1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 740 Architect’s Ambition

Zhang Yonglin, the former managing director of Cathay Pacific, started serving as the CEO of HK Telecom five years ago. Even before returning, my senior brother had negotiated the cooperation with him on far-core equipment and maintained an excellent personal relationship.

Su Yuanshan paused and his eyes darkened slightly.

Brother Wang Rui worked hard for Yuanxin. Later, he developed cirrhosis of the liver, so he started the front-line work of Yuanxin, and then took charge of Yuanxin's charity activities and various donation activities.

Now two years have passed, although Wang Rui's body has gradually recovered and recovered, he is able to take on more courageous tasks. But he has been away from frontline work for too long. The second thing is...Wang Rui is from the corporate side. With his qualifications, how can he be accommodated in an ordinary position? And the positions that meet his qualifications...are all positions that require a lot of work. For the sake of Wang Rui's health, let it go.

Su Yuanshan still felt a little regretful when he thought about missing a market development expert that he could absolutely trust, Senior Brother Wang Rui.

From the exchanges between my senior brother and Zhang Yonglin, HK Telecom still has some opinions on the Dadong Telegraph Bureau's intention to cash out and withdraw. This may be an advantageous factor for us to control the Dadong Telegraph Bureau. But just Personally speaking, Zhang Yonglin doesn't care. Su Yuanshan shrugged and said with a smile: Professional CEOs like this are awesome and only care about money.

Haha, just accept the money. Yang Weichang looked at the document seriously. When he saw Su Yuanshan's note on Dadong Telegraph Bureau's psychological price, he was startled and said quickly: You even found out the price quoted by the other party?

You said money is good. Su Yuanshan laughed loudly: As long as money clears the way, what can't be done?

One thing to say is that according to the current situation of HK Telecom's annual profits of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, even though Dadong Cable and Telegraph Bureau has begun to intend to quit under the impact of the Internet wave, in a short period, HK Telecom is still a good thing. Cash cows.

This determines that it may not be optimistic about the future, but its current value cannot be that low.

Therefore, the psychological price given by Dadong Cable and Telegraph Company for its 51% stake is US$15 billion.

Although he had been mentally prepared, Yang Weichang was still shocked by this figure and was a little confused - according to the exchange rate of the US dollar against the RMB, this was 120 billion yuan.

Well, no wonder Su Yuanshan looked down on the 3 to 5 billion yuan that China Unicom gritted his teeth and came up with.

It's a lot of pressure, it's a lot of pressure! Yang Weichang quickly read the information, his face flushed with excitement, and he kept rubbing his hands and said: Xiaoshan, I guess the leaders didn't realize that this deal would be so big...

It's okay, HK Telecom... let's put it this way. Su Yuanshan paused and glanced at the door.

Sun Xihui glared at him: I am very safe here.

Even so, she stood up and walked to the door, opened the door, and gave instructions to Wen Xiaoqian, who was sitting on the balcony on the second floor outside, drinking coffee and working on a laptop, and then closed the door.

Hehe... I just want to say something. I really can't let any news leak out. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and his expression became cautious: Now, whether it is the capital market, the technology world, or our Yuanxin, they are all dealing with the Internet industry. Strongly advocated - as early as a few years ago, the capital market believed that the Internet was a bubble, but with the popularization of personal computers, the popularization and acceleration of network infrastructure, and the continuous emergence of new Internet service models... the capital market has relaxed Be wary and start to think that the Internet bubble will be delayed indefinitely or even evaporate naturally.

Natural evaporation? Do you mean the bubble will disappear? Sun Xihui, who is now considered a half-big boss in the financial field, immediately asked nervously - in fact, what Su Yuanshan said about relaxing her vigilance was also her current mentality.

It's not that the bubble disappeared, but... Su Yuanshan paused: How did the bubble come about? Too much money poured into the Internet, making the capital circulating in the entire Internet industry far greater than what the Internet itself can currently produce. Value—this value includes expectations for the future.”

And natural evaporation means that before the bubble burst, the Internet really produced a miracle, fulfilling capital's expectations for it, and producing a value that matched capital's expectations for it.

“Now, what people know most about the Internet is that it can produce miracles, right?”

Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that traditional industries are beginning to be impacted and feel pressure, so Dadong Cable and Telegraph Bureau has begun to intend to withdraw.

But, I don't think so. The Internet has no miracles, only soil. Without soil, everything is empty talk. And now, the soil of the Internet is far from enough... Its ability to withstand capital has long exceeded its limit. The bubble has been detonated, It will be a matter of time, even in the last one or two years!

Su Yuanshan's words were no less than earth-shattering in their ears.

Sun Xihui and Yang Weichang subconsciously looked at each other and understood why Su Yuanshan was so cautious.

As the technology leader who is “most optimistic about the future of the Internet,” this is how Su Yuanshan views the Internet?

If this spreads out, even if it doesn't cause an earthquake in those Internet stocks, it will have a devastating blow to Su Yuanshan's personal image and credibility!

Xiaoshan...you... Yang Weichang took a long breath: Then Yuanxin still invests so much in the Internet field?

Because I believe in the Internet. Su Yuanshan smiled naturally.


At this time, Sun Xihui suddenly said: There is no conflict between believing in the Internet and believing that the Internet bubble will explode. In the long run, the Internet is still the future.

Yes! Su Yuanshan nodded and looked at Yang Weichang: But many people are deceived by appearances. They ignore one thing, that is, the telecommunications industry itself is the carrier and foundation of the Internet - if Dadong Telegraph Bureau really studies too far Xinxin knows that Yuanxin has always placed its most important treasure in the field of communications.

In order to maintain his position in the future communications field, Su Yuanshan has even begun to discuss with Qin Weimin and Tian Yaoming to see how to split up the company.

—— Either the YX architecture or the baseband chip must be dismantled. Only one company must be dismantled to eliminate Qualcomm, Apple, Samsung, Sony, MediaTek, Texas Instruments, etc., which all use the Far Core architecture as the core processor of handheld mobile terminal devices. The concerns of friends and businessmen have made YX architecture a truly world-class architecture.



That night, Su Yuanshan and Yang Weichang met for dinner with Wang Rui, whom they had not seen for a long time, and Zhang Xiaolong, who had rushed from the SAR. During the dinner, the main thing was to encourage Zhang Xiaolong - although Zhang Xiaolong was confident in the Internet Center's backdoor listing, he still had no idea how far it could go.

After all, in Zhang Xiaolong's view, the Internet center still tends to be behind the scenes.

Then everyone discussed in detail how to deal with the Dadong Telegraph Bureau - because according to the intelligence passed on, the Dadong Telegraph Bureau wanted to withdraw completely and leave simply. To put it bluntly, they wanted cash.

If you really need cash, let alone China Unicom and Internet Center, even if you add Yuanxin, you won't be able to get more than 10 billion US dollars. The only solution is to find a bank in Hong Kong.

Of course, the real details of all this will not be known until Yang Weichang meets the people from Dadong Telegraph Bureau the day after tomorrow.

The next day, Su Yuanshan temporarily put aside the acquisition and went to the office that Silicon Core temporarily rented next to the University of Hong Kong.

Because the joint company had just been established, important figures from several parties were dispatched. Jiang Wenxi was personally in charge of SIS, and he led the early progress.

Yuanxin sent one of the bosses of Pandora Labs, Zhou Qiang, nicknamed Li Xunhuan. As the P14 boss second only to Obai in Pandora Labs, Zhou Qiang has been responsible for heterogeneous heterogeneous systems a long time ago. He is also the direct person in charge of Blue Star’s parallel computing solution for supercomputing. His coming to lead the team mainly reflects President Xi's will. In terms of design, it is necessary to leave room for GPU to become the core computing power of heterogeneous supercomputing in the future.

After cutting out the red tape, Su Yuanshan's advanced office inspected with the company of two people - although this kind of walk-through was just a formality, it was also a necessary step.

Afterwards, he followed the two of them and chief architect Zhang Ruiping into Jiang Wenxi's office.

I just walked around and found that the conditions are a bit difficult. Su Yuanshan laughed at a few people, especially Zhang Ruiping - as an architect, although he is engaged in CPU and Zhang Ruiping is engaged in GPU, but both They all belong to high-level professions, so they naturally have a sense of closeness.

Jiang Wenxi was about to say something modest, but Zhou Qiang immediately followed the stick: It's a bit true. To be honest, apart from studying, I have never seen such a nervous office.

Su Yuanshan: ...Come on, how many of your conditions can match yours?

Zhou Qiang shrugged: Although I can't keep up with Pandora, I still have to pursue it... People here are next to each other, and there is no privacy at all. Right, Mr. Jiang?

Jiang Wenxi blinked, not knowing whether to answer yes or no.

He and Zhang Ruiping looked at each other, and both of them had a little helplessness in their eyes - they had one thing to say about this Zhou Qiang, he was indeed a genius, but he was a bit arrogant.

And it's not the kind of arrogance that is done deliberately, it's the kind of arrogance deep in one's bones.

Of course they have heard of the Pandora mentioned by Zhou Qiang. It is known as Yuanxin's top laboratory, which gave birth to YXLAB, a powerful multi-functional mathematics software, virtual private network protocol, and the world's number one computer that defeated IBM Deep Blue. A chess supercomputer…

But the two of them have really never seen what Pandora Laboratory is like.

Okay, let's wait at most half a year before the Cyberport is open to people. It will be very spacious by then.

But the environment is not good, brother.

...This is nitpicking. Su Yuanshan coughed and decided to ignore this guy. He turned to look at Zhang Ruiping and said with a smile: Brother Ruiping, is the progress going well so far?

Seeing Su Yuanshan asking himself, Zhang Ruiping straightened his expression and said a little nervously: Overall, it's going smoothly. But because we have just started to transform from the integration field to an independent computing core architecture, plus... Zhang Ruiping glanced at He glanced at Zhou Qiang: In addition, the demand from Brother Zhou is also quite high, so we are still in the stage of integrating demand for the time being.

Well... Su Yuanshan nodded.

He also knew that this matter could not be rushed.

GPU, it has only been four or five years since this concept was proposed - and it was only under his guidance that 3DFX was proposed. But the real move towards GPUs in the future has only been in the past two years.

Therefore, there is absolutely no successful object to refer to.

It's right to integrate the requirements first. As for the overall architecture, we can just follow 3DFX. Their architecture is relatively advanced so far.

That's the problem. Zhang Ruiping smiled bitterly and said: Mr. Shan, if we completely refer to 3DFX...will it cause copyright and patent disputes?

After a pause, he continued: Of course, we know that Mr. Shan has influence on 3DFX. It's just...

Seeing Zhang Ruiping shut up for a moment, Su Yuanshan looked at him with a smile: It's just that it's always bad to copy others, isn't it?

Zhang Ruiping immediately coughed lightly.

Indeed, this is his truest thought.

Frankly speaking, when SIS and Yuanxin established Silicon Core, the happiest people were probably only him and his group of brothers.

The reason is simple. Only Yuanxin can support their dream of independent graphics processor.

As we all know, Yuanxin is a company that is willing to unconditionally invest funds and costs in research and development, and even does not care about returns.

It can be said that Yuanxin is the paradise and holy land in the minds of those pure technical R\u0026D personnel-no other company of the same kind can provide such favorable conditions.

Maybe it existed in the West before, such as the famous Bell Labs. However, as AT\u0026T continued to be split up, the several small Bells that were spun off experienced ups and downs. Bell Labs is no longer the top laboratory that produced countless black technologies.

Being able to have such resources and being able to enter the system of such a company that focuses on research and development, if... you still expect to make a living by plagiarism...

Zhang Ruiping didn't know what others thought, but he couldn't accept it himself.

Well...that's it, Brother Ruiping.

Su Yuanshan pondered for a few seconds and then shook his head with a smile: First of all, we must face up to the gap with 3FDX and even with NVIDIA.

As Su Yuanshan spoke, he felt a little unhappy.

After all, asking an architect to copy someone else's architecture, no matter how many reasons, is a bit insulting.

But he doesn't have much choice. The rapid development of GPU has been in the past two years - with the debut of Windows XP and DirectX 6.0, it will mean that 3D games will lay the next pattern. In the same way, the 3D graphics card market will also have its first wave of cakes.

Su Yuanshan knew very well that if he failed to take the first bite of the cake and tried to grab it later, it would be like snatching something from someone else's mouth. Those are real brothers, and they will all fall out.

We have a gap, but we may not be unable to catch up with them in terms of architecture. In fact, architecture is the easiest area to catch up.

Zhang Ruiping looked at Su Yuanshan with determination in his eyes: We have a good idea.

Su Yuanshan couldn't help but be startled: Huh?

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