1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 92 Starting from MMX

Feedback from Silicon Valley Xinghai came quickly.

According to Su Yuanshan's judgment, Klaus, one of the founders, was in a state of distress after Carly and Xi Xiaoding came into contact with Cyrix. Although the just-launched CX486DLC series low-end CPU allows Intel 386 users to upgrade in place and enjoy the speed of 486, in the end it is still based on the 386 and has no floating point operations. It can only be completed by plugging in an external 80387DX floating-point computing chip. Therefore, even if it is cheap, the market prospect is still unknown. At least it has not received a large number of orders from the local market - don't forget that there is also a copycat big brother AMD. It's in front.

Historically, Cyrix had to wait until 1995 to truly successfully break into the low-end market and become well-known, with the advent of 6X86 and MII. Once it became famous, Cyrix was sold to National Semiconductor without hesitation.

So when Carly tentatively proposed the acquisition, Klaus did not express any clear objection. He was just surprised because it went against common sense - when things go wrong, there must be monsters. This sentence is standard everywhere. So Klaus said he needed to think carefully with his team.

Since the acquisition plan has been advanced, Yang Yiwen, who originally planned to stay in China for a month, had to end her vacation early and return to Xinghai to preside over legal and patent transfer matters. At the same time, the investment department that Qin Si is responsible for will also become independent and become an independent subsidiary of Offshore Xinghai. In the future, its main business will be angel investment and patent management.

Another reason for going independent is that Chen Haoming has graduated with a doctorate and will officially join Xinghai soon and become Xi Xiaoding's successor. For ordinary office romances, Yuanxin's rules are very loose, as long as they are not superiors or subordinates in the same department. Can. As for senior executives, they are separated in terms of organizational structure.

After all, Yuanxin is a high-tech enterprise and cannot be as nervous as a business-oriented enterprise.

After seeing off Tang Wenjie and Yang Yiwen, Su Yuanshan went to the construction site again when he returned, and found that he was indeed the construction supervisor sent by the Ni people. He had been working on it for a month, and the foundation of the dust-free workshop was still being laid. But Su Yuanshan is not in a hurry. Over there, Chen Jing has just purchased a batch of motors through Meijie on the island, and is preparing to go to the Xiangjiang side to enter the customs. Chen Jing told Su Yuanshan that if he could not leave the island under normal circumstances, he would probably have to Went by water.

In his previous life, had Su Yuanshan ever done such a cool thing? He can only say that I can rest assured that you will do things...

However, Su Yuanshan knew a lot about similar operations. For example, Wamei, who is now lying on the Black Sea and slowly rusting, will come to China in a few years without telling the truth - everyone thought she would become the casino owner of Ao Island. Miss Pai, I didn’t expect that she would eventually become the first boss of the navy, Miss Liao.

Back in the office, Su Yuanshan opened the document and began to recall the MMX instruction set.

The instruction set is not mysterious, it can even be simply understood as a collection of instructions optimized for certain programs. For example, the MMX instruction set supports multimedia video. Before the MMX instruction set, playing video required a lot of calculations. But with the instruction set, the execution efficiency can be greatly improved.

As a former Intel engineer, Su Yuanshan was first exposed to the MMX instruction set, so he knew that this thing was actually the product of compromise. In order to take care of Win95, which has been released for a year, the MMX instruction set adopts a compatible mode and can be executed without any modification to the operating system.

The result is that not only is it bloated, but it also only supports 2D video and has little improvement in 3D.

So much so that when AMD launched 3DNow! After that, Intel hurriedly launched SSE. Later, with the continuous improvement of SSE and the continuous enhancement of CPU performance, MMX was no longer a problem.

But in this era, it is an out-and-out killer. You know, it was only proposed in 1996.

Su Yuanshan frowned, stared at the monitor and kept turning his pen.

Since there is no Pentium processor design engineering, he cannot simulate and design. He can only write down the instruction format and some functions of the instruction set from memory. Once he takes over Cyirx, he will redesign the core without hesitation. Architect and join MMX.

In fact, Su Yuanshan can now design the new core in advance, but now he is the only one who is good at the X86 architecture. Even if he is from the future and has been a top commercial spy undercover at Intel for three years, he wants to handle the core architecture alone. Idiot's dream.

After thinking for a while, Su Yuanshan picked up the phone and dialed the number of Lin Yonggu's office.

After the call was connected and the greetings were exchanged, Su Yuanshan asked: Mr. Lin, how is the progress on your end?

On the phone, Lin Yonggu's voice could not tell the emotion: It's not bad, we have been making steady progress.

Well, I wish you success first. Su Yuanshan said, paused and smiled: Haha, um... Mr. Lin, when can my people come back?

When Lin Yonggu heard Su Yuanshan's question, he was startled for a moment, and then immediately became anxious: They can't leave now, it's a critical period!

... Su Yuanshan was happy when he heard this: I didn't say I wanted them right away. After all, we are in-depth partners. Even if we want them to come back, we have to say hello to you long in advance, right?

Lin Yonggu breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: I thought your government was putting pressure on them to come back.

Of course he could guess that Su Yuanshan sent a group of people here to learn some experience, and it was impossible to recall them voluntarily unless he was under some pressure.

To be fair, UMC looked down upon the people coming from Yuanxin at first, but as the running-in period passed and the project continued to advance, UMC discovered that the people sent by Yuanxin were really not rookies. He is really capable - at least he is smart.

Therefore, the tasks of the dozen or so people from Yuanxin in the team have become more and more important. They have now been fully integrated into the team. If they really want to leave, the project will be stopped immediately.

Haha, the YX chip my dad showed to the island last time was the one I told you about before. The architecture is our purely independent property. I said last time that if you need it, we can authorize it to you. Su Yuanshan After considering his words, he said softly: I know, you also hope to get on the X86 bandwagon. But now Intel has just launched a lawsuit against AMD and Cyrix - can your CPU bypass the 338 patent?

Lin Yonggu fell silent, and after a while he smiled bitterly and said, No, no one can get around it.

Can you withstand the lawsuit? If you can withstand it, you can consider expanding into the mainland market. If you can't withstand it... Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke: Actually, I personally suggest that you choose to embrace YX Architecture.”

Lin Yonggu was silent again and then smiled: Simulation will be available here soon. As an architect, you have to design a CPU before you can be satisfied.

Su Yuanshan sighed and said softly: I can understand, then I wish you good luck - it means that it won't be long before senior brother and the others can come back, right?

Yes, up to three months.


After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan took a long breath.

Within three months, Huajing's side had just started production, and its own side had almost sorted out its structure.

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