1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 688 Go straight to immersion lithography

Su Yuanshan can't see the expressions of his foreign colleagues now, but he can guess it.

For a long time, China has been the target of blockade. Let’s not talk about the distant Batsun, but there are countless clauses listed in the nearby WA... In the West, if a new technology appears, just add one. Then if the domestic one follows the previous one, then one will be reduced. Afraid of bullying you and not being perfect enough.

Now, the technology of reverse blocking has suddenly appeared... I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked.

Everyone in the office has been involved in a battle of wits and courage with Batong and WA, so they naturally know what it feels like to be blocked. Amidst a burst of laughter, Zheng Zhenchuan looked at Su Yuanshan: Xiaoshan, you said there are conditions for one year. What does lock-up period mean?”

That is, we will not talk about a sales ban, but will fully open up and follow orders. But in fact, foreign orders will be delayed until a year later.

Foreign orders, including orders from SYD in Bangkok? Zheng Zhenchuan asked with a smile.

...Of course not! Su Yuanshan was startled: Uncle Zheng, don't scare me, SYD is our key layout to seize DRAM particles. We hope to increase production capacity in these two years, and in two years it will be a big success It broke out...

Everyone burst into laughter.

Zheng Zhenchuan touched his hair, smiled and shook his head: Actually, you don't need to say a year, our current production capacity can only meet the needs of Deyuan and Huajing, and we will not be able to receive overseas orders until a year later.

And during this period, I still need a lot of help and support from you and Hua Jing.

Well, it's okay. As long as the utilization rate can go up, even if we wait in the future, we will have to wait until you come up with Arf!

Utilization rate is a term in industrial manufacturing. It can be simply understood as the proportion of time that a certain piece of equipment takes to create value within the time it can provide.

Although Nikon and Canon's lithography machines are currently running very fast in terms of light sources and solutions, they have completed the development of ArF lithography machines, which are also DUV lithography machines. But when buying a lithography machine from either of them, sometimes it really depends on your luck.

Lithography machines are not assembly line products. It is obviously impossible to achieve the highest efficiency and stability for each machine. But the problem is that the differences between Nikon's photolithography machines of the same model are quite big.

The best lithography machines have a utilization rate of 90%, but the worst ones may only be 50 or 60%.

Currently, ASML has received strong support from Philips and Intel. Although it is still manufacturing Krf lithography machines, the stability of their lithography machines greatly exceeds that of Nikon and Canon. The utilization rate of a production line can even be stable at 90% for a long time. above.

As for Hongxin, according to statistics, the average utilization rate is around 70% to 80%, which is similar to Nikon and Canon, but slightly worse.

We can only take our time. We can only try our best to optimize the process flow, improve the standard of parts, and then refine the technology. When Su Yuanshan mentioned the utilization rate, Zheng Zhenchuan was also troubled. Dual workpiece tables are good, but if they cannot pass the verification of long-term assembly line production, they are just making up for the defects.

Well, it's okay. Su Yuanshan nodded: You can take your time in craft polishing. We were decades behind, and now we are catching up by force. Defects and instability are normal. Learn lessons slowly and make progress slowly. . But... research and development cannot slow down.

I hope you will directly cooperate with Lin and Zhao's team and skip the simple Arf lithography machine...or, in other words, directly collaborate to develop lithography machines that span 193nm!

After he finished speaking, Qu Hui and Shen Haoran were immediately shocked!

Xiaoshan, you mean Dr. Lin and the others have solved the next-generation light source? Qu Hui, who has been with Hongxin for many years, already knows the technology and development of lithography machines well. She knows that although Zhao Kaidong has achieved this in China, Arf light source breakthrough, but Arf has already made a breakthrough abroad several years ago... and people have long realized that the 193nm Arf laser will be an important node in the development of lithography machines - this is also the reason why domestic lithography machines have caught up. important opportunity for the world.

But early awareness means early layout. Nikon has already recruited a group of people to work on the 157nm F2 excimer light source, and the United States is even more awesome. The National Energy Administration personally stepped in and formed a luxurious lineup directly targeting the lowest wavelength of 10nm. Extreme ultraviolet light source EUV.

In China, we simply don’t have the energy to do it.

Now what Su Yuanshan is talking about is not directly developing the light source, but directly developing the lithography machine...

Good guy, does that mean the team over there has figured out the light source?

Of course, Zheng Zhenchuan was not surprised by Qu Hui and the others. As the person in charge of Hongxin, he naturally knew Lin Benjian's plan, and he also gave a cooperation plan.

But Su Yuanshan now talks about directly conducting research on photolithography machines...

Is this... going a little too fast?

Therefore, Zheng Zhenchuan also looked at Su Yuanshan with doubts.

Facing everyone's confused looks, Su Yuanshan took a gentle breath.

The reason why Zheng Zhenchuan directly started the immersion lithography machine was naturally because he had absolute confidence in Lin Benjian.

Lin Benjian is an engineer, and he is also the kind of step-by-step, extremely old-school and rigorous engineer. Since he can propose an infiltration plan, he must have a general solution in his mind.

When Su Yuanshan came back from HK last time, he passed by the Shanghai Stock Exchange and went to see the technical problems and difficulties that Lin Benjian listed to be solved. According to Su Yuanshan's superficial understanding of mechanical engineering and optics, these technologies are not technologies that surpass modern mechanical engineering.

So this means that the infiltration plan will be like the previous life, and it may be completed in two years - if the time is further calculated, it will be three years!

Three years!

If the teams of Zheng Zhenchuan and Lin Benjian work together and go straight to the research and development of immersion DUV from the beginning, then maybe in three to five years at most... Hongxin will be able to launch the world's first immersion DUV lithography machine.

Thinking that in 2003, he would be able to get a DUV that could be sold for 20 years and would not be out of date, Su Yuanshan felt a little hot.

What a great transcendence that would be...

No, Lin, the Zhao team has not solved the light source, but they have a solution to the wavelength. It can achieve effects beyond 193nm. Su Yuanshan looked at Qu Hui and Shen Haoran and explained: If Uncle Zheng directly cooperates with that If we start the research and development of lithography machines for this solution, then... perhaps Hongxin may be the first lithography machine company to break through 193nm.

When the time comes, let alone ASML and others, even Nikon and Canon will have no choice but to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Once we have the right to speak, we can pull them to carry out research on next-generation light sources, such as EUV... Then the initiative will be in our hands.

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