1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 98 Mathematical Tools

As an established semiconductor company, Texas Instruments is in the Year of the Tiger and Wolf at this time. In addition to having several of its own flagship products, it also provides external design, foundry and other services. It has taken advantage of the shrinking semiconductor market in Japan to expand aggressively and continues to build wafer factories in various places.

For example, next year, Zhang Rujing, known as a master of factory construction, will build a new wafer fab in Singapore. This big boss has invested all his savings and energy after retirement in the domestic semiconductor industry, using his practical actions and passion to win the market. He has gained the reputation of Domestic Semiconductor Godfather.

But no matter how good his reputation is, it can't change his grievance of being jointly targeted by Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and the island government and being expelled from SMIC - of course, being expelled from the so-called island citizenship is not called a grievance, but an honor.

Texas Instruments has money now and has been doing business with us, and the relationship is very good. The most important thing is that their business does not conflict with ours.

Su Yuanshan pulled up a bench and said while rubbing his eyes: Although they are a comprehensive semiconductor company, the processor uses DSP (digital signal processing). Hanxin back then was actually a DPS processor, and Not a comprehensive CPU.) direction. If they can get involved in the CPU field by cooperating with us, I think they will be very happy.

Carly nodded: Yes. But how to negotiate the price?

This time, Xinghai can sell a total of 25% of its shares. The specific valuation is your business. I just sign. Su Yuanshan rubbed his face, stood up and said, I'll wash my face first, wait. Let’s talk while eating.”

He is a real layman when it comes to capital operations. It’s better to leave things like valuation to professionals like Carly and Qin Si.

So while eating, he kept chatting with Xi Xiaoding and Chen Haoming about technical issues.

Here, Xi Xiaoding is ready to hand over all technical operations to Chen Haoming, while he concentrates on writing algorithm textbooks. When he returns to China, he will directly build a high-standard laboratory, or... research institute.

Xi Xiaoding looked at Su Yuanshan, hesitated and said: After I go back, I want to develop a set of mathematical tools while teaching graduate students.

What math tool? Software?

Well, have you heard of MATLAB?

Su Yuanshan was startled and looked at Xi Xiaoding in surprise.

Xi Xiaoding smiled sheepishly: I thought about it, and if we do it, there is actually a market in China. At least it can be used by colleges and universities.

Su Yuanshan took a deep breath: Go! I support you - this thing involves a lot of mathematical applications, can you handle it?

If I take the lead, there should be no problem. Although I am not a mathematics major, I still have the foundation. And as long as it is software, it is a matter of realizing the requirements. When the time comes, I will cooperate with several domestic mathematics institutes and it will be solved. It's just that The commercial value may not be as great as imagined.”

Not everything must be done with commercial value in mind, senior brother. Su Yuanshan tilted his head and looked at Xi Xiaoding with a smile on his lips: Don't say this is a project to fill a gap in the country.

Su Yuanshan clearly remembers that among the three major mathematics software, MATLAB, the most widely used, is also one of the big sticks in the West. If you say it won't be given to you, it will be withheld.

Xi Xiaoding is interested in developing mathematical software in a purely academic spirit. Su Yuanshan will support him no matter what, and he will support it strongly.

As for the market... As long as Xi Xiaoding insists on taking the MATLAB route, there will definitely be a market! Whether it is in universities or in the military industry, it will be used. It can even be said that everyone who engages in mathematics, algorithms, and artificial intelligence will use it - the future will be an era of big data and deep learning.

Xi Xiaoding smiled and nodded, not continuing the topic.

Chen Haoming looked at the two of them here, and he also smiled slightly. He probably understood why his proud senior brother who had no friends would stay in Yuanxin with all his heart, and even cried and shouted that he wanted to return to China.

With such a boss who supports him unconditionally, he would have to give in to anyone else...

After dinner, everyone returned to the company together.

Asset appraisal is a rigorous, tedious and even boring job, but it is also full of wisdom and intrigue. Of course, Su Yuanshan is not willing to join in. After contacting Texas Instruments executives through Shengguang Peak, Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding purchased tickets for the next day and went directly to Texas.

Su Yuanshan had never been to Texas in his previous life. He only knew that the people of Texas were tough and cowboys were everywhere. In later generations, there was a spectacle of a group of people taking to the streets carrying rifles.

Therefore, Su Yuanshan is still quite afraid of Dezhou.

But when he got out of the Dallas Airport, he found that the place was far more peaceful than he had imagined, and he didn't see cowboys everywhere.

Su Yuanshan looked around and was very confused: No cowboys?

They are all in the town. Shengguangfeng, who came to receive the two of them, said with a smile while driving: There is a cowboy town, do you want to go there?

Su Yuanshan smiled: Forget it, I'm a little scared. It is said that everyone here carries a gun, and there are shootings from time to time.

Haha! It seems that your understanding of Texas is still in the last century. But it is true that the rednecks here generally have bad tempers. Those farm owners can get drunk after just two ounces of wine.

Listening to Shengguangfeng's introduction to the local customs and customs, the car soon drove into the Texas Instruments headquarters on the outskirts of Dallas.

Because this was a non-public business visit, Texas Instruments did not mobilize any force, and Shengguangfeng directly brought the two of them into the president's office.

In the west at this time, Texas Instruments was nicknamed the Chinese Base Camp. Not only did it employ a large number of Chinese, but it also produced several Chinese bosses who influenced the pattern of the semiconductor industry - such as Zhang Zhongmou, who founded Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Zhang Rujing, known as a master of factory construction, and Su Zifeng, who later turned the tide for AMD and made AMD truly YES, also had their first jobs provided by TI.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Wonder Boy. Vincenti, the president of Texas Instruments who was about fifty, stood up from his chair and strode towards Su Yuanshan.

Although he did not greet Su Yuanshan, since he received the news that Su Yuanshan had got off the plane, he put down all visits and concentrated on waiting for Su Yuanshan to arrive.

Nice to meet you too, Mr. Vincenti. Su Yuanshan dressed up to be more mature today, but in front of this CEO who was older than his father, he was still young.

As soon as this nickname was called out, the distance between them was invisibly shortened.

Vincenti sat on the sofa, crossed his hands, and looked at Su Yuanshan interestingly.

Although he called Su Yuanshan Wonderful Boy, he never really regarded this guy who dared to acquire Cyrix at this time as a boy.

Your Excellency said that we would come here to discuss cooperation. What kind of cooperation is it?

Su Yuanshan smiled and slowly explained his intention to sponsor in English in a fresh and refined way.

“We need the power of Texas Instruments, so we enthusiastically hope that Texas Instruments can participate in the development of Xinghai.”

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