1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 752 Borrowing Money

Lithium batteries are the engine driving the advancement of the digital age, and this has already formed a consensus in the technology community.

Therefore, in the past two years, as the digital age approaches, in addition to Niguo and Lighthouse State, Bangguo and other domestic companies have also begun to get involved in the lithium battery field.

But in the face of powerful lock cylinders, these pursuers are really just catching up - through reverse engineering, they can easily create lithium-ion batteries even without relying on luck. However, the materials of lithium batteries have never been What's the secret, that really matters, is the battery management technology.

Behind Suoxin stands the most powerful chip design company like Yuanxin! And after several years of research and development, the lock cylinder not only solved the safety of power energy batteries, but also gradually built a complete battery management system (BMS).

With the launch of power energy batteries and the safety being guaranteed, car companies such as Honda and General Motors, which have tried battery cars a long time ago, have also signed cooperation and restarted the project - in a sense, The Automotive Research Institute whose lock core is Yuan Xin first attracted two powerful enemies.

Now, Cui Taiyuan expressed that he also wants to enter...

Moreover, judging from his appearance, he still hopes to directly intervene...

Does SK also plan to get involved in the lithium battery field? Su Yuanshan raised his feet and looked at the other party with a smile.

He decided that as long as Cui Taiyuan had the nerve to speak, he would have the nerve to refuse.

I have this idea. Cui Taiyuan nodded frankly.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly and smiled: The competition may be a bit fierce. After all, Yuanxin and Sony have invested a lot in the field of lithium-ion batteries and have cooperated for a long time. Both parties have core cross-cutting patents, and finally merged into The cable core was discovered. Then, after several years of promotion, the situation of lithium batteries was opened up.”

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan said with some emotion: The field of science and technology... is really hard to describe. Sometimes, people only see the glory of the pioneers after monopolizing the market position, but forget that in the not so long history of science and technology, there are Countless shining ideas and products have been drowned. We have also forgotten the difficulties faced by pioneers in promoting products and expanding the market.”

Su Yuanshan's words made Cui Taiyuan a little startled.

Obviously, Su Yuanshan meant what he said - was he telling him that the friendship between Yuanxin and Sony was unbreakable?

It is true that Yuanxin and Sony have cooperation in many fields, which is a fact known to the world. But all cooperation between enterprises should be based on interests rather than anthropomorphic friendship.

Therefore, there is nothing unbreakable, it's just that the price of betrayal is too high, or the chips are not enough.

After pondering for a moment, Cui Taiyuan asked tentatively: Does Suo Xin have any thoughts on continuing to expand?

What does Brother Cui mean by expansion?

For example, building factories around the world to increase production capacity.

Su Yuanshan's eyes flashed.

Good guy! Is Cui Taiyuan giving up on self-research? Or do you want to rely on curves to save the country like Deyuan?

For a moment, Su Yuanshan couldn't figure out Cui Taiyuan's true thoughts. While he was pondering, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Sorry, pick up the phone.

Su Yuanshan smiled apologetically at Cui Taiyuan, opened his briefcase and took out his mobile phone.

The caller ID showed Zhang Xiaolong.




As the main representatives in contact with Dadong Telegraph Bureau this time, Zhang Xiaolong and Yang Weichang naturally lived in the same hotel.

At this time, Zhang Xiaolong and Yang Weichang were sitting on the sofa, and his mobile phone was on the coffee table with hands-free.

Mr. Shan, Mr. Yang and I are in the hotel.

On the phone, Su Yuanshan's voice came: Well, aren't you going to meet with the people from Dadong Telegraph Office tomorrow?

Yes, but today we have confirmed two pieces of news.

Zhang Xiaolong paused as he spoke, and looked at each other with Yang Weichang. The expressions in their eyes were both solemn.

you say.

The first thing is that Murdoch has indeed formed a consortium with the old Li family of HK and is negotiating with Dadong Cable and Telegraph Bureau. Moreover, they are making faster progress than us.

On the phone, Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds and then his tone remained unchanged: What about the second one?

The second thing... is that Lao Li's family is quietly carrying out a big deal, which is also worth tens of billions of dollars!

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaolong took a deep breath: Mr. Shan, this is really difficult.

This time, Su Yuanshan was silent for longer.

Seeing this, Yang Weichang picked up the phone, smiled first, and then said softly: Xiaoshan, it's me.

On the phone, Su Yuanshan replied: Uncle Yang, tell me, I'm thinking.

Yang Weichang laughed: Okay, think about it carefully - according to the word from the middleman, the Dadong Telegraph Bureau does need cash. If according to the previous plan, Murdoch and Lao Li's family will support If the weather is bad, they will have to come up with 3.4 billion in cash. But now... once the Lao Li family sells Orange, they will be able to come up with more cash. This is very detrimental to us.

Well...it's definitely a bit disadvantageous.

On the phone, Su Yuanshan sighed first, and then smiled: What do you mean, Uncle Yang? You are so cunning...

Yang Weichang was startled and laughed loudly: You brat. Actually, you don't need to think about it. There are only two ways we can go now.

The first is to prepare enough cash, at least tens of billions of dollars. The second is to cut off the source of cash for the Murdoch and Lao Li family.

The second point is mainly in the old Li family - Murdoch is just a pure media monopoly tycoon. He is here for money and the future development of HK. It is unlikely that he will invest too much money in it. .”

Su Yuanshan expressed deep approval: Yes.

But Lao Li's family is different. They want to sell Orange. On the one hand, they are afraid that the boss and the second boss in the UK will fight and kill it. On the other hand, Lao Li actually has confidence in HK and mainland China. Here, Yang Weichang smiled: Lao Li is such a smart person... Even if he follows Yuanxin, he knows that HK and mainland China will be the hot spots for investment in the future.

Haha... So here comes the question. Now Lao Li is a famous person... If we mess with Huang, will it have any negative impact?

After Yang Weichang finished speaking, he quietly waited for Su Yuanshan's answer.

Although he has always been in charge of economic and trade work, he still has some political awareness after working in the government for decades - at the very least, he is worthy of Su Yuanshan's old treacherous and cunning saying.

If the old Li family can really sell Orange, then according to the current investment direction of the Li family, these tens of billions of dollars will obviously flow to HK and mainland China - even if the money to buy HK Telecom is excluded, it is not a small amount. Invested.

It's really going to mess with Huang, this... is always bad.

During the phone call, Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds and then chuckled: Let's not talk about whether we can prevent Orange from selling. Even if we can't prevent it, the money will probably only become the capital for Lao Li's family to move towards a deeper monopoly.

I admit that the Lao Li family has done a lot to save themselves. It has also established an image for Hong Kong entrepreneurs, and the superiors also like him very much. But...their capital is too concentrated on individuals and the family.

The richer this kind of capital is, the more useless it is to our country.

So, Uncle Yang, you think of a way to hold off the Dadong Telegraph Bureau, and it would be even better if you can stop Orange from selling it. I'll give you the change here.

Yang Weichang and Zhang Xiaolong looked at each other and asked at the same time: Where did you find money?


Here, Su Yuanshan hung up the phone.

He did not deliberately avoid Cui Taiyuan - he knew that the other party could only understand a few sentences in Chinese, and the most important thing was that they were talking about conspiracy, so there was no need to avoid it.

Not to mention, a business leader of Cui Taiyuan's level cannot be like a primary school student who betrays his friends and then licks his face to find a third party to leak the secret...

However, Cui Taiyuan himself was also sensible. Seeing that Su Yuanshan answered the phone in front of him, he took some tea and a document and went to read it.

Brother Cui, do you have money?

Su Yuanshan put down the phone, smiled at Cui Taiyuan, and asked in English.

Cui Taiyuan shrugged, put down the tea cup, and returned to Su Yuanshan: I accidentally heard it, and it seems that you are going to complete an acquisition worth tens of billions of dollars?

Yeah... Su Yuanshan shook his head and sighed: So poor.

Cui Taiyuan coughed twice.

SK has just breathed a sigh of relief from the financial crisis. Now it has to borrow debt to spend not only tens of billions of dollars, but even half of five billion U.S. dollars - but being able to borrow money is itself a manifestation of strength.

Yuanxin should not be short of money. I heard that you still have no debts.

Well, we do have no bank debt. On the one hand, we are a high-profit industry, and on the other hand, we have sold many high-quality non-core projects and assets - mainly because sometimes, we feel like enduring it and biting the bullet We can get through it, there is no need to distribute profits to banks out of thin air.”

But this time... it really doesn't work. Tens of billions of dollars are really going to cost you your life.

Cui Taiyuan followed Su Yuanshan's example and shrugged.

Su Yuanshan cried about poverty, what else could he say? You can't say, I'll lend it to you.

He also hopes to bring Yuanxin Sony together to develop lithium batteries!

Brother Su, what about Suo Xin?

Oh, Suo Xin, I really can't make the decision yet. But if Brother Cui wants to adopt a model like SYD... I think Sony should still be able to approve it.

Su Yuanshan smiled and replied - as long as Cui Taiyuan is not so whimsical that he wants to invest money in Suo Xin to own a share, then we have to discuss it.



Two days later, HK.

Bank of China Group.

As early as 1983, headed by Bank of China, it became a huge banking group in Hong Kong - consisting of Bank of China Hong Kong Branch, Jincheng Bank, Guangdong Provincial Bank, Salt Bank, Bank of Communications, Nanyang Commercial Bank, Chiyu Bank, and Posang Bank , Overseas Chinese Commercial Bank, Zhejiang Industrial Bank, etc., known as the Twelve Banks of China.

With Bank of China (HK) as the core, these banks carry out extensive financial activities in Hong Kong and have made an indelible contribution to the development of the mainland and Hong Kong... and influence.

Among them, Bank of China (HK) became the third note-issuing bank in Hong Kong five years ago.

Today, the headquarters of Bank of China welcomed a rare and regular customer.

Mr. Chen! Welcome! Mr. Sun, you are well.

At the gate of the Bank of China, President Gao Youming had a sincere smile on his face and stretched out his hands to the two beautiful ladies from a distance.

It is said that banks are difficult to enter, but in front of these two women, they can enter any bank door... and they will sweep the bed to greet them.

Chen Jing stretched out her hand with a smile, gave it a gentle squeeze, and turned aside to let Sun Xihui out.

Compared with her, Sun Xihui, who has already started to get involved in the financial field, and Gao Youming are acquaintances - Oaktree Capital has submitted a banking application license and is currently under qualification review. According to the background of Oaktree Capital, although the review is not a formality, the probability of passing is almost certain.

According to the latest news, a bank named Kexin may be established in Hong Kong by the end of the year at the latest.

According to the experience of this group of people with Yuanxin bloodline, Sun Xihui had already started working in the Bank of China Group before the bank was established. She was just waiting to join the Bank of China Group after passing the approval. Become The Thirteenth Line.

Therefore, it is natural that she has an indispensable connection with Gao Youming, the head of the 12 banks, the HK branch manager of Bank of China.

Come on, you two, please come this way.

Gao Youming shook hands with the two and then led them towards the reception room in a gentlemanly manner.

He didn't know the clear purpose of Chen Jing and Sun Xihui's visit, but that didn't stop him from being keenly aware that this time, big business was coming!

Although he has lived in Hong Kong for a long time, he is well aware of the development history of Yuanxin and the mentality of his domestic colleagues towards Yuanxin.

To put it bluntly, Yuan Xin is a piece of pork belly that domestic colleagues want to eat but can’t...

Ahem...put it this way, maybe it's a bit like that. But it does show what a high-quality investment object Yuanxin is.

But now, Chen Jing came to HK without any notice! Come to your own territory!

After receiving the news from Sun Xihui, he quickly contacted his domestic colleagues, but he didn't hear anything about it.

It is conceivable that this time... Chen Jing must have come with a secret mission.

After sitting down, Gao Youming looked at the two beauties with burning eyes.

Sun Xihui saw this and looked at Chen Jing, with smiles rising in their eyes.

Finally, Gao Youming couldn't hold back and got straight to the point.

Mr. Chen, may I ask... Your Majesty is here...

Mr. Gao, Yuanxin would like to borrow some money. Sun Xihui said her intention with a smile without waiting for Gao Youming to finish asking.

Haha, Mr. Sun is joking. Gao Youming was clear in his heart - Sun Xihui's statement was obviously nonsense. Didn't he come to the bank to borrow money?

What he needs to ask is, of course, not whether he wants to borrow money, but how much money he wants to borrow, what it will be used for, and who is the subject of the loan...

Moreover, he knew Sun Xihui.

Behind Oaktree Capital, there is Xinghai Fund, which manages tens of billions of dollars and is said to be inaccessible to non-top rich people.

Sun Xihui passed away the idle money with a stroke of his pen.

How could he come to find himself?

Chen Jing smiled slightly: Mr. Gao, you are not joking. I am indeed entrusted by someone to come here this time. I hope that Bank of China Group can provide some funds to complete an acquisition.

Oh? How much? What to buy?

Thirteen billion dollars.

Gao Youming's eyes bulged instantly!

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