1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 69 The Biggest Traitor

Chen Jing buried herself in the warm quilt. When her body and mind were completely relaxed, she grabbed the phone on the bedside and dialed her brother's cell phone according to the long-distance prompt.

Brother, the problem has been solved.

Yes, Mr. Xiao Su solved it alone. Yes... you are right, the Wonder Boy deserves his reputation.

A smile appeared on Chen Jing's lips, thinking about how Su Yuanshan almost fell down due to hypoglycemia because he was too exhausted and didn't eat dinner. She shook her head and said with a smile: It's just that he is too addicted to technology.

My brother's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone: Which scientist is not obsessed with technology? This guy has a future. He is young and wealthy and obsessed with technology. He may be a future Iron Man.

iron Man?

Uh... the superhero in the comics, Iron Man. If you don't read the comics, I can't explain it to you. Anyway, he is the kind with money and technology.

Pfft! Superman?

...I won't bullshit you anymore and go to bed early. When will you be back?

Chen Jing bit her lip, thinking of Su Yuanshan's half-joking and half-serious invitation before leaving, and said softly: The day after tomorrow, he said he would write a correction report for me to bring back tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jing turned off the light and turned her head to look at the night sky outside the window.

Invite yourself to join Yuanxin? How could that guy have this idea?

the next day.

Su Yuanshan took Chen Jing around Yuanxin, treating it as an invitation to partners to visit. After she walked around Yuanxin, Su Yuanshan immediately realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere of the entire company.

Even when Zhou Xiaohui handed him the documents, she whispered that Mr. Chen was so classy, ​​like an actor on RTHK TV.

Su Yuanshan was writing a summary of last night's problems. He paused for a few seconds and looked up. He saw Chen Jing holding a cup of coffee and reading a book on the guest sofa, focused and quiet, intellectual and generous.

Mr. Chen.

Chen Jing raised her head: Huh?

Su Yuanshan put down his pen and said with a smile: You won't leave until tomorrow anyway, why don't you do me a favor today?

Chen Jing blinked, her eyes quickly brightened, and she said with a smile: Mr. Su, please speak.

Su Yuanshan knew from the look of her that she thought he was going to take advantage of her again. Maybe she was thinking about how to politely refuse. After coughing slightly, Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Has Mr. Chen seen our new electrical appliances?

Chen Jing gave him a meaningful look: You mentioned it once last time, but you didn't say anything specifically.

I forgot about it last time. I'll take you to take a look at it later, and then how about you help out with a scene? Just read a line in English and Chinese.

Chen Jing immediately came to her senses: You want me to help you shoot an advertisement?

Yeah - you're not afraid of being on camera, are you?

Chen Jing stared at Su Yuanshan for a few seconds. When she saw the red bloodshot eyes in his eyes, she originally wanted to refuse, but suddenly she thought that this man worked overtime to help her solve the problem yesterday - he hadn't mentioned the money yet...

Don't get too excited, I'll give it a try, but I only hosted it when I was in junior high school, so don't have high hopes.

It's okay, just be beautiful.



As spring blooms, the calendar turns to April.

The Las Vegas International Radio and Television Technology Exhibition that Su Yuanshan has been waiting for has finally arrived.

As early as the end of March, Su Yuanshan transported 50 VCDs to San Francisco through customs in the form of video recorders. Then Xi Xiaoding transferred them to a warehouse in Las Vegas and sealed them tightly, leaving only one VCD. The prototype was taken back to Silicon Valley. Since piracy is strictly prohibited in the West, the random disc only suppressed the domestic Spring Festival Gala... and it was all about singing and dancing.

But even so, when a group of people from the Xinghai subsidiary saw that a machine no larger than the size of an Oxford dictionary and a small CD could play back images with video quality comparable to that of a video tape, they were still shocked.

There is also an advertising disc here. Qin Si took out a burnt disc from the disc bag.

Let me finish the sketch first. Yang Yiwen held the remote control and watched Zhu Shimao and Chen Peisi's Brother-in-law and Brother-in-law with great joy.

It's an advertisement shot by Yuanxin itself.

Yang Yiwen immediately ejected the disc and put in the advertising disc. The screen flashed, and a standard female elite in the workplace appeared on the screen. Accompanied by fluent English, the background screen behind her showed a series of chip roadmaps with a full sense of technology - this means that Yuanxin adopts the method in the VCD. Various advanced technologies, and then these technologies are turned into particles at the speed of light and piled into the shape of VCD.

Then countless news and TV and movie pictures rose up, all packed into a small CD. Finally, a TV fell from the sky, carrying a VCD and falling continuously, smashing the stupid and cumbersome home video recorders that kept appearing below. Got to be pulpy...

Yes, this model is okay, and her English level is acceptable. Qin Si first commented: Is she from Yuanxin?

It should be a professional actor. Yang Yiwen was not sure, but she focused on judging the entire advertisement, or promotional video, from the perspective of a technology layman: There are some words in it that sound difficult, and ordinary people may not be able to understand them.

Xi Xiaoding lay on the sofa, shook his head and said with a smile: Obviously this is not for TV, it is just for the exhibition. It is two minutes long. How many rich people can do such a long advertisement?

Yang Yiwen couldn't help laughing when she thought that this guy Su Yuanshan had invested in a TV series to prevent the TV station from making money: That's right, we can just show it at the exhibition anyway.

Yiwen, please clean up the guest room. This guy is going to come over tomorrow and talk about the inspection work. Xi Xiaoding's lips curled up: He also said that he wanted to find a professional here - I'd rather not.

The next day, Su Yuanshan flew directly from the capital to San Francisco.

The exhibition is from April 11th to 14th, but Su Yuanshan arrived three days early, and this time he plans to stay here for about half a month to help Xi Xiaoding completely straighten out things in Silicon Valley before going back.

After leaving the airport, he hugged Xi Xiaoding, and he shrugged to Yang Yiwen: Sister-in-law, I originally wanted to bring my senior brother here with me, but I thought that he would be able to get an offer directly to study for a Ph.D. in July.

It's okay. I have to go back to China then. Yang Yiwen held the car key and got into the driver's seat: You guys chat, I'll drive.

The car drove along the highway towards Santa Clara Valley. Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding sat in the back seat together. They chatted about work as soon as they got in the car.

What Xi Xiaoding is most worried about here is EDA - because not long ago, Synopsys and Mentor announced their merger, and Cadence also acquired Protel. As for several other small companies, they simply declared bankruptcy. Some employees joined Xinghai, and more of them joined those two companies.

And in terms of function, the two integrated companies have extremely clear divisions of fields. You wouldn't believe it if they said they didn't discuss it.

According to various indications, the semiconductor alliance Sematech should have directly intervened to interfere - it is said that Synopsys has passed the inspection period.

You know, no pure software company has ever joined the Semiconductor Alliance before.

Xi Xiaoding looked at Su Yuanshan: Fortunately, there is no direct administrative intervention yet, and the academic field here is generally free, and our school's progress is pretty good. In addition, with the promotion of the last exhibition, the activity of the developer forum has also increased greatly. Many valuable plug-ins have appeared. The open source plug-in you released has been modified everywhere, and now it is suitable for almost all microcontrollers, which is an unexpected surprise.

These grandsons, my original intention was to advertise our microcontroller... Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile, and then said seriously: But it's still too slow. I came here early this time just for this.

If we don't have competitors, we can develop slowly. But if we have competitors, we can't grind slowly, so we have to hire a professional with a high salary.


Carly Fiorina

Su Yuanshan smiled and slowly announced the name of a woman - he didn't recall this name until the last time when Mr. Huajing Wang came to see him and Su Yuanshan casually asked who was in charge of AT\u0026T.

This woman will be called Lucent's biggest traitor from now on.

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