1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 660 Before the HK decisive battle

Affected by El Niño in the first half of the year, the rainfall intensity this year will be stronger. We don't feel anything upstream yet, but we are afraid that major floods will break out downstream.

Su Yuanshan tapped the pen on his notebook, looked at the executives present, and said slowly: We are a business, not a charity. Of course we cannot go to the front lines to rescue and provide disaster relief with an attitude of compassion. But charity The behavior itself is an erection of the corporate image and a satisfaction of our personal moral needs.

So, I suggest that Yuanxin establishes a new charity fund based on the previous education scholarship fund and entrusts it to Xinghai Fund for management.

I agree. Duan Yongping said immediately: How much is the initial investment?

Let's start with 100 million. Su Yuanshan thought for a while and said: I personally will invest another 100 million. This money must be implemented quickly. First, tens of millions will be allocated to purchase disaster relief materials, such as tents, fast food, noodles, drinks, etc. Drinking water, etc.”

How many tens of millions will you draw first? Duan Yongping was slightly startled.

Others present could not help but look at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

Of course, they are not against Su Yuanshan's opinion, but they think that the disaster is serious enough that Yuanxin needs to prepare tens of millions of supplies?

Well, almost. Su Yuanshan nodded: Let's prepare first, so we can be prepared for any emergencies - as long as we don't make any noise at first, we don't necessarily have to purchase so much. It will depend on the situation.

Hearing this, Duan Yongping nodded without hesitation: Okay, should you and Mr. Chen say it or should I?

Let me tell her, she was recently dealing with Javanese guests in Fujian Province. Just the other week, the Min River was also hit by a once-in-a-century flood...

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he closed his notebook when no one had any objections, and then looked at He Wei.

He Wei, you are familiar with my uncle. When the time comes, you can help contact me.

Back in the office, Su Yuanshan quickly put down the flood fight - but even if he wanted to put it down, the constant rain behind him always reminded him that this summer was unusual.

Even though he knew the outcome, he still couldn't do more. He could only rely on the logistics system developed by his uncle a few years in advance to prepare the logistics in advance and express his feelings.

Moreover, the next two months will be extremely critical for Yuanxin.

On the one hand, Yuanxin wants to complete the reduction of its holdings in Newbook. On the other hand, HK still has a defensive battle to fight...

After talking to Chen Jing, he immediately received a call from Sun Xihui.

On the phone, Sun Xihui told him that her and Qin Si's plane arrived at 1:30 pm.

Su Yuanshan glanced at the time, thought for a while, and looked ahead at Zhao Yan, who pretended to read a book seriously, but in fact his ears perked up when he called Sister Sun.

Zhao Yan, you go to the airport to pick up your mother. The flight is at 1:30 pm.

Huh? Me?

Well, you go to the office and ask Uncle Fu to take you there.



By afternoon, the rain had stopped.

The car drove into Yuanxin, and Qin Si and Sun Xihui followed Zhao Yan towards the administration building.

Seeing her son, who had obviously grown taller and become more sensible, Sun Xihui's eyes were full of uncontrollable affection.

After entering Su Yuanshan's office, Zhao Yan quickly made tea for the three of them, then moved a chair to sit next to his mother.

Su Yuanshan was happy when he saw it: Xiao Zhao, today is not a parent-teacher meeting. You go to the laboratory for a while first.

Oh, okay. Zhao Yan stood up and glanced at his mother longingly, then rummaged under the desk for a while, took out a notebook and left the office.

Watching Zhao Yan leave, Qin Si chuckled: Shan always has a way.

Are you confident about having a baby now? Sun Xihui's face was full of joy and emotion, and she glanced at Qin Si's abdomen: You, you have to ask Lao Chen to come on.

Ahem...two sisters. Su Yuanshan coughed lightly.

Haha, let's talk about business, talk about business. Sun Xihui laughed.

Of the two of them, Qin Si is already thirty, and she herself is Ben Si's old aunt. She really needs to be careful in front of Su Yuanshan, a young man who has not had any marriage news yet.

Qin Si pursed his lips and smiled: To get down to business, HK is now facing siege from three parties: stocks, futures, exchanges, and foreign exchange. If you rely on any one move, I'm afraid it won't work.

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan and Sun Xihui laughed at the same time.

Mr. Yam, the president of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, was jokingly called Any Trick by the media because every time he encountered international hot money lending in Hong Kong dollars, he only sent out a tactic of raising interest rates.

Although any one of them has always used this trick, due to its status as a free financial capital, Hong Kong is more resistant to the attacks of international hot money than countries like Thailand. As a result, although his move made the stock market wail, it still preserved the Hong Kong dollar's linked exchange rate system.

But now, after the international hot money has been wiped out throughout Asia, HK is the last piece of meat that can be eaten. How can they give up?

As a result, international hot money, led by Soros Quantum Fund, is not only shorting the Hong Kong dollar, but also shorting the stock market and futures market.

Since October last year, the Hang Seng Index has fallen from its highest point of more than 16,000 points to the current 8,000 points, which is directly reduced by half. During this period, the wealth of countless middle class and ordinary citizens was looted, and many people went to the rooftops. Stock prices, house prices, and futures prices fell across the board.

In the past six months, Soros has publicly stated on various occasions more than once that he wants to completely defeat the Hong Kong dollar's linked exchange rate system, just like other regions in Southeast Asia.

Under the dark clouds, the financial media, which was full of confidence in HK, also began to respond with pessimism.

But now that HK is in this situation, there is still no movement.

In fact, there is a reason why the HKMA only uses one trick.

In order to safeguard Hong Kong's foundation and its reputation as a free port, if the Hong Kong government decides to enter the market and participate in the fight - to be precise, it uses Hong Kong's foreign exchange reserves to buy the air force's smash offer - this means that the Hong Kong government is using People's assets go to the free market to compete with capital.

If it succeeds, that's fine. In addition to losing some credibility, at least the exchange rate system can be preserved, and maybe a small profit will be made. But if it fails...

Then no one can bear this responsibility.

That would be eternal infamy.

But Su Yuanshan knew that the HK Monetary Authority would definitely take action, and the country would definitely take control.

I have said a long time ago that the Hong Kong Monetary Authority will definitely take action - the collapse of other countries is largely due to excessive debt and insufficient foreign exchange reserves. But Hong Kong is different. Not only does Hong Kong have the motherland standing behind it, but also Its own foreign exchange reserves are also sufficient to absorb the air force’s sales.”

What we have to do is give ordinary people in Hong Kong a little confidence.

Su Yuanshan stood up as he spoke, opened the safe behind his desk with his personal key, and then took out two documents.

Hongyuan Electronic Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Initial Public Offering Prospectus

Deyuan Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Initial Public Offering Prospectus

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