The Sanya Life Festival was successfully held.

It directly became the number one cultural tourism hotspot on the entire network.

The Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism personally sent a congratulatory message and even praised the mayor of Sanya City alone.

This flatters the mayor.

What an honor it is to be named by national ministerial-level leaders.

And of course the mayor understands.

He also followed Qin Feng and gained a great deal of glory. besides.

Discussions online are also particularly intense.

Open any popular travel website.

Just search for news about Sanya Life Festival.

The minimum number of posts exceeds 300,000.

And the scary thing is.

Regarding this event of Sanya Life Festival, I couldn’t find even one bad review.

The only positive review was from a female tourist.

Sanya’s fruits are too sweet and she might gain weight after eating them.

And a reminder for sisters who want to come to Sanya Life Festival.

Eat less local high-sugar fruits here, because they are really addictive!

All the rest of the comments are positive.

Every comment is full of kindness. certainly.

There are more than 20,000 items in it, specifically praising Qin Feng and expressing his love for Qin Feng.

The huge success of the event was something that the city leadership did not expect at all.

And they reacted immediately.

Qin Feng originally set a time limit for life of days.

The number of tourists will only increase day by day.

On the last day, tens of thousands of people will reach the top of the beach music festival.

Faced with such a huge passenger flow.

The mayor quickly held a meeting to arrange relevant work.

Ensure that every tourist is properly accommodated and resolutely prevent the previous phenomenon of robbing customers from happening again.

And on the other side.

A meeting was also held in the domestic financial circles.

All the famous financial investment tycoons in the country arrived at the scene, a total of more than 100 people.

Everyone is worth more than 4 billion.

More than 50 profitable projects have been invested.

One of the more representative ones is Boss Wang, the founder of the term small goals.

And Boss Ma, who relies on crazy imitation games and strives to make social software more and more complex.

In addition to these two people, there are many people who are familiar to everyone.

And they gathered here just to discuss one thing.

That is, the commercial endorsement issue of Sanya Life Festival.

The famous domestic financial media announced the first day data of Sanya Life Festival.

Data Display.

The revenue of Sanya Life Festival on the first day has exceeded 200 million.

Moreover, all indices are rising crazily.

Not surprisingly, this number is getting higher day by day, and it is rising exponentially.

Faced with such huge business opportunities.

Domestic investors couldn’t sit still at that time.

And coincidentally, Qin Feng also released an investment invitation plan at this time.

From live broadcast, commercial sponsorship, brand interaction, and local promotion and other directions.

Open the door to investors.

Regarding the mayor’s question, Qin Feng said:

“I can’t just build Sanya and not care how she develops in the future.”

“Things like money must be continuously invested in order to be continuously produced.”

“Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out business investment”

“Now that we have a perfect template, all we need to do in the future is to take the money invested in the company and follow the example.”

Hearing this, the mayor was extremely moved.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng had already considered Sanya’s future.

The investment bosses who had been notified were staring at the index chart of Sanya Life Festival.

Looking at the rising numbers, I felt that my heart was beating faster.

Qin Feng got in touch with Zhao Chenyu through the [Shuhai Laoyu] account.

After setting aside a certain amount of investment for the other party.

Qin Feng asked the other party to find a professional investment application representative to help him with the operation.

Zhao Chenyu was extremely moved.

He repeatedly said that he had not made friends with Qin Feng in vain!

After that, he immediately found a professional investment manager.

Regarding the Sanya Life Program before All investable projects have been estimated and made public

“Next, the bidding investment project we are going to carry out is the full coverage live broadcast project of Sanya Life Festival”

“Commercial advertising is allowed in live broadcast projects”

“Our estimated number of online viewers can easily exceed 100 million”

“The bidding begins, with a starting price of 100 million yuan, and each bid raises 30,000 yuan.”

The financial manager had just finished speaking.

The investment tycoons below began to raise their placards.

The only ones who are not interested in this project are Boss Ma and Boss Wang.

This project is a bit too small for them, and it is not worth their money..

But in the eyes of other investors, being able to win this live broadcast project is enough for them to earn three days.

“130 million””290 million””330 million.”

In the end, when the price reached 460 million, the project was successfully auctioned.

Boss Cao, who got the live broadcast project, smiled like a child.

This project cost 460 million.

At least 10 can be obtained. After converting the income of 100 million, I can still earn more than 500 million.

It is really a profitable business.

The project continues to start bidding.

There is no free time.

With the penultimate, the ground promotion project.

It was sold for 1.36 billion After the price was successfully bid, the highlight of Boss Ma and Boss Wang finally came

“Next, we are going to bid on commercial sponsorship projects”

“The successful bidder will receive commercial sponsorship rights for 70% of the Sanya Life Festival venue”

“Like the previous project, the cycle is 10 years.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“The starting price is 2.5 billion, and each bid is 100 million.”

After the financial manager finished speaking, no one held up a sign at the scene.

The starting price of this project was already beyond the reach of many people.

Everyone knew that this project was specially prepared for Boss Ma and Boss Wang

“2.6 billion!”

“2.8 billion!”

“3.5 billion!”

As the placards were raised again and again, Boss Ma and Boss Wang formed a situation of tit-for-tat.

Neither of them had any intention of giving in to the other.

Qin Feng got real-time news and saw the rising bidding price.

Laughing To the mayor, who was sitting nearby with trembling hands, he said:

“Calm down”

“There will be many more things like this in the future”

“Sanya’s future will never stop at the present”

“What I have built is nothing more than a humanistic industry. Sanya’s natural scenery is still perfectly preserved.”

“The combination of the two has the ability to attract both money and money.”

“From now on, Sanya’s cultural tourism history will be written in two parts.”

The mayor was so excited that he didn’t know what to say.

Looking at the number of project bidding, it kept rising!

It has reached 8 billion.

But neither Boss Ma nor Boss Wang meant to let go.

As long as the other party raised his sign, the other one would They immediately started to increase the price.

Finally, when Boss Ma’s offer reached 10 billion,

Boss Wang’s heart skipped a beat.

He used 10 billion to exchange for the 10-year commercial sponsorship of the Sanya Life Festival.

The profits had been diluted to a very low level..

Seeing that Boss Ma is determined to win.

Boss Wang thought again and again and did not raise the sign again.

All the projects were bid.

The largest project was taken away by Boss Ma for 10 billion.

Everyone congratulated Boss Ma one after another..

But Boss Wang on the side didn’t look unhappy at all.

Because all of this was a plot set up by Qin Feng after contacting him in advance. When he walked out of the venue, he looked at Boss Ma’s high-spirited look.

Boss Wang was strong. Hold back the laughter.

Back in the car, Boss Wang took out his phone

“Xiao Qin, your method is really effective.”

“Where, if it weren’t for your boss Wang’s intervention, how could Boss Ma, this big fish, take the bait?”

The old man and the young man laughed.

“Boss Wang, please rest assured”

“My future independent projects in Sanya will be commercially sponsored by you”

“The price is the 8 billion we discussed before. Do you think it’s okay?”

Boss Wang smiled and nodded to the phone, and Qin Feng on the other side said

“It’s such a pleasure to work with you”

“If possible, I would like to collaborate with you on projects every day”

“I will ask the company’s financial personnel to remit 8 billion to the account of 413 Sanya City Hall in the shortest possible time.”

“After I have some time, I will go to Sanya to visit in person.”

The two hung up the phone.

Reba sat on Qin Feng’s lap

“Brother, you are a bit too talkative, right?”

“For such a large industry, today’s auction alone is worth more than 20 billion.”

“Let them transfer all this money to the account of Sanya City Hall.”

“Even if it’s just a little bit! Just a little bit?”

Looking at Reba squinting her little eyes and looking weird.

Qin Feng kissed her���Xiaozui said leisurely

“Do good deeds to the end and send Buddha to the West”

“I don’t want any money from the Sanya Life Festival. This money can last for 10 years and I can still make money.”

“It all depends on the level of Sanya City’s leadership team.”

As he said this, Qin Feng smiled slyly.

“This is not my intention”

“Don’t forget, the governor said about sea view properties”

“That’s the highlight”

“Now, I’ve made my attitude clear”

“When the time comes, I can no longer make concessions on real estate.”

While talking, Qin Feng tickled Reba.

Reba was twisting and turning in Qin Feng’s arms.

After the two of them had a fight for a while, Reba put her hands around Qin Feng’s neck.

“You have so many thoughts in your mind every day, and you are so calculating”

“What should I do if one day I am sold to northern Myanmar by you?”

After hearing this, Qin Feng really thought about it seriously.

“How can it be worthwhile to sell you to northern Myanmar and stay with me?”

“A waist is only 100,000 yuan!”

“You receive more gifts than this every day, right?”

“If one day I end up on the street, I will have to rely on my little Reba to help me live.”

Kiss Qin Feng on the face

“It turns out that you have already made plans for the future and are ready to eat soft rice.”

“Then I can collect some interest now.”

Reba said while unbuttoning Qin Feng’s shirt with her hands.

Cold sweat broke out on Qin Feng’s back.

“Ancestor, it’s daytime now and we haven’t had lunch yet.”

Reba gave Qin Feng a wink

“Feed me first, then I can feed you……”

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