It’s like confirming what Qin Feng said.

Huanxi milk tea, 6 new products launched.

Once it came out, it immediately triggered a wave of small-scale purchases!

But as the week goes by.

The negative review rate of these 6 products climbed directly to 30%.

Among every three people, one customer said so.

The quality control of the milk tea I have is very poor!!

Or maybe I forgot to add something.

Either it’s too sweet or there’s no sugar at all.

In short, it is scattered and interspersed, and all kinds of problems are coming!

When someone from the quality control department reported the matter to He Dayong.

He Dayong immediately contacted the store managers of each store and asked the store for an explanation!

I heard that the chairman wants to be held accountable.

The employees of the milk tea shop were unwilling at that time

“If I hadn’t graduated from junior high school, how could I have come to do this kind of job with a monthly salary of less than 2,800?”

“I stand at the counter for 10 hours a day, and I can only sit and take a break during the half-hour meal break at noon!”

“If I can deliver the milk tea to the customer completely, I have given you a lot of face.”

“The monthly salary is less than 3,000 yuan, you want me to sell my life to you?”

“Besides, do you know how complicated your new milk teas are?”

“There are five or six kinds of toppings added to a cup of milk tea. I think you are deliberately making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger.”447″”

As he said that, the employee took off his apron and threw it directly on the ground.

“Don’t you want to be held accountable? No need to ask!”

“Go to hell, I quit!”

He Dayong almost vomited blood after learning this result.

In any case, he didn’t expect it.

Why, after he made the right decision, did it trigger so many wrong chain reactions?

And now, if he wants to save it, , and for a while, he couldn’t find a better way.

Sitting in the office, He Dayong scratched his hair anxiously.

“Qin Feng, you are the one who kills with a thousand swords!!”

“Don’t take your travels and barbecues seriously! Tell me, what kind of sour plum soup do you want to make when you come to Magic City? What trouble are you causing for me?”

He Dayong at this moment has completely forgotten.

Not long ago.

In his eyes, Qin Feng was still a young boy who didn’t understand anything and could be manipulated at will.


It is different from He Dayong’s current embarrassment.

The momentum of traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup is getting better and better day by day.

With the opening of online live shopping channels.

The small yellow cart of Chunfengtang Chinese Medicine Shop is cleaned every day.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Feng also found suppliers that provide raw materials for traditional Chinese medicine.

Because I need a lot of raw materials.

Therefore, Qin Feng appropriately lowered the price.

After controlling costs, Qin Feng did not keep the price of sour plum soup unchanged.

Instead, the price of sour plum soup has been lowered a bit.

“In order to promote traditional culture, my raw material suppliers are very sensible and have lowered their supply prices.”

“If I didn’t talk about this, I could earn an extra profit of about 9 million yuan every month just by making a single product of Chinese medicine sour plum soup.”

“But I can’t do this”

“I can’t use everyone’s trust in me to make everyone’s money”

“Although in business, pursuing the best interests is determined by our ancestors”

“But today, I, Qin Feng, have to make a decision that goes against my ancestors.”

As he said that, Qin Feng picked up the sour plum soup in his hand.

“In the past, 10 bags of sour plum soup cost 15 yuan, but today in our live broadcast room, 10 bags are available for 9.9 yuan, and all shipping is free.”

“The guys from Longguo Post are in our live broadcast room and have already led their colleagues to start packing.”

“Action is worse than excitement”

“We raise the quality and lower the price”

“Quantities are limited, so don’t worry if you’re slow.”

For 9 yuan, you can buy 10 bags of sour plum soup.

This is a huge good news for the frugal homeboys and homegirls on the Internet!! It didn’t take long.

In the Chunfengtang live broadcast room, the number of people online directly increased It exceeded 4 million.

The speed of placing orders for sour plum soup has far exceeded the hand speed of the staff. It even caused the live broadcast room to freeze and black screen several times.

Even the employees responsible for the maintenance of the live broadcast room on the live broadcast platform sighed with emotion

“This Qin Feng must be on top of some snow mountain! I found the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum and swallowed it whole!”

“He’s only in his fucking 20s, and he’s already about to become a sperm.”

“Now, I envy Reba from the bottom of my heart”

“Someone ask around later to see if Qin Feng likes men. Don’t be too stuck on gender.”

“I can also play, play and sing, and I can even make Qin Feng reach his stomach in one step!”


After the traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup became completely popular.

Qin Feng did not stop his business pace.

Originally, I just wanted to teach He Dayong a lesson.

But he didn’t expect that he had never fought against the opponent before.

He Dayong was already knocked down quickly.

In the past two days, the return rate of Huanxi milk tea has increased crazily.

Qin Feng found out after inquiring from people familiar with the matter.

He Dayong put all his cash flow into some traditional investment projects.

Faced with these large amounts of refunds, he even had to go to the bank for a loan to compensate his customers.

Thanks to the brand Huanxi Milk Tea, it is still worth the money.

After appeasing the customer with a high amount of compensation.

(To read more novels:: https:///////

Only then did we reluctantly save the signature of Huanxi Milk Tea!

And He Dayong himself did not dare to mention anything about Qin Feng.

Even when I heard the word Qin Feng.

You will feel numb all over your body and feel uncomfortable all over.

Faced with this situation, Qin Feng just smiled.

Originally I just wanted to play it, but I didn’t expect to create a hit.

Since, the siphon effect has now been formed.

Just do it yourself and make it bigger.

Anyway, I didn’t make any dirty money, so I can definitely live with it in my conscience.

Under Qin Feng’s plan.

A week later. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chunfengtang has launched its second new single product, mulberry, wolfberry and black rice cakes.

Black soft glutinous cookies.

It can be eaten as a snack or as a meal replacement.

And Qin Feng was specifically included in the slogan.

Mulberry, wolfberry, and black rice are introduced in more detail.

“In Chinese medicine, black represents water! It can benefit the kidneys and nourish yin and yang!”

“When three blacks are added together, the nourishing effect is doubled.”

“When making this black rice cake, we did not add any sugar”

“So everyone, don’t worry about consuming too much sugar, feel free to buy and taste it!”

——【Qin Feng, you said this mulberry, wolfberry and black rice cake can nourish yin and yang. What is the specific effect?】

——【That’s right, let’s talk about the aspects of nourishing yang in detail.】

——【Let me make it clear that I am asking this question for my friend. I am very masculine myself.】

——【The brothers upstairs don’t need to explain more, because all of us are asking for our friends.】

——【To be honest, is the friend you talk about yourself? 】

I saw the questions raised by netizens in the barrage.

Qin Feng smiled………

“How powerful is the effect of nourishing yin and replenishing yang? I can’t express it clearly to everyone during the live broadcast”

“Because after describing it, we will probably be blocked, but I can give you a simple metaphor!”

“Our mulberry, wolfberry and black rice cake”

“After the boy finished eating, the girl held on to the wall”

“After the girl finished eating, the boy lay down”

“Teenagers and girls eat at the same time, not to mention how good they feel the next morning”

“The more you eat, the more powerful you will be.”

Before Qin Feng finished speaking, the assistant on the side poked his head out.

“Boss boss!! All are sold out, and now there is no order left of our 1 million items!!!”

Qin Feng was stunned when he heard this.

Damn it.

How long did it take him to say this? Not even a minute.

How come 1 million pieces of goods were suddenly sold out?

——【Cough cough cough! It doesn’t matter whether I support the wall or not, the main thing is that I like to eat black things!】

——【I’m different. I like to be vegetarian, so this thing is just right for me.】

——【Sorry, I clicked on the wrong one because I have children at home. It’s too troublesome to refund, so I won’t refund it.】

——【Damn, my phone may have been infected with a virus. I just placed an order for no reason.】

——【I can come out and prove that what the guy above said is right! Because my phone was also infected with the same virus. 】

With the traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup as the base.

The sales of mulberry, wolfberry and black rice cakes are far ahead.

Soon, it ranked first in the snack category on the entire network.

What Qin Feng didn’t expect was.

After I became popular with herbal food.

The first people to find themselves are not the customers who buy medicinal meals.

But it is Longguo’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute.

As the largest traditional Chinese medicine research institution in China.

The old Chinese doctors in the hospital were once again angered by Qin Feng when they saw the medicated foods in Chinese medicine.

There is an indescribable joy in my heart!!

They are all old.

And I have been studying it in the field of traditional Chinese medicine for so many years.

There is no way to distract yourself from studying marketing and sales matters.

With the widespread dissemination and promotion of Western medicine.

Many people began to distrust traditional Chinese medicine and even slandered everything about 1.7 traditional Chinese medicine.

But because of Qin Feng’s behavior.

Traditional Chinese medicine has once again come to the public and has become something that is sought after by everyone.

“Thank you Mr. Qin Feng for everything you have done for promoting traditional Chinese medicine.”

“At the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we have preserved many secret recipes of Chinese medicine passed down from ancient times!”

“Among them, there are many unique secrets in medicinal diet!”

“We hope to have a very in-depth cooperation with Mr. Qin Feng”

“The valuable wealth summarized by our ancestors can be made concrete in front of the people by using today’s technology and means.”

“Let every friend who loves Chinese medicine and believes in Chinese medicine be able to feel the magic of Chinese medicine.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Qin Feng”

“All secret recipes are provided by us for free! And we will also send people to the magic city to conduct on-site teaching”

“Please forgive our excitement at this moment, and please forgive our shabby way of cooperation.”

“But your behavior of promoting traditional Chinese medicine and the positive impact it brings”

“Everyone at the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine will keep it in mind and be deeply grateful.”

After learning the news,

Qin Feng shouted to the experts from the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine from a distance

“Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!”

“Develop together and make great progress”

“Be bigger and stronger and create greater glory……”

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