90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 303: broken

Yuxi felt like he had found a treasure, and his smile was enthusiastic, "Hello, hello, I have heard your name, read your novels, and met a real person today."

Wang Ming was a little embarrassed, "It's not as good as it was said."

Yuxi took a few more glances at Wang Ming, her character was really shy, no wonder she was bullied, "Your writing is really good, I hope to cooperate in the future."

Wang Ming was stunned, "Oh, oh, good, good."

Wang Ming's wife, Shen Yu smiled, "He's a little dumb, don't mind."

Yuxi, "Hello, I heard from my cousin that you, the researcher, I admire the most. The development of science and technology depends on your dedication and research. It's hard work."

Shen Yu was amused, "your mouth can really speak."

Yuxi thought to himself, "Golden knots, of course I have to say good things."

Aunt Lu came out and greeted people to come in. Yuxi wanted to follow, but Zhou Lingling held her back and waited for everyone to enter the room, squinting her eyes, "Be honest, you are too enthusiastic!"

Yuxi blinked, "Is there?"

Zhou Lingling snorted, "Of course, the corners of your mouth are grinning to your ears."

Yuxi smiled, "You didn't say it was Wang Ming, a realist writer. The characters in his works are all contemporary, and I like them very much."

Zhou Lingling narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean? You just said you want to cooperate?"

Yuxi pointed his finger, "You say, how about we make his work into a movie?"

Zhou Lingling stared, "Where's the money? Do you have money in your hand?"

Yuxi smiled, "Well, look, the costumes and props have been dealt with, and there are no good projects, so let's invest!"

Zhou Lingling gritted her teeth, "You said that making movies is risky, and now you want to invest, don't forget, you are going to make one, and you lose both, what should I do?"

Yuxi knew in her heart that she couldn't pay. She remembered correctly. Next year's hot movie was adapted from Wang Ming's work. Why did she say she was bullied.

Because there are loopholes in the copyright, five years of copyright, I don't know how it has become fifteen years, and ten years more. I filed a lawsuit for this, but there was a contract, and Wang Ming lost.

As for later, she doesn't know, because she died, anyway, it's right to be hot, what a good opportunity, she is short of money, I hope to make more money, now the opportunity comes, if she misses it, she can regret it.

Zhou Lingling couldn't be beaten, "Stop, when I read his novel, he said that investment should be cautious."

Yuxi, "Okay, I'm going to buy a book tomorrow, I must remember to read it."

Zhou Lingling, "Got it."

The two entered the house, Aunt Lu and Shen Yu finished talking, and Shen Yu held the child, "Then I'll take the child back first."

Aunt Lu said: "Okay, I will take care of the children, so I can rest assured."

Shen Yu, "Don't worry, I will take good care of the child."

After Yuxi and the others left, they asked, "Have the formalities been completed?"

Aunt Lu nodded, "It's almost complete, we'll go through the adoption procedures in the next few days, our house is very messy, and I don't have the energy to take care of it, so they want to take it away first, just as the child doesn't want me to touch it, then take it away. Bar!"

Zhou Lingling rubbed her mother's shoulders in distress, "It's been more than a month, you're tired."

Aunt Lu, "No, this girl is facing everyone. It's not good to make trouble. Now that it's okay, it's fate that she wants to be with Shen Yu."

Yuxi heard the movement of the car, "It should be the master who is back."

In the evening, Zhou Lingling stayed behind to help clean up, and Yuxi came back first with Lei Xiao and two.

On the way home, Yuxi asked Yuqing, "Have your luggage been packed?"

Yuqing, "Packed up."

"That's good, the day after tomorrow, I'll take you to the station."

"I can do it myself, sister, you are very busy, so you don't need to send me."

Yuxi, "I don't trust you."

Yuqing blushed, "There will be no next time."

When the three walked to the gate of the community, Yuxi snorted and sat on the ground with her buttocks. When she reached out and touched it, the ground was cold and cold, and it was all ice.

Lei Xiao almost didn't stand still, and when he was balanced, he helped Yuxi up, "Sister, are you alright!"

Yuxi followed the street lights, only to see clearly that the gate was covered in ice, "It wasn't there in the morning!"

Yuqing, "Yeah, who is so immoral, pouring water at the gate."

Yuxi thought of Nian Junmin, "Go home first."

When he got home, seeing Nian Junmin sitting on the sofa, Yuxi was relieved, "When you came back, didn't you fall down!"

Nian Junmin, "I came in by taxi, what happened?"

Yuxi changed his slippers and said, "The door is full of ice. When I came back, I fell and it hurts badly. You'll be fine."

Nian Junmin's face became serious, "I didn't want to say it, but it's ice again. I feel it's aimed at me."

Yuxi's movement of taking off his coat paused, and after thinking about it, it was true, "Who would do this, do you have a choice in your heart?"

Nian Junwen, "Xu Huichong."

Yuxi thought that Xu Huichong never showed up after the hospital's exposure last time, so he gave up. Hearing Jun Min say, "It must be him. This guy is very shy, what did he pay attention to?"

Nian Junwen was not very happy, Xu Huichong calculated him, the purpose was to make him crippled, the source of all lies in Yuxi, and what Xu Huichong really wanted to calculate was Yuxi.

Yuxi had doubts in his heart, "You said, why did Xu Huichong plot against me? What benefits can he get from plotting against me? Is this his subjective consciousness, or is he being used by others?"

Nian Junmin analyzed, "I think it is subjective consciousness, his own idea, from a man's point of view, Xu Huichong's hiding shows his ambition, he is a very ambitious person."

Yuxi squinted his eyes, "Then the question is, he is already the boss of the company, what are his ambitions? What can he get from me?"

Nian Junwen, "This is the problem, what does he want, and if he wants to marry you, what can he get from you?"

Yuxi didn't like this assumption~www.wuxiamtl.com~ pursed her lips, "The only identity I can be looked at is my mother's stepdaughter, Zheng Xuran's cheap granddaughter. He wants to pass me and join Zheng Xuran?"

Nian Junmin shook his head, "It must not be. If you want to take refuge, just go directly. It's too troublesome to figure you out. There must be something we don't know about."

Yuxi guessed, "Would he know about Ge Lang's game, so he also made the idea to enter Zheng's house through me?"

Nian Junmin pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head, "So doubtful, how did he know about Ge Lang's situation, and what is his relationship with Ge Lang?"

Yuxi clapped his hands, "Yes, yes, identity, Xu Huichong's identity, I found only very little information about Xu Huichong, you say, will he have something to do with Ge Lang?"

The more Yuxi thought about it, the more likely it was that Ge Lang's situation must be known only to close people, so how did Xu Huichong know about it?

Nian Junwen said, "Don't come to a conclusion about anything, just check it out and you'll know. You should also pay attention to Xu Huichong."

Yuxi nodded, "I know, I want to see Zheng Xuran tomorrow."

Nian Junmin, "I'll go with you."

Yuxi nodded, "Okay."

After Yuxi finished speaking, he remembered that he was still wearing a coat. He just took off his coat and felt the empty space on his wrist, "It's broken."

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