1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 696 Rebuilding the Digital City

Su Yuanshan carefully considered the words.

This trip to Southeast Asia is his first visit to ASEAN on behalf of Yuexin, and he has made a lot of preparations to deal with various issues.

Chen Jiashen's problem is naturally also under consideration.

But how to accurately express Yuanxin's attitude? To be more precise, it is to explain Yuanxin's behavior as purely commercial behavior rather than other, such as political intentions; and make Chen Jiashen realize that Yuanxin is a pure company with large A sentimental technology company—this is the most difficult.

Because the old man behind Chen Jiashen is so smart.

Let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about the Yangshan Deep Water Port that has been under discussion in the past two years. Now very few people can clearly realize that once the construction of the Yangshan Deep Water Port is completed, it will bring “destruction” to the status of Nanyang Port. Impact.

Historically, Yangshan Port has been wrangling for countless years due to various issues. So much so that under the promotion and influence of Nanyang, the construction of BHX Zone + Tianjin Port was completed first.

And when the difficult-to-produce Yangshan Port was finally completed, it didn't take long for Shanghai Port to knock Nanyang off the throne of the world's largest port.

——Of course, the trajectory of history has been completely different. The Ocean Trade Association, formed by Sun Xihui and numerous domestic trading companies, is actively briefing Shanghai and Zhejiang Province to promote the establishment of the Yangshan Port project.

Judging from feedback from various parties, the above-mentioned authorities still relatively support the construction of Yangshan Port. The only variable now is probably whether the WTO can be finalized within the 20th century.

In later generations, conspiracy theories generally believed that the contradictions in Yangshan Port and the advance construction of Tianjin Port were small plans to ensure Nanyang's trade status.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Su Yuanshan to deceive Chen Jiashen and the old man behind him.

But Su Yuanshan is not an advantage - the opponent is not good at technology.

Nearly seven years have passed since we started cooperating with True Corp in the paging field - and Yuanxin was only established seven and a half years ago.

Su Yuanshan did not answer Chen Jiashen directly, but talked about the history of Yuanxin.

When Chen Jiashen saw this, he picked up the teacup, took a sip, and motioned for Su Yuanshan to continue with a smile.

In a sense, the growth of Yuanxin, especially the growth of Yuanxin Communications, is inseparable from the business in Southeast Asia - in fact, this is also the case. Southeast Asian countries are the areas that Mr. Chen and Mr. Duan visit the most.

As the core of ASEAN, Nanyang has never given up cooperation with Temasek - even before, our cooperation was difficult to advance due to competitors, but in the end we still completed the cooperation with Malay Telecom. We have completed our strategic goal of entering the ASEAN core economic circle of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

So, you asked me if I have confidence in this place... Of course, of course I have confidence!

Su Yuanshan answered confidently.

He did not argue based on geographical location, historical advantages, or even racial advantages, but directly answered with Yuanxin's strategic layout.

What is said is false, but what is done is real.

Well, thank you. The Chen family nodded with a smile, but it was unclear whether they were satisfied with Su Yuanshan's answer.

After pondering for a few seconds, Chen Jiashen continued to ask: Mr. Xiao Su, I would like to ask, what advantages do you think Nanyang has in the field of future science and technology, or to be precise, the computer field?

Nanyang's advantage lies in its abundant capital and ASEAN status, as well as the attendant talent gathering advantages. Su Yuanshan said truthfully: Of course, there is also the geographical advantage of international optical cable entrances and exits. And... Nanyang is a country with Countries with special structures have extremely high policy implementation efficiency - and the Internet, as an emerging and future-oriented industry, requires strong support from policies and capital.

At this point, Nanyang's advantage is unparalleled.

Seeing Su Yuanshan confessing calmly, Chen Jiashen nodded again with a smile, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes. After picking up the tea cup, he did not rush to drink, but looked at Su Yuanshan and said with a smile: Mr. Su, to tell you the truth, I visited last year Passing through the provincial capital.”

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled - he really had never heard of this.

“I visited the provincial capital in May last year and focused on visiting the software center in the provincial capital.”

Then you didn't come to our Yuanxin to take a look? Su Yuanshan said with a smile. He remembered that he was very busy in Shanghai last May.

I just took a look at the software park from a distance, and I have to say that the provincial capital is really generous to Yuanxin by giving you such a large area of ​​land.

Su Yuanshan coughed lightly.

He knew that no matter how small Nanyang was, Chen Jiashen's status was different, so it was indeed a bit inconvenient to visit Yuanxin.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said sheepishly: Don't tell me, the leaders in the province are regretting it now.

Haha! Chen Jiashen laughed, then took a sip of tea and said, But visiting the software park in your provincial capital is also very rewarding. The software park does a good job and is worth learning from.

The Software Park is indeed the result of the province's concerted efforts, and it has gradually formed an industrial cluster. It is for this reason that we will consider replicating and constructing the Cyberport in Hong Kong.

Seeing that Chen Jiashen was talking about the software park, Su Yuanshan naturally mentioned the Cyberport openly.

No matter what Nanyang's attitude was or what his demands were, he would first set up a ladder and lead the topic for the other party.

After a while, Chen Jiashen began to look at Su Yuanshan and said with a smile: We have some understanding of the HK Cyberport plan. I wonder if Mr. Xiao Su thinks that building a software park in Nanyang is a feasible plan?

Su Yuanshan took a gentle breath, hesitated for just two seconds and then laughed.

Nanyang has unparalleled advantages, so it can certainly build a science and technology park.

——He did not just say software park, but turned the software park into a technology park.

Obviously, these two people did not realize the difference between the software park and the technology park. Because in many places, the two are equivalent.

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