It’s been less than two months since I came to Magic City.

Qin Feng not only made traditional Chinese medicine popular.

It also ignited the retail and catering industries.

And this thing.

Originally, it was just because He Dayong publicly slandered Qin Feng on TV.

It was just a normal counterattack that Qin Feng made after getting angry.

Professors from many business schools, after studying the entire process of this case, expressed fear

“This young man Qin Feng is so awesome! With just a move of your hand, you can stir up the economic and industrial chain of a region.”

“Moreover, his knowledge base and creative starting point are completely different from those of us academics!”

“However, during the implementation process, it was carried out steadily and every step of the process was optimized!”

“Is this too weird? ? In my impression, only very experienced planning professionals can have such overall control!”

“However, Qin Feng is only in his 20s. How did he accumulate so much experience?”

“It can be said that the marathon in Bingcheng was caused by Qin Feng’s mistake.”

“To create a trip to the Snow Country, it can also be said that Qin Feng just integrated resources.”

“Even Zicheng’s barbecue and national dungeon plans can be explained by the use of political connections and people’s support!”

“but!! Qin Feng built a film and television city, and he can also write scripts. Even CCTV created a special program for him”

“Now that I’ve come to Shanghai, I’m starting to work on business planning cases again! And it was so successful and beautiful!”

“I really can’t imagine how capable this Qin Feng is.”

“Let him grow up for another three to five years!”

“I am afraid that even those foreign capitals will tremble in front of him.”

“A young man with money, ideas, and ability”

“Enough to change the pattern of this world”

“It’s just that I’ve been wondering! Since the incident in the Magic City started because of He Dayong,”

“Why did Qin Feng never attack him again?”

The business school professor’s question was conveyed to Qin Feng by the people in charge of the old domestic brands.

When meeting with these people for dinner in Shanghai, the outspoken Reba answered everyone’s doubts.

“If my brother wants to deal with He Dayong, it will not be easy!”

“It’s just that I don’t know who He Dayong is looking for! Someone called my brother and begged for mercy!”

“My brother just decided not to pursue it anymore!”

Qin Feng looked at Reba with some reproach, but his eyes were full of love.

The person in charge of domestic products on the side immediately asked

“Xiao Qin, is this true?”

“Ouch, He Dayong really took advantage of this.”

“At that time, I said that He Dayong would suffer because he thought that since his family had been in business for three generations and had taken root in Shanghai, he could do whatever he wanted.”

“Xiao Qin should teach him a lesson and let him know what it means that there are mountains beyond the mountains and there is a sky beyond the sky.”

Qin Feng smiled awkwardly.

“Forget it, you have to be merciful and merciful”

“I don’t know who he called, but in the end it was the governor of Longjiang Province who called me.”

“The governor didn’t order me, he just asked me, can I leave a glimmer of hope for He Dayong?”

Having said this, Qin Feng drank half of the red wine in the cup, and then sighed.

“Happy milk tea has been around for nearly 70 years this year”

“It is not easy to be able to work in a small sugar water beach from Grandpa He Dayong’s generation to today.”

“I wouldn’t be able to bear it if I were to uproot such a good brand.”

“Fortunately, He Dayong became honest later and never dared to come out to cause trouble again.”

“So I also saved face for him and let Chunfengtang join in only a few places around the magic city.”

“There is a person who has been here for 10 or 8 years, and it is enough to give him a chance to recuperate and recuperate.”

After hearing this, everyone applauded and nodded in praise.

“Xiao Qin, you really opened the eyes of us old guys.”

“Know how to measure, know how to advance and retreat”

“What’s even more rare is that on this basis, you still have the strength and ability to”

“I don’t think it will take long before the world will change because of you!”

“When you and Reba get married, you must invite us old guys”

“Being able to appear at your wedding makes us feel so proud.”

Reba was too shy to raise her head, but she still rubbed Qin Feng with her head.

After finishing a simple meal,

Qin Feng and Reba were walking on the streets of Shanghai to eat.

Suddenly Qin Feng asked Reba

“In your opinion, when is the best time to get married?”

This question came very suddenly, and it was a direct attack.

Reba was caught off guard.


Looking at her demo, Qin Feng burst into laughter

“What are you nervous about? Don’t you want to get married?”


Reba thought about it carefully.

Her whole body is already Qin Feng’s.

She has entrusted her body and soul to each other.

And after such a long time together.

To say whether Qin Feng is lustful or not, Reba Ba may not be sure.

But the words”Wandering around and around” really have nothing to do with Qin Feng.

So in terms of character, Reba completely believes in Qin Feng.

After thinking about it, Reba suddenly said seriously

“In fact, this matter does not depend on me, but on you”

“Anyway, I’m yours now, and I do everything as you wish.”

“If you think the time is right, I have no problem with that”

“As long as I can be by your side, I’m happy.”

Qin Feng understood.

Reba was just worried that once she got married, it might block her progress and struggle.

Let herself indulge in the warm and romantic family life all day long.

She hugged Reba’s shoulder a little harder

“You are quite calm. Aren’t you afraid that one day I will bring you another girl?”

Unexpectedly, Reba’s answer shocked Qin Feng.

“Then just take it back, what’s the point?”

“From the first day I met you, I never thought about taking you as my own.”

“You are shining brighter and brighter every day. It is normal to attract the attention of better girls.”

“But as long as I’m still here, wouldn’t it be nice to have a place in your heart?”

Qin Feng was stunned.

Damn it!

After contacting Reba, Qin Feng quickly discovered that some of Reba’s ideas were those of a more traditional girl. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For example, the photo Husbands teach children, such as providing emotional value to their men.

It’s just that Qin Feng never dreamed that Reba’s tradition is a bit too much!!!

The words just now.

It sounds a bit like a wife of a member of the Communist Party of China, who is studying how to give The matter of the foreigner’s concubine!

Along the way, the two of them talked a lot.

They talked and laughed when they returned home.

Reba said with a smile

“If I have a baby in the future, I will send him to school and pick him up from school every day!”

“Make a lunch box for him and let him eat home food every day!”

Hang up the clothes, Qin Feng said with a smile

“It might be okay to stick to it for a few months, but it takes a lot of effort to do it all the time!”

“Besides, schools now have canteens and food safety is pretty good!”

“Even if you have a baby in the future, you won’t need to deliver meals every day, right?”

Listening to Qin Feng’s words, Reba gave Qin Feng a strange look.

Then she took out her mobile phone and opened a news

“Brother, have you not seen the news?”

“Some time ago, many schools announced that they would cancel canteens and add pre-made dishes!”

“.It was because of this that I thought of making bento boxes!”

“Think about it, there are only so many types of prepared dishes that come and go! There are few varieties, and the taste is not as good as homemade ones!”

However, Qin Feng did not answer Reba’s words this time.

Instead, he looked at the news very seriously about the news that pre-made dishes are about to enter the campus.

For a long time,

Qin Feng handed the phone to Reba.

He said coldly a sentence


“ah? Brother…what’s wrong with me?”

Little Reba looked at Qin Feng aggrievedly, thinking that she had done something wrong.

Qin Feng sighed and shook his head at Reba

“No, I’m not talking about you again!”

“I’m talking about those people who want to promote prepared dishes on campus!”

Reba blinked and looked at Qin Feng in confusion, waiting for him to continue.

“The so-called prepared dishes are those that are washed and cut in a central factory and paired with good dishes!”

“After vacuum or frozen preservation, you can just heat it whenever you want to eat it!”

“The eight-treasure porridge, self-heating spicy soup, and ham sausage we see now are all a type of pre-made dishes!”

As he said this, Qin Feng pointed to Reba’s mobile phone.

“However, the prepared dishes these people want to promote into campuses are semi-finished prepared dishes!”

“They prepare the dishes in advance, then store them and ship them in bulk���Secondary processing in school!”

“This is really a good calculation!”

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Reba brought a cup of tea

“Brother, I know what prepared dishes are! But, isn’t what you just said normal?”

“All pre-made dishes in the world are like this, what’s so shameless about it?”

Qin Feng stretched out three fingers!

“First, reheating semi-finished pre-made dishes will cause nutrients to be lost, so how can we talk about eating healthily?”

“Secondly, in order to store the prepared dishes for a long time, some preservative ingredients should be added! The preservatives that can be used in food on the market will cause a great burden on the liver and kidneys!”

“Finally, and the most crucial point!”

“There is very little waste of raw materials in prepared dishes, because no matter whether the raw materials are good or bad, they have been processed into semi-finished products!”

“While saving costs, it also spreads the risk of food safety to consumers!”

“Isn’t this shameless enough to seize the campus track and crazily pass off inferior products?”

“Not only is it shameless, it is simply shameless!”

Seeing that Qin Feng was a little angry, Reba leaned on his chest obediently.

“Brother is so awesome, he knows so much!”

“I thought that the pre-made dishes just tasted bad and everything else was fine!”

Qin Feng sneered.

There are many, many disadvantages of pre-made dishes.

But he couldn’t explain it to Reba for a while.

He took out his mobile phone, just when Qin Feng was about to continue paying attention to the news.

A message came from the mailbox. A pop-up window caught his attention

“Dear Mr. Qin Feng, I am the column operations manager of Maopu!”

“We have a topic about prepared meals coming to campus, would you be interested in participating in…”.

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