1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 64 Ecological War

Xi Xiaoding hung up the phone and looked at the stars in the sky, frowning.

Yang Yiwen turned on the street lights on the lawn and walked to the bench with Qin Si - the house and the garden had been bought by them and rearranged according to their favorite styles.

Xi Xiaoding looked away and saw two beauties standing in front of him with serious faces. He couldn't help but smile: Why are you so nervous? It's not a big deal.

Nonsense. Yang Yiwen glared and said, Now the foundation of Yuanxin is EDA. Without EDA, we will run out of food in an instant.

What did Mr. Su say? Qin Si saw Xi Xiaoding holding the engineering prototype and guessed that Xi Xiaoding waited until night to make the call, which must be to wait for Su Yuanshan.

He said let the bullets fly for a while. Xi Xiaoding smiled: It means wait, don't panic.

When Yang Yiwen heard Su Yuanshan say not to panic, her expression immediately relaxed and she said with a smile: Since he said that, there must be a way. Otherwise, if we wait for our opponent to go public before filing a lawsuit, we will be dragged down by just dragging it. faint.

Nearly half a year after arriving in Silicon Valley, Yang Yiwen has applied for a visa extension. In the past few months, in addition to keeping track of various patents from Yuanxin, she has also been familiar with various laws here. I know that litigating a lawsuit here, especially an infringement lawsuit that requires one's own proof, is long-lasting and extremely expensive.

Of course, if it wins, the compensation will be generous - the problem is that Yuanxin's goal is not to obtain compensation, but to use technology to defeat its opponents rather than relying on patent lawsuits. Because in that case, even if Yuanxin can monopolize the market, it will most likely be hit by the iron fist of antitrust laws.

According to the anti-monopoly law, it is not illegal for a company to obtain a market monopoly due to user selection in normal competition. However, it is a bit dangerous to use patent barriers, low-price dumping and other means to prevent other companies from entering the industry.

So Yang Yiwen is very worried. After all, the anti-monopoly laws here are really not recognized by the six relatives.

Compared with Yang Yiwen's obsessive trust in Su Yuanshan, Xi Xiaoding was obviously much more sober, but naturally he would not let the two girls worry. He smiled and said: Well, go to bed early - by the way, that customer management software, How do you feel after trying it? Is there anything that needs improvement?”

As soon as he mentioned this, Qin Si immediately became energetic: Very good, very strong! It is especially suitable for user management like us who have multiple customers, especially corporate customers.

That's good, you guys will test it first and wait a month before releasing it.



Su Yuanshan laughed for a long time after hanging up the phone, and then immediately went up to the tenth floor.

Just as Yang Yiwen worries, even if Yuanxin is far from reaching a monopoly position at this moment, he still has to try to avoid launching a lawsuit before completely defeating his peers.

After all, the purpose of EDA is not to make much money, but to become the Microsoft of EDA - unless Synopsys is really shameless enough to directly copy the code, then don't blame Su Yuanshan for being rude.

Lao Jiang, can you draw out a few people from here?

Arriving at Jiang Wanchao's office, Su Yuanshan got straight to the point.

Jiang Wanchao was scratching his scalp, and immediately became nervous after hearing this: What do you want to do? Qu Hui brought a group of elites to Chengguang Institute, and Zhu Jianting brought a group of experienced people to help Party A do mechanical engineering CAD. He just They asked me for help. Where do I have so many people? Now there are only about a dozen experienced people at the beginning...

Su Yuanshan was startled: Manpower is so tight?

Otherwise? Jiang Wanchao smiled bitterly and said, I have opened twenty intern quotas here. When the time comes, you have to give me priority.

That will satisfy you. Su Yuanshan brushed his teeth, then frowned: Old Jiang, it's like this. Brother Xi called me just now and said that Synopsys is testing the chip design part that has almost the same functions and methods as ours. .”

Holy shit? Jiang Wanchao was furious when he heard this: Nah, they copied the source code, right?

Su Yuanshan nodded: So I plan to officially develop several free open source plug-ins here.

Jiang Wanchao stared at Su Yuanshan, and the previous nervousness slowly disappeared: You mean we use open source plug-ins to enhance the functions of EDA?

Yes, the main thing is to build up the open source community.

Su Yuanshan sighed as he spoke. He overestimated the programming level, or the enthusiasm for research, of the chip designers in the west. The forum he established with Xi Xiaoding before he left is not very popular now. So far, he has only contributed five open source plug-ins, and the level of them is average...

Let's sort it out here first, and then open up more interfaces and data. If it doesn't work, we even only need to retain the design and simulation functions, and leave everything else to the open source community.

Su Yuanshan explained with a smile: This is called ecological war.

After assigning tasks to Jiang Wanchao's people, Su Yuanshan quickly went downstairs and opened C++, which he had not used for a long time. Then a new project was created.

[An enhanced microcontroller design plug-in]

In the next few days, Su Yuanshan contacted Xi Xiaoding several times by email, and told Xi Xiaoding his arrangements, so that he could write some plug-ins for the open source forum in his spare time, and at the same time let him promote the forum more. Form a plug-in application ecosystem with Yuanxin as the core as soon as possible.

A week later, representatives of NEC, accompanied by the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, visited the headquarters of Yuanxin, accompanied by Su Xinghe.

Perhaps because it was rare to share his son's worries, Professor Su Xinghe was very active this time. He received NEC representatives throughout the entire process and signed a cooperation agreement.

Su Xinghe had only one request. He hoped that NEC could send engineers to help Yuanxin build a clean room.

Professor Su, why do you want to build a clean room? Do you have the idea of ​​building a wafer fab?

When the request was made, NEC representative Kazuo Karasawa was surprised.

At this time, the investment promotion team made it clear to NEC that they were only here to purchase software, and they did not leave angrily after inspecting the project. Therefore, Su Yuanshan went directly from the ninth floor to the sky teahouse on the 30th floor.

Su Xinghe smiled slightly and looked at Mr. Lin, who came from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Provincial University and was working as a temporary translator: Please translate, Mr. Lin, and say that we have no idea of ​​establishing a wafer fab for the time being. The layerless room is just a part of the research center.

I see. Kazuo Kazuo nodded and asked like a curious baby: But why did you choose us? Your fab seems to have been cooperating with the West.

Su Yuanshan listened quietly. Although he had lost his Japanese for many years, he could barely understand it.

When Teacher Lin was still struggling with the word crystal factory, Su Yuanshan said softly: Please tell Teacher Lin that we appreciate their craftsmanship and the layerless room they built must be the cleanest in the world.

At the same time, we hope to have deeper cooperation with them, especially in the semiconductor field. This includes but is not limited to providing chip design support and pipeline process improvements.

Thanks to X Fantasy X, Persimmon in the Vegetable Garden, 007 of 009 for the tip.

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