1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 637 Paradise Plan

Su Yuanshan had dinner at home before returning to the science and technology park.

Netflix is ​​an important part of his future audio-visual service layout, and it is no exaggeration to call it a strategic deployment.

So what he considers is not whether he can make money, but whether he can succeed.

After all...in another period of history, those careerists who tried to occupy users' living rooms failed.

This is true for Microsoft's Venus Plan, and so is the Shanda Box Plan.

However, compared with these two plans, Su Yuanshan and Kutaragi Ken’s tentative “Paradise Plan” has natural advantages – firstly, they have avoided this unpredictable domestic pit, and secondly, Sony has natural advantages in the field of home entertainment. Extremely high influence.

In addition, they hold Netflix.com and MP3.com, the world's largest audio and video copyright libraries...

As long as the price is reasonable, it stands to reason that it can be done.

It was only eight o'clock when we arrived at the science and technology park, and Su Yuanshan planned to go back to the office to read two pages of paper.

His office is brightly lit.

The secretarial team outside had already finished get off work, but his office door was ajar, and Wen Xiaoqian's voice came from inside.

Su Yuanshan was a little curious, walked to the door and listened for a few words, and then suddenly remembered that Zhao Yan was still there...

For division of powers with the same base, the base remains unchanged and the exponents are subtracted. Don't look at m power, n power is too big. You can actually bring in a number.

For example, if 2 raised to the fourth power is divided by 2 raised to the third power, according to the formula, it should equal 2 raised to the power 1, which is equal to 2.

If you feel doubtful, just calculate 2 to the fourth power. What is it?


What about the third power?


16 divided by 8, does it equal 2? So, don't get scared when you see these m and n...

Su Yuanshan: ...

Emotions are the topic.

Hmm... This kid does seem to be a little behind in math.

While shaking his head, Su Yuanshan knocked lightly and then pushed open the door.

As expected, Wen Xiaoqian was standing in front of Zhao Yan's desk.

Mr. Shan.

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded: Are you finished?

It's over...

Then you go back and rest. We have a meeting tomorrow morning. Su Yuanshan returned to his desk and turned on the computer.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wen Xiaoqian silently say something to Zhao Yan, and secretly clenched her fists to cheer her up.

Zhao Yan pursed his lips and nodded.

——He is a child after all.

Because of his special status, Su Yuanshan could say nothing to Zhao Yan and ignore him, but that didn't mean that others could do the same to him.

Whether it is a security guard or a secretary in Su Yuanshan's secretarial team, they actually communicate with Zhao Yan in private, and they also secretly bring some snacks and so on - yes, Su Yuanshan knows all this.

As he becomes an independent husband, someone must be the good man.

He even hoped that Zhao Yan could form a united front with his men.

After all, you can't really distort the psychology of people and children.

Now it seems that this is still effective. At least I know how to study by myself and ask questions.

Su Yuanshan thought to himself and started to open the paper.

Time passed by, and when Su Yuanshan finished reading the paper, he saw that Zhao Yan was still doing homework, and looked at the calendar again - it was already January 22nd, and it seemed that the final exam was coming soon?

After thinking about it, Su Yuanshan leaned back on the chair and stared at Zhao Yan for a few seconds before calling his name.

Zhao Yan, come here.

The little boy was startled for a moment. When he saw Su Yuanshan looking at him, he pursed his lips, closed the exercise book, and walked to the desk.

This time, Zhao Yan did not turn his head and look elsewhere as rebelliously as before. Of course, he did not make eye contact with Su Yuanshan, but stared at the butt of the monitor in front of Su Yuanshan.

when is the exam?


Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded: After you finish the exam, you don't want to go back to HK or your hometown. You will live in Yuanxin.

After a brief moment of astonishment, the little boy's face instantly turned red, and he looked at Su Yuanshan with angry eyes: Why?

Su Yuanshan looked directly into the little boy's eyes and said slowly: Because your performance is not good enough.

Zhao Yan's breathing became rapid and his hands slowly clenched.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he was silent for a few seconds and then sighed.

Do you think I don't like you, or do you think I'm too strict with you?

Zhao Yan didn't answer, just bit his lip and said nothing.

Su Yuanshan lowered his eyes, opened the drawer, and put a plastic-sealed twelve-inch photo at the bottom of the drawer on the desk: Come over and look at this photo.

This photo is a nostalgic photo taken seven years ago when Yuanxin EDA was successfully developed.

Zhao Yan endured it for a while and then said, I've seen it.

Well, as long as you have seen it before. Then you should know that your mother is standing behind me, and she has an elbow on my shoulder.

Your mother, I have always regarded him as my sister.

Except for a small number of people in this photo who left Yuanxin and went to Yuanxin-related enterprise development, most of them stayed with Yuanxin and worked in various positions. Including your mother - Yuanxin Development Not long after she left EDA, she followed my advice and went to HK to develop her business.

Then, the person in this photo. At that time, only your mother's child was the oldest - that is to say, you are the oldest among the next generation of this group of people.

Whether it's Mr. Xi, Mr. Qin, or Mr. Tian, ​​Mr. Li... Including me, to be blunt, all the children of millionaires in our group will call you when they see you. A big brother.

Zhao Yan was slightly startled when he heard the word eldest brother.

But what about you? Do you really want to be the eldest brother of the underworld? Take our children, a group of scientists and engineers, to conquer the world?

Su Yuanshan looked directly into Zhao Yan's eyes: So, you don't study, you are playful, you use your power to bully others... I am very angry.

Because you are the boss and you are Sun Xihui's child. Not to mention your mother's company, you are even qualified to take charge of the entire Yuanxin!

You think I keep my word in Yuanxin because I am a single husband? Do you think your mother listens to me all the time because I am the boss? You are wrong, Zhao Yan.

I am able to make everyone listen to me because I never relax for a moment. I know the responsibility on my shoulders. And I have always been thinking about everyone and Yuanxin.

And what about you? Your responsibility now is not to eat well, dress well, have fun, or shout a few slogans after Teacher HK, but to set an example for all the children in this photo and for my children in the future.

In silence, Zhao Yan lowered his head again, his arms trembling slightly from the force of his fists.

Go back and rest, and prepare well for the exam. During the Spring Festival, your mother will come over to play with you. I hope I can give her a surprise then.

January passed quickly, and in early February, just a week before the Spring Festival, good news came from the Hongyuan foundry.

Yuanxin's Vidoo7 series mobile phones have officially rolled off the first batch of engineering machines and are actively preparing for mass production.

After receiving the news, Zhu Yuanxin rushed to the science and technology park first, took the engineering machine and the camera that had been completed earlier and rushed to the science and technology park.

In Su Yuanshan's office, Su Yuanshan, Duan Yongping, Zhu Yuanxin, and Qin Weimin were sitting around the sofa.

Zhao Yan, give some uncles some water.

Zhao Yan, who was studying questions behind the desk, immediately stood up. Because he was not tall enough, he moved his chair, opened the bookcase, and took down the tea can at the top.

Several people here shook their heads when they saw this.

Mr. Shan, you are hiring child labor. Zhu Yuanxin joked.

If you don't pay, it's not called employment. Su Yuanshan chuckled: Just say it.

Do you want to... avoid it? Duan Yongping glanced at Zhao Yan, who was facing the water dispenser with his back to him and others, and asked.

No, Zhao Yan is sensible. Su Yuanshan refused with a smile: Let's talk about our affairs directly. If he feels that it is disturbing his study, he will go outside by himself.

Now that Su Yuanshan has said so, the others no longer mind - although everyone always feels something is wrong.

After all, nowadays, it is still a common rule that children go away while adults are talking about business.

Uncle, drink tea.

Zhao Yan brought the tea cup and placed it in front of everyone. Finally, he walked to his desk, picked up the test paper and went outside.

Su Yuanshan looked at the little boy's back and shook his head gently. He turned around and said with a smile: Where's the phone?

Zhu Yuanxin opened his briefcase and took out a bunch of mobile phones.

The 1.5-inch super large color screen is equipped with the smallest YOS kernel system, which not only supports music playback, but also supports 3gpp format video playback.

3gpp historically appeared at the end of the year, but FarCore couldn't wait any longer. No matter what, we'll talk about it first.

Yuanxin has communication technology, baseband chips, and YOS system. It would be too frustrating if we still have to wait for the International Telecommunications Union to launch a streaming media format.

What's more, Yuanxin has a big killer - the default video format recorded by the next camera is 3gpp.

In addition, it also has built-in browser, email and other common programs.

pony is working overtime on development, probably in the past few days, but I can't wait. Zhu Yuanxin said happily: When the time comes, once EM is built in, this phone can be said to be a perfect Internet phone.

Duan Yongping nodded with a smile: At least it can be used for daily Internet use.

Su Yuanshan played with the buttons and looked at the screen with emotion.

He still remembered that when he went to the capital a few years ago, what BOE showed him was a pure circuit board. He didn't expect that the driver integration could be completed so quickly and inserted into the mobile phone.

He could imagine that Karasawa Erxiong and his team must have worked overtime day and night to get it done.

Well, Internet phones are good. Su Yuanshan confirmed this statement.

After all, Yuanxin is committed to leading the trend of the times, and what it wants is to become an industry leader.

This year, Yuanxin will take the lead in piloting the construction of Yuanxin 4S stores in international metropolises such as Silicon Valley, New York, London, and Paris. If there are no products that can be used, it would be a bit ridiculous.

“But the content needs to keep up.”

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