1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 79 Extremely cunning

Early the next morning, it was Chen Jing's office on the ninth floor of Yuanxin.

Just as Kutaragi Ken drew, there are four people in Toxin here besides the translator, and Chen Jing and Yu Yuru are dressed up very carefully today. Their hair is neatly combed behind their heads, and their black and white suits are tight-fitting. I also put on a little light makeup.

Is it okay if you don't wear a tie?

Su Yuanshan looked at the time on his watch and smiled bitterly at Chen Jing: I always feel that this thing is too tight.

No, look at your senior brother. Chen Jing closed the dressing box with a snap, opened her chest, and the aura of a strong woman came to her face.

Qin Weimin on the side has tied his tie with Yu Yuru's help. He bought his suit a long time ago and this is the first time he wears it today.

Come here. Chen Jing grabbed her tie and raised her finger at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan glanced at his talented senior brother and walked up to Chen Jing with a look of helplessness. The two were still at least two feet away, so Chen Jing grabbed his neck with the tie in both hands and pulled him in front of her.

The heels Chen Jing wore today were so high that she seemed to be able to reach Su Yuanshan's forehead. While she was tying Su Yuanshan's tie quickly, she used a long list of adjectives: You are still young, and you still act like a fool from time to time. If you wear a suit without a tie, you will be like a bad boy on the street. ”

Su Yuanshan closed his mouth tightly, not daring to speak out - now that the two of them were so close, he could even smell Chen Jing's breath when she spoke. And he seemed to have eaten fried dough sticks this morning, and they still tasted good.

Okay. After fastening her tie, Chen Jing took Su Yuanshan's suit and straightened it out, took a few steps back and stared at Su Yuanshan.

Take two steps.

Su Yuanshan shook his head and took two steps casually.

Be nice! We are going to fight!


After hearing this, Su Yuanshan was fine. Qin Weimin and Yu Yuru, who were participating in this kind of formal business negotiation for the first time, became even more nervous. Qin Weimin smiled bitterly and said, Mr. Chen, are you really that serious? You make me want to be a deserter.

Haha, it's not about being serious, it's mainly about showing off your temperament. We want them to know that we are different from the group of IT men in Silicon Valley who sit in their garages typing code. Although we are also a technology-driven company, we are more advanced and professional. concept and vision. Chen Jing moved her neck and made a bunch of noises: Although Sony is a multinational company, they are too old.

Well, I agree with this. Su Yuanshan shook his sleeves: Sister Jing, let's go!




At nine fifty, under the leadership of Chen Jing, five people filed into the business conference room on the 26th floor. Five minutes later, Ni Fang representatives headed by Ibaraki Ichiro also arrived on time.

After sitting down, Chen Jing crossed her fingers, smiled, and expressed her welcome in Chinese politely and elegantly. Immediately afterwards, she explained Yuan Xin's request.

We believe that since cooperation in two fields is involved, we need to reach an agreement on one of the cooperation goals first. In view of the current actual situation between us and you, we believe that VCD cooperation is a top priority.

After the translation, Kutaragi Ken smiled slightly: Miss Chen Jing's suggestion is very good, and we are planning to do so. After all, it is in the common interests of both of us.

Before he finished speaking, Chen Jing's smiling eyes froze without noticing. But she didn't show anything strange at all. When Teacher Lin started to translate, she turned her head to look at Teacher Lin with a smile, and at the same time met Su Yuanshan's gaze.

After the two quickly communicated with their eyes, Chen Jing nodded slightly.

There is no doubt that Sony showed their advantage from the beginning. This was something neither Chen Jing nor Su Yuanshan expected - both of them believed that Sony would use VCD as a back-up to gain advantages in game consoles.

Especially Su Yuanshan, he knows that Kutaragi Ken is a staunch Avenger. Even without Yuanxin, Sony Computer Entertainment will be established next year to develop PS.

In cooperation negotiations, one of the most basic principles is to release the disadvantages first, and use the advantageous projects as the second move and trump card to reduce the disadvantages and strive for the greatest benefits for yourself.

A large multinational company like Sony is obviously not a young person.

These are some demands and ideas we have prepared for VCD cooperation. We hope to gain your recognition and cooperation.

Kutaragi Ken waited for Mr. Lin over there to finish the translation, and spoke again before Toshin could continue to respond.

From Takeda Naoto's feedback, he already knew that Su Yuanshan knew Japanese, and judging from his performance just now, the young girl opposite who was leading the negotiations also understood it, so after he finished speaking, he slowly pushed a document forward without waiting for translation. In front of Chen Jing.

Chen Jing nodded with a smile, then slowly opened the folder.

Sony's appeal is simple.

They hope to obtain general machine authorization for VCD in East Asia and exclusive machine authorization for all Western regions. They also hope to obtain production and sales authorization for decoding chips.

Of course, they also agreed to Su Yuanshan's proposal to Naoto Takeda to establish a joint venture to produce an optical drive production plant. The production plant can also be built in the mainland to provide bald heads for Japan and Yuanxin. But in order to ensure quality and related supply chains, the joint venture must be dominated by Sony.

Chen Jing's expression remained unchanged as she handed the draft translated into Chinese by Sony to everyone around her.

Mr. Jiuduo, this seems to be quite different from our wishes. And coincidentally, we also have a draft.

Chen Jing opened the folder and pushed over a copy of Yuanxin's appeal.

This request is basically based on what Su Yuanshan said to Naoto Takeda, and then adds restrictions on some parts markets and channels.

In short, the contradiction between the two demands is so great that it is almost irreconcilable.

Kutaragi Ken just glanced at it and laughed: Oh! Do you think Sony is a wage earner?

In comparison, you treat us as slaves with no human rights. Mr. Jiuduo, according to your suggestion, I actually have a better suggestion. Chen Jing smiled and showed no weakness.


Why don't you just acquire us?




After a morning of war of words, the two sides shook hands and made peace at noon, agreeing to continue tomorrow morning.

At lunch, Chen Jing summoned everyone in the morning to his office.

You have also seen that the enemy is extremely cunning.

Although she called Qin Weimin and Yu Yuru, she knew that in the end, only Su Yuanshan could share her worries. So when she spoke, she kept looking at Su Yuanshan who was sitting on the sofa and eating quietly.

Chen Jing paused and said: If it weren't for sure that they came with the purpose of cooperation, I might even think that they were here to play a game.

Qin Weimin laughed and said: I agree, it gives me the feeling that they are a dragon crossing the river, coming to crush us, a local snake.

Su Yuanshan. Chen Jing called Su Yuanshan's name: What do you think?

Su Yuanshan stuffed a quail egg into his mouth, raised his head and smiled.

I have some doubts that they are playing hard to get. They first talked to us about VCD cooperation for a while, and when the two sides reached a stalemate, they suddenly changed the subject and said, how about we talk about console cooperation first.

If we lose our composure and want to quickly open up the situation, we may agree to many requests that are beneficial to them.

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