For several days.

Qin Feng’s name has never been off the hot search list.

Create a food-for-day project.

The leaders of the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine strongly praised it.

Three eastern provinces, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.

Even leaders from Zicheng City, Bingcheng, and the General Administration of Sports expressed their support.

And in this.

CCTV also conducted a program called

《Qin Feng of the Era, Qin Feng of the Era~” special report!

“Food safety is being taken more and more seriously today”

“Qin Feng starts from the bottom, goes deep into every detail, and explores every process”

“Delivering fresh meals to customers has revitalized the chef industry”

“For this reason, the president of the Imperial Chinese Restaurant Association came to Shanghai to have in-depth discussions with Qin Feng!”

“The president of the Chinese Restaurant Association said that Qin Feng is an upright person, a noble person, and a person who has escaped from vulgar taste!”

“Today, when diversified catering continues to occupy the market, Qin Feng is willing to invest time and experience to make Chinese food valued again!”

“This move moved countless Chinese foodies!”

“Our association is also willing to have in-depth cooperation with Qin Feng and strive to create a new era of Chinese food as soon as possible!”

Watching the interview on TV, Qin Feng lay on Reba’s white and tender thighs

“Listen, why don’t you say that he is the president?”

“This is so well said, and the small words are definitely of high quality!”

“Hey, my blood boils with excitement as I talk about it, and I can’t wait to contribute to the Chinese food business as soon as possible!”

Reba smiled and kissed the wind

“Aren’t you just doing your part for Chinese food now? And he did a great job”

“Tell me, how do you think you can associate the statue with the famous chef?”

“You don’t know yet, right?”

“I heard from friends that these famous chefs at state banquets in the imperial capital almost took out the ancestral recipes from the bottom of their boxes.”

“Just to grab a spot for a statue”

“There are many master chefs here in Shanghai! I immediately published my recipe online in a hurry, hoping that the school could contact them.”

“With your promotion like this, Chinese food will probably become more and more popular.”

Qin Feng smiled noncommittally.

“Who doesn’t want to be famous for a hundred generations? Even if it doesn’t last a hundred generations, one life is still good!”

“In a niche circle, those who have reached the top all hope that they can break out of the circle!”

“My plan is nothing more than to give them a chance to break out of the circle and give them a bigger stage!”

“Faced with this possibility, regardless of the probability, who can refuse?”


Faced with Qin Feng’s combination of punches.

Food processors who make prepared dishes are already suffering from gastroenteritis.

It seems that every action has nothing to do with the prepared dishes.

But behind every move, there is a chain reaction, which happens to be on the main artery of prepared dishes.

These processors are almost out of their minds.

But I just can’t figure it out!

Why can Qin Feng guess their every step of the plan like a prophet?

Even before the plan has started!

Qin Feng has already found a response plan?

Could it be said that there are really people in this world who can pinch and calculate?

As a Jewish capitalist.

Adam also had a headache at the moment.

In the past business competition.

None of the businessmen Adam faced was like Qin Feng.

There are ideas, abilities, and a steady stream of funds.

Even at the top level, there are many people cheering for him.

Adam finally understood at this moment that it seemed that he had underestimated Qin Feng at first.

But as an established international capital businessman.

The current situation, although not ideal.

But Adam doesn’t think Qin Feng will be the final winner.

What supports this belief is what he said before.

Business games are money games.

Whoever has more liquidity will have the last laugh.

In the face of people’s inquiries.

Adam reassured them.

Then he said that he would come to Magic City in the next few days

“I decided to talk to this guy named Qin Feng”

“We also fought for two or three rounds. It was time to meet each other.”

“Delaying it for too long is not conducive to laying out the prepared dishes.”

“If this conversation fails, Qin Feng has no intention of giving in!”

“I will directly choose the method of capital hedging, so that everything Qin Feng has will be wiped out.”

Hearing Adam’s answer, these domestic food developers immediately showed cruel smiles. The reason why Jewish capital merchants are able to sweep the world is because their ancestors accumulated a large amount of capital.

Relying on these With abundant funds, they are sweeping the international capital market crazily.

They use money to make money.

The speed is so fast that it is unimaginable!

Although Adam is an agent, he is also a part of Jewish capital.

As long as Jewish capital takes action, Qin The little money that Feng has is simply not enough to watch.

“Gentlemen, work hard to produce.”

“The victory of prepared dishes has become a foregone conclusion”

“As for Qin Feng, he is no longer a problem”

“I will tell him in the most direct way that if he does not quit, his end will come!”


Qin Feng, who was eating fruit, suddenly sneezed

“Damn, it feels like someone is talking about me behind my back?”

Reba looked at him with a smile.

“So who do you think is most likely to talk about you behind your back?”

“It should be the Jewish guy, right?”

“Apart from him, I really can’t think of anyone who can pay attention to me all the time.”

While speaking,

Qin Feng stood up directly and held Reba in his arms. He took a deep breath and enjoyed Reba’s body fragrance.

“If nothing else, I will meet this Jew soon.”

“In the science of planning, if you want to defeat the opponent’s already prepared layout, you must start from three aspects.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“First, we must shatter its reputation, secondly, break its chain, and finally, shatter its frame.”

“Of these three steps, I have already completed two of them”

“The next step is to wait until the other party can’t sit still!”

“Maybe he doesn’t know yet!”

“I have spread a big net and am waiting for him to come”


5 days later.

Adam walked out of Shanghai Airport.

Sit in the car and ask the driver

“Have you contacted Qin Feng?”

“Yes, the husband has been contacted, and they made an appointment to meet at the Genting Hotel in the Magic City.”

Hearing that the matter had been dealt with, Adam smiled confidently.

“Okay, let’s go to Genting Hotel now.”

An hour and a half later.

Genting Hotel, in the conference room on the 10th floor.

Qin Feng finally saw this, a Jewish investor in his 40s.

He was not tall and had a treacherous look.

This was Qin Feng’s first impression of Adam..

And when Adam saw Qin Feng, he frowned.

Because he found that Qin Feng was younger than the image data.

Such a strong opponent was only in his 20s?

Adam felt danger inexplicably.

If Qin Feng is allowed to continue to develop like this, it may really shake the foundation of the world’s capital market. This will then affect various plans belonging to their Jews.

After the two parties sat down, Reba closed the door sensibly and stood at the door. Outside.

She understands that the next conversation is definitely not something she can listen to.

Since the big boss behind the other party has now stepped forward, the rest is up to Qin Feng.

In the conference room, Ya is still there He looked Qin Feng up and down.

Qin Feng smiled.

“Mr. Adam, I’m not interested in men.”

Adam’s face turned cold.

“So, are you interested in pre-made dishes?”

“To be honest, I admire Mr. Qin’s planning ability”

“The development of this business competition to this day is closely related to Mr. Qin”

“But Mr. Qin, you seem to have forgotten something”

“In business competition, all skills are meaningless without strong strength.”

When Adam said something, the person next to him would translate.

When the translation was finished, Adam suddenly took out a document from his backpack and threw it on the table.

“All we need is your signature and we can become a new partner!”

“There is no need for you to come forward, and it will not affect your future prospects!”

“All we need is that you provide relevant planning plans so that the pre-made dishes can be spread across the entire Dragon Kingdom market.”

“In this plan, I can give you 15% of the net profit”

“Trust me, Mr. Qin! You have no better choice than now!”

I, Qin Feng, scratched his head

“After working on it for a long time, you came here to discuss cooperation with me.”

“I thought you would threaten me first, and then use some connections to scare me.”

“Have you forgotten that I am against pre-made meals?”

“Now bring out a document and talk to me about cooperation.”

“Are you OK?”

The translator gave a complete description of Qin Feng’s words to Adam.

Looking at Qin Feng’s confident look, Adam suddenly smiled

“Mr. Qin, I’m afraid you still don’t understand what I mean.”

“If this business competition continues, I will personally end it”

“Together with Haite International Food Company behind me, I will also personally inject funds.”

“Believe me, the size of this hedging! It’s definitely not something you can resist, nor can the person behind you!”

“I just appreciate your ability and hope we can become partners”

“If you insist, continue this business competition! I will shake Mr. Qin’s foundation in the country”

“It’s not difficult for me, it just depends on whether I want to”

“If Mr. Qin wishes, then I will do what you wish.”

As Adam said, he stood up and walked towards the door.

Looking at Adam who was about to leave, Qin Feng also took out a document from his bag and threw it directly on the conference table.

“It seems that you don’t have any cards anymore, so why not take a look at mine? Adam glanced at the documents on the table.

After seeing a line diagram, he instantly felt a chill running down his spine.

He stopped walking, then turned around and came to the conference table.

After spreading the documents on the table, The more Adam looked at it, the colder his heart became.

His eyes were full of fear and his lips were trembling.

“You…you…what do you mean?”

Qin Feng said with a smile!

“Very simple!”

“Stop your plans to bring prepared food to campus now and withdraw your investment in the Dragon Country prepared food industry!”

“If you do these two things well, everyone will be able to stay within the river!”

As he said this, Qin Feng pointed to the documents on the table.

“If you can’t reach an agreement, just wait to die…7”.

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