1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 82 The dawdling elite

The newly recruited driver in the logistics department is named Fu Zhenhua. He is 28 years old and a veteran. It is said that he just arrived at the rotation battlefield three years ago, but the rotation ended without firing a single shot. Fu Zhenhua, who had no money to fight, returned home and became the village chief. However, because the eldest son was a daughter, he couldn't bear the gossip around him, so he gave birth to two more daughters within three years...

Now he couldn't even become the village head, so he had to follow Fa Xiao to work in the provincial capital. By chance, he read in the newspaper that Yuanxin was recruiting drivers, so he brought his demobilization certificate and military driver's license to apply, and he successfully became Yuanxin's first full-time driver.

Fu Zhenhua cherishes his job at Yuanxin. He always stays in the company when no one is using the car. He does all the work in the logistics department that weighs more than five kilograms. He also rushes to do things like fetching water and taking out garbage. .

Mr. Su, please sit in the back seat. Seeing Su Yuanshan trying to get into the passenger seat, Fu Zhenhua advised him quickly.

It's okay, this car is not a business car, and the passenger seat in the back is not comfortable. Su Yuanshan adjusted the seat and let Zhou Xiaohui sit in the back row.

Fu Zhenhua couldn't resist Su Yuanshan, so he had to warn: Don't forget the seat belt.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Well, don't worry, Brother Fu, there is no one in the whole company who abides by traffic rules better than me.

Fu Zhenhua also smiled. As soon as he arrived, he inquired about the habits of the bosses of Yuanxin. He knew that Mr. Su in the company hated drag racing and drunk driving, and he must wear a seat belt when riding in a car. He cherished his life very much.

The Mercedes-Benz slowly drove out of the increasingly crowded Ring Road, then headed south out of the city towards Shuangliu.

When they arrived at the Institute of Optics and Mechanics, Zheng Zhenchuan and Li Mingliu, who had received the news early in the morning, had been waiting for a long time. Su Yuanshan jumped out of the car, and when he shook hands with Zheng Zhenchuan, he obviously found that Old Zheng's expression was a little unnatural - it was a complex emotion full of shame and helplessness.

Xiao Su... Zheng Zhenchuan just called him and shook his hand hard.

Haha, Uncle Zheng, let me come and take a look. Su Yuanshan let go of his hand and looked at Li Mingliu. After not seeing him for two and a half months, Li Mingliu felt a lot more depressed - or rather haggard.

Li Mingliu spread his hands, gave a wry smile, and quickly joked with a smile: Are you here to listen to the report or to work in the army?

I'm here to provide support. Uncle Zheng, let's have a meeting first, and you guys can talk about the difficulties. The people from Sony are negotiating with us to see if there's anything we can do to help.

Hearing that he was negotiating with Sony, Zheng Zhenchuan immediately perked up: Which department of Sony does it belong to? How high is its level?

Generally speaking, it is the Home Entertainment Division. There is no semiconductor department, but there is still a level. The team is led by Vice President Ibaraki Ichiro.

Ichiro Ibaraki is the powerful vice president! Zheng Zhenchuan was familiar with the CEOs of major semiconductor companies in Japan and said happily: Come on, let's hold a working group meeting right away.

Zheng Zhenchuan acted very quickly. Su Yuanshan didn't even have time to observe the surrounding buildings before he was taken into the conference room of an office building. After a few phone calls, Qu Hui from Yuanxin, Shen Haoran from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and several engineers from the lithography machine project team rushed to the conference room.

Because it was a technical meeting, Zheng Zhenchuan just asked the leader for instructions. As soon as everyone arrived, he immediately started to preside over the meeting. After briefly introducing Su Yuanshan's purpose, he went directly to the main topic.

Yuanxin Xiaosu always comes to support today, so if you have any needs, please ask. Zheng Zhenchuan has been in a state of excitement since Su Yuanshan said he was cooperating with Sony. At this time, he has completely regarded Su Yuanshan as an Aladdin's magic lamp.

Su Yuanshan smiled helplessly: Don't listen to Mr. Zheng. If you can help, Yuanxin will definitely help. But everyone also knows that in the LT extension agreement (China-Nissan Long-term Trade Agreement) signed by the country and Japan, scientific and technological cooperation The aspect is very vague, not to mention that there is a rope tied around their necks... So if you want to get the most advanced parts, it will be a bit troublesome. And if it is raised during negotiations, it will also be detrimental to Yuanxin.

So it's best for everyone to prepare for slightly lower demand.

In his previous life, Su Yuanshan wasn't very clear, but now he has a general understanding of how to break through the blockade in China - when someone wants to get some parts that cannot be purchased in China, they usually walk across the Xiangjiang River and then enter the country. But this can only get some parts that are not too strictly controlled.

When Su Yuanshan finished speaking, the engineers on the side were all shocked and began to discuss among themselves quickly. Su Yuanshan pulled up the chair and sat next to Qu Hui: Sister Qu Hui, Brother Shen, what's the trouble with your software?

Actually, our PLC side is fine. The main problem lies with Senior Brother Shen and the others.

Shen Haoran is a doctor under Li Gaoliang in the Department of Electrical Engineering and has known Su Yuanshan for a long time. He smiled when he heard this and said: Actually, we are still... okay. After all, the Department of Electrical Engineering has already figured out the CC language. As long as it passes the test, we will immediately Able to arrange embedded systems clearly.

What about you? Su Yuanshan looked at Li Mingliu.

We are very good. We also designed a chip for another project team, and they haven't even mentioned the money yet. Li Mingliu said with a smile.

Su Yuanshan finally understood that this group of elites sent by Qing Qing were here to hang out.

But he could understand it on second thought. In the past, the lithography team of Chengguang Institute basically did manual work. A group of experienced system players from Yuanxin came over to rework the control system. The specifications of many parts here also had to be adjusted and changed accordingly, which is why Li Mingliu and others felt that this place was a mess.

After all, they come from Yuanxin, which operates commercially, and Yuanxin has adopted an efficient and close team collaboration approach from the beginning. It's normal to be dissatisfied with the chaos here at the institute.

Zheng Zhenchuan had already seen the working style of the Yuanxin group and was constantly learning. Seeing Su Yuanshan communicating with several people, he felt more and more embarrassed and looked towards Su Yuanshan frequently.

It's okay, take your time. Su Yuanshan encouraged everyone with a smile, and then looked back at Zheng Zhenchuan: Gong Zheng, Yuanxin will probably build a clean room next year. Are you interested in joining us then?

You mean to continue joint research?

That's right. If the lithography machine wants to reach high-end, it must follow the route of gathering of all nations. So I suggest that you just stick to the alignment system, and then stick to the light source and lens.

Zheng Zhenchuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: It's difficult, Xiao Su, the foundation is too weak.

Su Yuanshan chuckled: Our biggest problem now is that everything is difficult at first glance, but as long as the thinking is clear, we can actually find a main line to invest in. So I strongly recommend that national scientific research institutions, schools and enterprises cooperate. Because the investment of enterprises is very specific, unlike the state, which has to take care of the overall situation.”

Zheng Zhenchuan was silent for a few seconds and then smiled: Your implication is that it is best to cooperate with your Yuanxin - among other companies, I have not seen many who are courageous and capable.

Uh... you're right to say that. Su Yuanshan smiled.

Isn't it just to poach this group of people that he provides money in return for his efforts? You know, the Institute of Optics and Mechanical Engineering is a poor group and can only subsidize Li Mingliu and others with a basic salary of two to three hundred per month. And regarding this, there are still people in the office who have opinions...

If you let a group of engineers starve to do scientific research, and they are so poor that they are reluctant to use the materials, how can you let them pursue others?

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