90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 306: coincidence or calculation

Zhou Lingling said: "No, I can call the shots."

Yuxi smiled, "Okay, then I'll go to Jolianbo."

At noon, Lei Yin, who had disappeared, appeared with gossip on his face, "I tell you, Jin Ling rejected He Rui, she really likes Huang Liang."

Yuxi, "Where did you hear that?"

"Lai Luo, this kid is very well-informed. There is nothing in the company that he doesn't know."

"I really don't see it, the two of you have a good relationship."

Lei Yin smiled dryly, "Who would have thought that this kid is also very gossipy and has a good temper."

Zhou Lingling asked Yuxi, "You didn't help Aunt Zhou to ask!"

Yuxi spread out his hands, "I turned my head and forgot, and it's my fault. If I ask, He Rui will not be rejected."

Zhou Lingling said, "Then talk to Aunt Zhou."


In the afternoon, Yuxi went to the second aunt and said sorry, but Zhou Da Niu didn't care, "I know you are busy, it's okay, it's okay to refuse, so as not to worry about it."

"He Rui can find something better."

"Haha, hope."

Yuxi came out of the cafeteria, and Lei Luo stood under the tree and ran over, "I have something to ask you."

Yuxi, "What's the matter?"

Laidlaw held out his hand, "Why don't I get my salary?"

Yuxi patted off Lai Luo's hand, "Go to the game hall with the salary?"

Lai Luo's mind was exposed, and his tone was poor, "But when I work, I should be paid."

Yuxi sneered, "If I didn't take you in, you would be a little gangster. It's only been honest for a few days, and it's not honest. I tell you, don't try to touch the money, you earn a little salary, next year's tuition, and dare to control the thunder. Smile and see how I clean up."

Laiduo said angrily, "Grandet."

Yuxi smiled, "You don't enjoy exploitation, you can leave, the gate is in front, no one is stopping you, I tell you, if you leave, I won't take you in, it's really a dog, stop for a few days, Forget it immediately."

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go right now."

Yuxi was too lazy to roll her eyes, this kid dared to step out of the gate, she ate snow.

Lei Luo took a few steps and took a peek. When he saw Sister Bai returning to the house, he was very angry, but he really reached the threshold, so he didn't dare to take a step.

Yuxi was busy counting the list, and Lei Yin was nibbling on the melon seeds, "You're right, this kid didn't dare to go out."

Yuxi didn't lift his head, "These are all his usual tricks. To deal with Lei Xiaoxing, he was careful to use it on his relatives, and he lacked education."

Lei Yin, "I think this kid's wild nature has changed a lot. You didn't realize that, he's quite afraid of you."

"You beat him, and he beats you too."

Lei Yin, "......"

Going home in the evening, Yuxi opened the door and saw Nian Junmin hiding a towel behind her. Her injured leg was on the coffee table, and her shoes were not changed. "What's wrong with her leg?"

Nian Junmin took out the towel behind him and continued to apply it to his legs, "It's very early to come back."

Yuxi, "Don't change the subject, what's wrong with your legs?"

Nian Junwen didn't want Yuxi to worry about it, so she secretly took advantage of Yuxi's return, "It's okay, I just touched it."

Yuxi was so anxious, "I'll take you to the hospital, let's go to the hospital to see, it's not a trivial matter to touch the leg."

Nian Junwen, "It's really not that serious. If you don't believe me, I'll take a look at it for you."

Yuxi stared, Nian Junmin immediately became honest, put down his legs, and tidied up his trousers, "I'll go."

Luckily, Yuxi drove back.

After going to the hospital for an examination and confirming that there is no problem, Yuxi was relieved.

Nian Junmin smiled, "Look, I said it's alright."

There was no smile on Yuxi's face, "You still laugh, what's so funny, how did your leg hurt? There's no ice at the door!"

"Upstairs, a couple were fighting. I was walking and throwing things out. There was a little girl beside me who was almost hit by the tape recorder. Just put the heat on, and you'll be back."

Yuxi's spirit was tense, "So coincidentally?"

Nian Junmin is not sure, "It should be a coincidence. I saw with my own eyes that the little girl was almost hit. If I don't save it and it hits someone, then something will happen."

Yuxi still had doubts, "Go back and see, which one quarrels and loses things, it's really a wonder."

It was seven o'clock when the two of them got home, and Nian Junwen said, "Let's see it tomorrow, it's very late."

"Well, let's go upstairs, Lei Xiao is at home, I don't know if he dares."

At the door, Yuxi just took out the key when she heard someone talking in the living room, and hurriedly opened the door.

In the living room, Xu Huichong sat on one side, while Lei Xiao and a girl about the same age sat on the other side.

Yuxi glanced back at Nian Junmin, is this a little girl?

Nian Junmin is quite innocent. In his eyes, he is a little girl.

Xu Huichong's eyes quickly swept across Nian Junmin's lap, and he stood up gratefully, "Thank you, today without you, I can't even imagine what would happen to Yueyue, Yueyue just moved in, and I am all alone. I can't tell my parents."

Xu Yue got up hurriedly and stood obediently, "Thank you very much today, your legs are all right, we will take you to the hospital, thank you."

Yuxi's eyes skipped directly over Xu Huichong and focused on Xu Yue's body. The girl gave the impression that she was too clean, her eyes were not at all mottled, it didn't look like she was pretending.

Nian Junmin smiled, "It's a coincidence."

Xu Huichong, "I know you have misunderstood me. I can swear that it has nothing to do with me."

Yuxi supported Jun Min and sat down, "Xu Huichong, you are plotting against us again and again, from ice to throwing things, you really think we are soft persimmons!"

Xu Hui rushed to look like he was not afraid of a crooked shadow, "Yuxi, you misunderstood me too deeply."

Xu Yue was stunned, "Brother, you know each other!"

Xu Huichong said, "Yes, I mentioned it to you before, this is Lu Yuxi."

Xu Yue couldn't be more excited~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I heard my brother talk about you, senior sister is very good. "

Yuxi frowned, "Xu Huichong, we don't welcome people with the surname Xu, don't think there's no evidence, we can't do anything about you, hurry up."

Xu Yue was anxious and hurriedly explained, "You really misunderstood brother, brother is a good person, the most gentle, he doesn't count people, today's incident is an accident, we went to the couple who were fighting, and I didn't stop me today. Now, my brother sent them to the Public Security Bureau, I think the couple knew they were wrong, and they lost a lot of money, which is very pitiful, so I forgave them privately, Brother Lu, I didn't ask your opinion, don't blame me."

Nian Junwen's face darkened, "My surname is Nian, don't call me brother, I have a wife."

Xu Yue was stunned, "Wife?"

The fire in Yuxi's heart was about to burn out, holding Nian Junmin's hand, declaring ownership, "I am his wife, and we are engaged."

Xu Yue let out a dumbfounded sigh, stared straight at the savior, grabbed her clothes, "Congratulations."

Xu Huichong flashed behind his glasses and answered, "I know, if you don't believe me, I'll put my words here. You can go check it out, and if you find any doubts, it's mine."

No matter whether Yuxi found it or not, she didn't want to see the Xu family's brothers and sisters. She was so angry that she naturally wouldn't make Xu Huichong feel better, "I have a question, and I need you to clear it up."

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