1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 666 The bridgehead into Southeast Asia

The call was naturally from Zhang Rujin, and the content of the call was naturally to report good news.

The listing in Deyuan and Deyuan will result in a total public offering of 150 million shares, which will raise a total of more than US$3.5 billion.

I just finished talking to Zhang Rujin, and then Qin Si also called. She told Su Yuanshan that she already knew what happened in today's HK story, and that John Michael would arrive in HK with her the day after tomorrow.

Well, just come.

Historically, Morgan Stanley has rebelled very quickly. Seeing that the situation was not going well, it followed the regular army of the Hong Kong government and cut off a wave of hedge funds.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Sun Xihui rushed over while wiping her wet hair and pulling on her slippers. As soon as she sat down, Zhao Yan followed her into the study very sensibly, holding a hair dryer.

While enjoying her son blowing her hair, Sun Xihui pinched the collar of her pajamas with a smile on her face, not caring about the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Xiaoshan, there's something I haven't had time to say yet. I'm going to meet with the HK leader tomorrow. It's said that Xiao Li is going there too.

Oh, what about the time arrangement? It's impossible to meet at the same time, right? Su Yuanshan was really surprised.

Probably not, Lao Dong is not that confused. Sun Xihui chuckled: But I am very curious, what is Yuanxin's plan?

The planning is not mine, it was done by Zhang Xiaolong and Deputy Director Xu. Su Yuanshan breathed a sigh of relief. It was one thing for him to look down on the old Li family, but now he had no plans to fall out with the old Li family - he would have to talk to others in the future. What about mergers and acquisitions?

If Xiao Li still uses the same tactics as the Cyberport in his previous life, then Yuanxin will really be slapped in the face.

Well, that's not necessary.

Xiao Li here naturally refers to the youngest son of the old Li family, Li Zeju.

Li Zeju, who once worked at Stanford, has personally experienced the prosperity of Silicon Valley on the one hand, and on the other hand, he has seen the rise of Silicon Valley in provincial capitals in the mainland...

In order to please the HK government and to get involved in the increasingly prosperous technology field, Xiao Li searched for a long time on the map and finally drew a circle in Pok Fu Lam.

Said that this place has the conditions to replicate Silicon Valley.

Yes, it is next to HK University and has a large sea view.


Frankly speaking, Xiao Li did not plan to engage in real estate at the beginning, nor did he even plan to enter the industry. In Xiao Li's vision, the HK government would build the Cyberport, and then he would act as an intermediary to attract other companies. Check-in - In fact, at the beginning of the construction of Cyberport, software giants such as IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle signed letters of intent. By 2001, more than 70 large software and Internet companies had been roped in. .

In Xiao Li's plan, the government would pay to turn the Cyberport into a public facility so that he could start some business. In March 1998, Yingke and Intel co-founded Pacific Convergence Corporation (PCC) to develop broadband in Asia. Internet business.

But the biggest problem for the Hong Kong government at this time is no money.

As a result, Xiao Li's mind came alive and he negotiated with the Hong Kong government to undertake the development and construction of the Cyberport, but he must use part of the land to build residential buildings for himself.

Of course, later on, Xiao Li took the opportunity to package himself as a technology company to go public to make money, and ultimately turned Cyberport into what it will be in the future. There is no need to mention those things.

The reason why Yuanxin got involved is naturally because HK should play a role, or even a more important role, in the future development of Yuanxin.

Nowadays, Silicon Valley, the provincial capital, has begun to take shape. With the slogan of national telecommunications speeding up, domestic software and Internet companies are also booming. Not only have domestic substitutions been achieved in many software, but an emerging software industry has also emerged in the software park. Industry - software outsourcing.

Yes, relying on Yuanxin's headquarters in the provincial capital, relying on Stanford's electronic technology, and relying on the rapid development of the domestic economy - Su Yuanshan firmly believes that the domestic software and Internet industry can become the Silicon Valley of the East and the Silicon Valley of China.

But wanting to become the Silicon Valley of the world, or the Silicon Valley that affects Asia, is still a bit off.

The bad thing here is the passage.

And HK, as the link between East and West, is the most perfect channel and window.

It can become a springboard for foreign software and Internet companies to enter Southeast Asia and covet the mainland market, and it can also become a bridgehead for domestic software and Internet companies to enter the world.

At this stage, as Yuanxin accelerates its strategy of spreading throughout Southeast Asia and even Asia, it is the only center that can assume the important task of gathering and absorbing capital, technology, and talents from all of Southeast Asia.

If the technology and talent center of the entire Southeast Asia region is not transferred from Singapore, Yuanxin will not be able to truly conquer Southeast Asia and complete its Asian strategy.

Therefore, Cyberport is a project that FarCore must win and lead.

By then, it will form a powerful twin star effect with the software park in the provincial capital, attracting scientific and technological talents and emerging Internet and software industries throughout Southeast Asia and even Asia.

At the same time, it will also allow Eastern and Western Internet companies to meet and communicate here, allowing domestic Internet giants to truly go global.

The next day, Chen Jing, on behalf of the major shareholder, together with Deyuan's chief financial officer and others, sounded the listing bell. Su Yuanshan and Sun Xihui were waiting for Zhang Xiaolong and Xu Yi at a coffee shop not far from the Hong Kong government - the latter is the deputy director of the Provincial Development Zone Management Committee and the general manager of the Development Zone Investment Co., Ltd.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhang Xiaolong and Xu Yi arrived at the coffee shop on time.

Director Xu, thank you for your hard work. Su Yuanshan and Sun Xihui stepped forward to shake hands.

Xu Yi laughed and said, Don't call me that, Mr. Shan. Everyone is out. My identity is the person in charge of the development zone investment company. I am here to help with the planning of the Cyberport.

Haha, that's okay. Mr. Xu, please sit down.

After sitting down, seeing that there was still half an hour left, Zhang Xiaolong took out a stack of documents from his briefcase.

Mr. Shan, the main planning drawings and exploded views are still in the notebook. Just put the PPT when the time comes - does the Hong Kong government have projection equipment?


Okay, look, the plan and layout we have given is this for the time being - to be honest, there is too little land, only 25 hectares. What can be done with less than 400 acres of land? It is less than three-thirds of the land occupied by Yuanxin. One percent. Zhang Xiaolong shook his head as he spoke.

Everyone laughed.

Indeed, the Guangyuanxin Science and Technology Park in the provincial capital has 1,300 acres of land.

HK, still too small.

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