The leader of Nanhai New Village was settled.

The mayor was just about to take a breath.

But I was notified by the people below.

Over there in Blackwater Village.

There was a riot team of 600 people.

I will arrive at the door of the city hall tomorrow evening.

The leader let out a long sigh.

100 people are enough for me to endure.

Now it has doubled directly 6 times.

What do these people want to do?

Are they really not afraid of being arrested?

But thinking about it carefully, the leaders also understood the reliance of these villagers.

It’s just a rogue act, and it’s not a capital crime.

After catching them, they will be released soon.

If they are released, they will continue to cause trouble.

The quarrel continued until the city hall compromised.

These local scoundrels have completely figured out how to fight against the city hall.

Just because the official didn’t want to make the matter a big deal.

That’s why they are so unscrupulous.

Think of this.

The leader hammered the table hard.

Qin Feng can handle a team of 100 people.

But how should Qin Feng deal with this team of 600 people?

Not to mention, behind these 600 people, there are four old fritters.

The difficulty of dealing with four of them is much higher than dealing with these 0 people.

Call Qin Feng.

Before the mayor could speak, Qin Feng had already explained the matter clearly.

Feeling Qin Feng’s foresight, the leader was so shocked that he couldn’t even close his mouth!

“Do you know everything?!”

“Xiao Qin, Xiao Qin, since you already knew this, why don’t you also send me a message?”

Qin Feng smiled and said sorry.

Then he explained to the leader

“Mainly because the time was too short and I was busy dealing with this matter, so I forgot to report it to you.”

“I promise! Next time, next time for sure.”

Hearing what he said, the mayor said angrily

“What next time? Do you still want a next time?”

“This time, let’s stop it quickly. 770”

“Do it again, I’m afraid my heart really can’t bear it”

“You don’t know that my blood pressure is rising faster than the fund’s.”

After asking for a long time,

Qin Feng never revealed what his plan was.

But he vowed not to worry, he had arranged it himself!

After the last experience, the mayor also understood that Qin Feng would not be able to do it this time. I plan to take the usual route.

Anyway, Qin Feng has a backer, and I am just helping from the side.

Since Qin Feng doesn’t need his help, I am happy to be free.


The next day at 6:30.

In a small courtyard in Heishui Village.

The elders of the four major surnames are sitting here.

The boiling pot in front of you.

It is a Sanya special dish, coconut chicken.

Pick up a piece of tender chicken.

The elder Ah Hei said with a smile

“I really don’t know how high the world is. I look at what happened tonight. How does Qin want to deal with it?”

The elder Ahua took a sip of wine.

“deal with? I’m afraid he doesn’t have time to deal with it now, as he is being scolded by the mayor.”

Elder Forrest Gump, waving cattail leaf fan

“This time, we are going to be thorough! Drive Qin Feng out of Sanya and tell him to get out and leave.”

Awen, the youngest elder, helplessly spread his hands.

“Although this guy surnamed Qin has been here only a few days, he has brought us a lot of trouble.”

“Fortunately, the tourist season has not yet arrived, and there will be more tourists coming to Sanya in the future.”

“It seems that I am really going to make a lot of money this year.”

At the same time.

In a private room of a club in downtown Sanya.

Qin Feng hugged Reba.

Looking at the materials on the table, he picked up a letter casually.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Ah Hei’s number.

Ah Hei was eating. Hei frowned when he saw the unknown caller.

After the call was connected, Qin Feng announced his name.

Ah Hei’s frown deepened.

“Ah Hei, don’t be nervous, I just want to talk to you”

“I heard that you and Forrest Gump did engineering together! But there was a thief inside the project and stole millions of building materials.”

“You and Forrest Gump each lost half of this money.”

Having said this, the corners of Qin Feng’s mouth turned up and he turned a page of information.

“What a coincidence, I just happened to find this batch of building materials, they are in your warehouse”

“Do you want me to talk to Forrest Gump?”

Ah Hei was sweating like rain at the moment.

During the entire phone call, he didn’t say a word.

And Qin Feng’s every word was like a whisper from the abyss, a demon.

It kept impacting his heart.

Hang up the phone.

Look. Seeing that Ah Hei’s face was very ugly, the other three elders asked quickly.

Ah Hei looked at the three people and opened his mouth to say something.

But after thinking for a moment, the words in his mouth became

“Sorry, I have some things to take care of”

“My people cannot participate in tonight’s matter.”

Without any extra explanation, Ah Hei stood up directly and dialed the phone number of the person on his side.

Seeing Ah Hei leave like this, the remaining three people looked at each other in shock.

They didn’t even know what happened.

Just in time. When they were discussing Ah Hei’s whereabouts and abnormal behavior,

Ah Hua’s phone rang again.

The same situation happened again.

After learning that it was Qin Feng on the other side, Ah Hua was about to open his mouth to curse.

Suddenly he heard Qin Feng say

“Forrest Gump is so lucky. He married a 27-year-old wife for the third time.”

“He is almost 60 years old, wouldn’t he be powerless?”

“However, Ahua, you are different! You are only 57 and your body is well maintained.”

“I heard that you took Forrest Gump’s wife to Southeast Asia last time! You also took medicine in advance, right?”

Ahua’s hands trembled slightly.

His breathing became uncontrollably rapid.

The phone had been hung up for a long time, but his hands still did not leave his ears.

“What’s wrong with you, Ahua? say!”

Suddenly A-Gump asked, A-hua’s body felt like it was struck by lightning.

He stood up suddenly. He looked at A-wen with suspicion in his eyes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Internet!) and then left the other courtyard immediately. After a good meal, I hadn’t even eaten a few bites.

The four people had turned into two people.

As it progressed, Awen, the youngest here, seemed to see the problem.

He cautiously stood up

“If we continue this matter, there may be big problems.”

“I bet! The call just now was either from the city hall or Qin Feng”

“I won’t be involved in this matter anymore”

“I’m already old, and I don’t want to go in and squat.”

After that, Awen left the courtyard without looking back.

In the boiling pot, white heat was still coming out. But this heat was soon covered by the desolation in the yard. Originally

, the heat was covered by the desolation in the yard.

It was a matter that four people discussed together, and the four people shared the responsibility.

But now, it became the responsibility of himself alone.

A-Gump was not an idiot. He quickly took out the phone and contacted his people and asked them to withdraw.


“What, people withdrew?”

“real or fake?”

“Okay, okay, great.”

After hanging up the phone, the leader laughed.

“This Qin Feng really has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.”

“Look at how calm he is. In just a short time, he has settled all four old youtiaos.”

“If you do this, you are called a beautiful person”

“I really didn’t expect that this young man had such great ability?”

“It’s a pity that this guy doesn’t study tactics.”

The more the leader talked, the happier he became.

After all, during his tenure, these four old fried dough sticks also caused him a lot of trouble.

Now seeing Qin Feng, he can easily resolve the crisis created by the four old fried dough sticks.

Let people start from I felt comfortable in my heart.

In the club.

I hung up the congratulatory call from the mayor.

I opened my mouth to accept the grapes fed by Reba.

“elder brother”

“This move of yours is so powerful, it starts to disintegrate them directly from within.”

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head.

“Thanks to them for giving me a chance. If they are really monolithic, there is nothing I can do about it.”

“The only reason is that they are too greedy for money. Even if they have formed an alliance, they still have to extract money from each other.”

“Based on this greed, their loss this time was not unfair.”

Reba smiled and nodded, then asked

“With your shock this time, I believe the four of them will never dare to mess around again.”

Qin Feng looked at the information on the table.

“Not enough shock”

“When hitting a snake, you must hit it within seven inches. You must not let them breathe.”

“I have sent this information to all the major internet celebrity bloggers”

“After 12 o’clock tonight, it will be made public on the entire network.”

“Next, let the four of them continue to fight among themselves. As long as they cause trouble, the security side will have a chance to arrest people.”

Faced with Qin Feng’s efforts to eradicate the roots, Reba didn’t think anything of it.

Because Reba and Qin Feng had suffered the deception and abduction of Sanya Travel together. She especially hated Reba, the mastermind behind these things.

After hearing Qin Feng’s arrangement , , Reba also let out a bad breath in her heart.

Sure enough, it was just after 12 o’clock that night.

The hot search list had not had time to refresh.

The blockbuster video was released directly.

Even on the scarf, many bloggers broke the news I also got the exact evidence and pictures.

Sanya’s cultural tourism industry is illegal, and the mastermind behind the scenes is exposed. It’s disrespectful! There are four old thieves hiding in Heishui Village.

Shocking! The source of Sanya’s cultural tourism problems actually comes from a few pieces of news here. As soon as it was announced, it immediately caused widespread shock on the entire Internet.

Netizens participated in the discussion and expressed their opinions on the matter.

——【Good guy, I call you good guy, it turns out that these four old gangsters are causing trouble to Sanya.】

——【How disgusting! They are in a cooperative relationship, but they actually attack one of their own. It’s so despicable.】

——【It turns out that the shortcomings of Sanya Cultural Tourism have always appeared in people like them.】

——【Shoot! Shoot him immediately and do it repeatedly!】

——【I feel dissatisfied after repeated executions. These people should be skinned and cramped, stuffed with straw and hung on the highway in Sanya.】

——【Brother, please stop talking. I just got off the night shift and I’m a little scared. 】

For a while.

Netizens were excited.

They all said they wanted to do justice for heaven, and some even wanted to go to Sanya to kill these four old thieves in person.

And at this time.

Another piece of news has surfaced in the hot search rankings.

Invited by Nanhai Province, Qin Feng is about to rectify the chaos in Sanya’s cultural tourism industry. The next morning.

This piece of news has already reached the top of the hot search list.

There have been more than 100 million discussions on the entire network, and the number of comments has reached 37 million.

The most liked comment said:

——【When Qin Feng comes, there will be blue sky!】

——【When Qin Feng comes, Sanya will be at peace.……】

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