1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 686 Independent Laboratory


Mr. Xi is Mr. Xi after all.

Even if he has no business acumen, he was once the founder and general manager of Xinghai.

Su Yuanshan had already mentioned it so straightforwardly. Of course, Mr. Xi could follow Su Yuanshan's ideas and consider the commercial use of this drone.

First of all, there is no doubt that it can be used in the military - as the chief scientist of Yuanxin, Mr. Xi naturally knows that when the energy density of Yuanxin lithium batteries achieved a breakthrough, the Provincial City Aviation Group made a purchase and also Technical requirements were put forward.

Of course, this is confidential information, and outsiders have no way of knowing it.

Secondly, even if Yuanxin only launches multi-arm drones for commercial use, it may not have no uses - at least, there are agricultural uses, and with real-time image transmission feedback, it is obviously no problem to use it for aerial photography. of.

Yes, I think we can set up a project. Xi Xiaoding nodded and looked at the two of them, and then saw that their expressions became a little frightened: What are you doing?

Mr. Shan, Mr. Xi, that... Ma Mengqi looked at Su Yuanshan writing a full page. Every word seemed to him like a fortress and a mountain top: Isn't it a bit difficult? Especially at the end. What is that array... going to do? Why am I so panicked?

You mean array flying? Su Yuanshan chuckled: What do you think array flying can do? Of course it can do countless things - do you think it is possible to install light bulbs of different colors on the drone?


Is it possible to control the color and switch of the light bulbs of several drones?

Ma Mengqi opened his mouth, and after a while he said angrily: Yes. But then his eyes lit up: Mr. Shan, do you mean we can do a flight show?

If it were just a flight show, it would bury the flight control of this array too much - of course, I don't deny that the array show is indeed very shocking... Su Yuanshan squinted and looked at the stars, thinking of what he had seen before Drone show: Think about it, if we do this once at night... wouldn't it be better than setting off fireworks?


Okay, that's it, let's start the project directly. Su Yuanshan stood up and looked at Xi Xiaoding: Brother, do you think the project team should hang up in Pandora Laboratory first?

Xi Xiaoding took a deep look at Ma Mengqi and asked tentatively: How about setting up an independent laboratory?

Ma Meng was a little hesitant at first, but after hearing about the independent laboratory, his eyes lit up and he immediately asked: What level?

I'll give you a level of independence, do you dare to ask for it? Xi Xiaoding looked at him with a half-smile.

Ma Mengqi laughed sarcastically.

As a technology-driven enterprise, Yuanxin has numerous laboratories, and there are also many levels. The highest is of course the first-level laboratory - for example, the important technical experimental centers under various major departments are first-level laboratories, and then there are The next subdivided areas are second-level laboratories, third-level laboratories...

But among the first-level laboratories, there is another kind of laboratory that is so powerful that it has the same status as those business units with thousands of employees and R\u0026D personnel, and that is the first-level independent laboratory.

There are only three such laboratories in the entire Yuan Core.

They are Pandora, NEWBEE, and Overlord - YOS System Laboratory.

The first-level independent laboratory is so awesome and important that to upgrade to a first-level independent laboratory, it must be established with the approval of the executive board - structurally, this is equivalent to the establishment of a brand new department or subsidiary.

This is why, when Su Yuanshan announced on behalf of the executive board that the operating system laboratory was upgraded to an independent first-level laboratory, Chen Gang's team cheered for a full hour.

Let's put it this way, Mr. Shan's laboratories are only independent third-level laboratories.

The Lin Benjian Optical Laboratory, which Su Yuanshan had high hopes for, was only an independent secondary laboratory.

Of course Ma Mengqi knew that he couldn't sit still...

But even so, as long as you have an independent laboratory, it means you have an independent budget and extraordinary status, and you can also give the laboratory a cool name.

Then it can't be given Level 4... After Ma Mengqi heard that this drone project could actually establish an independent laboratory, all the previous worries and worries were forgotten, and his mind was filled with status.

Now taking advantage of these two big guys at the scene, he decided to fight for it: Look, the scale of the fourth-level laboratory is too small, the upper limit is only fifty people... You two have given us so many tasks, it's not even a hundred. Can a team of eighty people handle it?”

Su Yuanshan looked at him with a smile and said in his heart that if you want to handle a hundred and eighty people, you are probably not just daydreaming.

According to the development prospects of drones, it will be a first-level independent laboratory or an independent department in the future. But now...

Okay, then it's Level 3. Mr. Xi and I can decide. Su Yuanshan nodded readily and looked at Ma Mengqi with a smile: Don't think about the independent Level 1 laboratory. Wait until you complete the requirements just given to you. After that, we will consider bringing it up to the executive board for discussion. For the second level, it will also need to be discussed and approved by the Science and Technology Committee with a unanimous vote - are you sure Li Mingliu won't stop you?

Okay, okay, level three is level three.

Ma Mengqi was overjoyed. He also knew that Mr. Li was not easy to mess with. He was the kind of person who couldn't get even a little bit of sand out of his eyes.

Then you pack up first and see who you want. I allow you to bring ten... Xi Xiaoding said and looked at Su Yuanshan: Are ten enough?

If you choose ten from Pandora and NEWBEE... Su Yuanshan silently thought about the series of progress and difficulties he had just listed. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this thing was really difficult and had to be crossed. Only cooperation between departments will work.

Let's do this, you can first find like-minded people, and then recruit people, or you can just go everywhere to recruit people. Su Yuanshan looked at Ma Mengqi and Sasha: Remember, what you are doing is to make it happen When it comes to productization, you need to use your brain more, whether it is for aerial photography, whether it is used in agriculture to spray pesticides, or whether it is used for players, you must have a clear understanding.

Okay, we'll go back and make up classes right away!

Ma Mengqi, who was dazzled by being in charge of the independent laboratory, agreed immediately, hugged Sasha and walked towards the door.

The poor Russian guy was confused: Munch, do I want to come too?

Nonsense - wait, I forgot the prototype.

Ma Mengqi strode to his desk, picked up the drone and remote control, walked backwards with a smile and left: While I have time, fly two more.

Xi Xiaoding: ...

Su Yuanshan: ...

After closing the door again, Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding looked at each other and smiled.

What are you doing here? Xi Xiaoding walked out from behind the desk and poured Su Yuanshan a glass of boiling water.

Lithography machine. Su Yuanshan's expression suddenly became helpless.

I'm too embarrassed to rush Lao Zheng.

Xi Xiaoding nodded slightly and glanced at the calendar on his desk - today was September 16th.

Half of this month has passed. If Hongxin still doesn't give out confirmation, then Deyuan will choose to place an order in Niguo.

you mean?

What I mean is, you lead a team and go see for yourself what's going on. Su Yuanshan said and smiled bitterly: Old Zheng and I are too familiar, and sometimes we are incompetent.

Xi Xiaoding pondered for a few seconds and then nodded: Okay, then I'll make an appointment tomorrow...

While he was talking, Su Yuanshan's cell phone suddenly rang. He opened the cover and took a look, and was stunned.

Damn it! Lao Zheng called - do you think it's done?

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