five-stroke radicals are difficult to learn, and I am not very interested."

Yuxi, "I will. In order to learn to type, I have worked hard. I will teach you when I have time."

Nian Junmin was stunned, "You want to buy a computer?"

Yuxi nodded, "Yeah, the company needs it, and I just bought one for my family. It's very convenient to record data."

Nian Junmin, "I'll buy it with money."

Yuxi, "Your salary is with me, where do you have money."

Nian Junmin swallowed the words in his mouth and smiled, "Then buy it with salary."

Yuxi smiled, "Okay, your annual salary is gone."

Nian Junwen tried to speak several times and held back, just as his stomach was growling, Yuxi said, "You are busy, I will go out to cook."


Early the next morning, Yuxi didn't have to go to the company. She had time to accompany her for rehabilitation. She sat on the side and watched Jun Min's sweaty exercise. She felt distressed, and prayed in her heart that she would recover smoothly.

After dinner at noon, the two went to the supermarket to buy New Year's goods, and the fruits they bought for their grandfathers would also be bought at home.

Yuxi pushed the cart, "We really seem to be married and live."

"Apart from getting a certificate, it's just living."

Yuxi smiled, "Yeah, do we count, try marriage before marriage."

"You are worthy of being a screenwriter, you are never short of fresh words, and you have a trial marriage."

"It's creativity."

Nian Junmin pointed to the front, "Everything has been robbed in a while."

"Ah, my Pipi shrimp."

Nian Junmin's legs are not good, standing on the periphery, watching Yuxi squeeze in, like a big money, opening his mouth is five pounds, everyone around was stunned, laughed in a low voice, looked at Yuxi tenderly, what he was after , In fact, it is very simple, ordinary happiness, there are lovers, children, and a sincere family.

Yuxi carried the bag and held up Pipi shrimp, "I'm really good, I grabbed it, and there are also green shrimp and crabs."

Nian Junmin took the bag and put it in the cart, "You are the best."

Yuxi was praised and rushed into the crowd. Every fresh stall was full of people. She only remembered that when she was a child in the 1980s, the New Year was like a robbery, and she hadn't felt it for many years.

Imported fruit, bought a lot, and bought two bottles of wine, a cart full of food.

Nian Junmin, "Fortunately, I drove here."

"Go, pay."

After waiting in line to checkout for half an hour, the combination of Yuxi and Nian Junmin is quite eye-catching, not just buying a lot, but the biggest concern is Nian Junmin's legs.

There are quite a lot of people, but fortunately the cart can be pushed out, otherwise, it will be tiring to carry it all the time, and the cart can only go to the door and there are guardrails.

Nian Junwen said: "You watch, I will send it."

Yuxi, "I'd better go, not much, two trips will end."

Nian Junmin smiled, "I can carry two bags with one hand, I'll do it."

Said and carried away, Yuxi felt both sweet and sour in her heart. She felt sorry for Jun Min. If her leg hadn't been injured, why would she have to provoke criticism, she just pretended not to hear it.

After two trips to the car, Yuxi opened the door and let Nian Junmin go in and sit first.

Just as Yuxi was about to go in, there was a car backing up beside her. It really had nothing to do with Yuxi. She didn't pay attention when backing up. Her door hung on the other side's car, and there was an obvious scratch on the body.

He almost caught Yuxi, but luckily took a step back.

The car is a new car, the brand name, Yuxi also knows, BMW, Lei Xiao popular science, she doesn't know the model, and she knows it's expensive, 500,000 is for sure.

It wasn't her fault anyway, she was justified and waited for the owner to get off.

The car was extinguished, the owner pushed the door and ran over, without looking at Yuxi, he looked at the scratches, the scratches across the body, which were particularly ugly.

The owner of the car was so angry that he turned his head to face Yuxi, "You didn't see in? Did you open the door?"

Yuxi was quite surprised. The owner of the car was too young and looked younger than her, and organized the language, "I said this right, how do you drive, you can't look in the rearview mirror, and you can't see anyone opening the door."

The owner of the car pointed at Yuxi and said, "I'm arrogant. I reversed the car well. It's obviously your problem. It's really bad luck. As soon as I returned to China, I scratched the car. It's better to go abroad."

Yuxi didn't listen to the muttering behind him, "I'll talk about the matter, the main responsibility lies with you."

The owner of the car was mad, "Poor, you say you can't afford it, garbage truck."

Yuxi's face was cold, "Apologize."

The car owner snorted, "So, I know you can't afford it. What about you, say sorry three times aloud, and I'll let you go."

Yuxi sneered, "It's ridiculous, it's obviously your problem."

Nian Junmin got off the car and became the target of the car owner's attack again, "Yo, there is a lame man. Seeing that there are disabled people, I don't care about you as much as I do."

Yuxi's eyes were frozen, and he quickly grabbed the collar of the car owner's clothes, "Keep your mouth clean."

The car owner sneered, "I have practiced, unfortunately, I have practiced too."

Saying that, he waved his fist over, Yuxi stepped back quickly, Nian Junmin helped him down, and caught the fist of the car owner.

Nian Junmin stood on one leg, waved his cane and hit the owner of the car, "Apologize for your behavior just now."

The owner rubbed his legs and squinted, "I don't apologize, what can you do with me?"

At this time, the ringing of the mobile phone, in the BMW car, the owner did not know what he heard, hung up the phone, glared at Yuxi and the two, and drove away.

Yuxi and Nian Junwen looked at each other and didn't understand.

After everyone dispersed, Yuxi and Jun Min got into the car, "Why did he leave?"

Nian Junwen, "I don't know, I guess there is something urgent."

Yuxi also couldn't understand, the owner of the car just now looked like a rich family, and the eldest young master was used to it, so how could he give up easily.

Yuxi's car just left, and the BMW came back. People came out of the mall, and the owner complained, "Mom, what do you mean~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Why did you let me forget it, the new car, Dad saw it I must not be allowed to drive."

The woman absent-mindedly said, "It's okay, maybe I'm thinking too much, forget it, even if it's a good deed, stop complaining and go home."

Yuxi returned home, tidying up the refrigerator, half of it, Lei Xiao came back with Lei Luo.

Lai Luo stood at the door, afraid to come in.

Yuxi, "Why, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Lai Luo stalked his neck, "Who's afraid of you?"

Lei smiled and came to help, "Sister, you bought so much food!"

Yuxi smiled, "Yes, there is everything in the refrigerator. I also bought some Coke. You two are at home, don't save it."

Lei laughed, "Our two dishes are enough."

"That's not good, at least six dishes, with good meaning, listen to me."


Yuxi tidied up and put on his clothes, "Then let's go, you two are at home, don't go out at night, don't open the door in the middle of the night, do you hear?"

Lei smiled, "I heard."

Yuxi had a very happy face, but when she saw the situation downstairs, she became unhappy.

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