1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 632 Mysterious Call

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the highest-level meeting of Yuanxin was held in Su Yuanshan's office.

Participants included Su Yuanshan, Chen Jing, Xi Xiaoding, Duan Yongping, and Zhang Rujin.

Qin Si was naturally among them.

After listening to Su Yuanshan and Zhang Rujin describe Cui Taiyuan's ambitions one by one, the other three were a little stunned.

Xi Xiaoding, in particular, couldn't help but sip the Yahuazi and sighed: This person is just a Korean traitor...

No. Qin Si smiled and explained for Xi Xiaoding: Mr. Xi, the reason why SK chose to sell SK Telecom's shares is because in the telecommunications field, foreign companies and individuals hold no more than 49% of the shares. That means No matter what Cui Taiyuan does, the company is still a Korean company. On the contrary, at some point, Yuanxin's excessive shareholding may be regarded as some kind of unstable factor.

Qin Si shrugged as he said this: The national sentiments of the people of Bang Country...have to be guarded against.

Su Yuanshan immediately nodded in agreement: One thing to say is that the country was founded by warlords, and they still have strong control over key domestic industries. The main prerequisite for the rise of chaebols is to be based in their country.

Monopolizing domestic industries, tying up national sentiments, and then actively expanding externally - this is the basis for the rich life of the country's chaebols, and it is also the reason why the country's government chooses to indulge and cooperate. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the chaebols are, they will not be in front of the government. Scumbag—didn’t the last one go to jail?”

Of course, Su Yuanshan's words can only be regarded as a summary of the situation in the country before the financial crisis.

Because with the outbreak of the financial crisis, the United States chose to seek help from the IMF, and the IMF forced the United States to sign many harsh terms, which ultimately turned companies like Samsung into money-making tools for Wall Street.

For example, foreigners are allowed to open banks and securities firms in South Korea. Allow foreign companies to acquire Korean companies, including hostile acquisitions, open trade, and abolish import licenses and export subsidies. Large domestic financial companies must accept supervision from international institutions, break the tenure system in the Korean labor market, allow large-scale layoffs, and a series of other treaties.

These treaties were described as national humiliation by the people of the country.

In that case, wouldn't it mean that we are seeking skin from a tiger? After listening to the introductions of Qin Si and Su Yuanshan, Duan Yongping hesitated and said: Compared to SK, we are purely foreign capital in Bangkok... and the ownership structure of the chaebol is It’s extremely complicated, and I’m afraid I might fall into a trap accidentally.”

Haha, I'm not afraid of this. Su Yuanshan comforted: Enterprises controlled by chaebols are mainly industries in which they made their fortune. SK Telecom is not like petrochemicals to Shengjing, but an emerging company with relatively clear equity and weak family control. Enterprise - it takes time to control it!

Duan Yongping nodded, then quickly pursed his lips and said: If there is no danger in intervening in the Korean semiconductor market through SK, then I have thought of a very big idea.

Old Duan, tell me.

Think about it, everyone. Currently in Asia, the semiconductor industry is dominated by Ni Country, and we can only be regarded as rising stars. Duan Yongping looked at everyone: Then followed by Bang Country and the island. But on the island, we can't enter. .And personally, I’m not optimistic about the long-term development of the island.”

Then the only one who can join the player base is Bangguo.

If we fully intervene in the country's semiconductor industry, we can achieve regional balance in the future and form a complete and huge regional cluster of the semiconductor industry chain!

Duan Yongping then looked at Zhang Rujin: Dr. Zhang, you are an expert in wafer fabs. Do you think that after the three countries form such an industrial cluster, will they have an industrial chain comparable to developed countries such as Europe and the United States?

Zhang Rujin had already realized what Duan Yongping was going to say when he said player group.

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhang Rujin slowly shook his head, then nodded slowly: If we want to face the extremely high-end industrial chain in the future, Europe and the United States obviously have more advantages. Especially North America, don't underestimate North America's technical capabilities and capabilities. soil.

If we don't talk about anything else, just talking about the various thin film deposition equipment for PVD, CVD, and ALD, North American companies currently have an overwhelming advantage.

But if we say second-rate... a complete industrial chain can be realized in Asia.

That's enough! Duan Yongping laughed: As long as an industrial chain is formed, Yuanxin must be the core.

Su Yuanshan also smiled and nodded.

Yes, if this is true, then Yuanxin must be the leading company in this huge de-beautification industry chain, and no one can match it.

Well... The premise is to eliminate Samsung and LG first.

Everyone, please don't be so optimistic. At this time, Chen Jing saw that Su Yuanshan and Duan Yongping were optimistic at the same time, and said calmly: We cannot assume that our partners or opponents are mentally retarded - then we must consider that, Cui Taiyuan is obviously aware of this.

So, is Cui Taiyuan willing to let Yuanxin lead the next development of SK Telecom? Is it because he wants to kick Yuanxin out through various means after Yuanxin enters the game? If not, then why would Cui Taiyuan do this to lure the wolf into the house? job?

Just before everyone started thinking, Su Yuanshan said leisurely: I know.

Chen Jing immediately looked at him: Huh?

It's very simple. He hopes to use the cooperation with Yuanxin as a springboard to smoothly promote SK Chemicals into the country.

Historically, as early as 1995, SK launched the SK Scholarship at Tsinghua and Peking University. Later, they even created a SK Number One Ranking on Capital Channel...

Later, in order to support medical care in poor areas in the west, it jointly launched the SK-Ministry of Health Joint Scholarship with the Ministry of Health...

As for building hospitals and building Hope Primary Schools, this is something that has not been left behind.

Why do you think it is so active? Is the spirit of internationalism really rampant?

It is not just to actively enter the domestic market.

These are just part of their China Insider strategy - SK has long realized that the mainland market is the real market.

Of course, it is not that China has given it no face. After all, it has built hospitals, gas stations, and conducted oil and gas exploration.

It's just a pity that the two-barrel oil daddy is so awesome that it has no chance.

He...is this too whimsical? Duan Yongping was startled, and then said: Even if the country takes steps to open up petrochemicals at the WTO, he may not be able to come in... In other words, even if he comes in, Yuanxin It won’t be of much help, right?”

So you don't understand the way of thinking of these chaebols. In a sense, their persistence in finding backdoors through connections is even crazier than ours. Yuanxin has such a strong influence in the country, of course he wants to Borrowed.

Su Yuanshan smiled disdainfully as he spoke.

Among all the plutocrats in the country, no one has a clean butt.

So? Chen Jing asked again, although she already understood that Su Yuanshan had basically made up his mind.

Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds and then said with a smile: Sister Jing, Cui Taiyuan is right. Shorting Samsung Electronics and LG alone cannot defeat these two companies. It can only be said that it can delay their financing channels and slow down their business. Their development. To really eliminate opponents in the cradle, we still need to incubate new opponents in the opponent's environment.

Now SK is willing to be this opponent - no matter what kind of confidence Cui Taiyuan has, in short, Yuanxin can give it a try.

As long as we master the core technology and IP, we are not afraid of them turning the world upside down. Uncle Zhang, don't you think so?

Yes. Zhang Rujin nodded clearly: And at least, they can pull Samsung and LG down.

What about the money? Chen Jing looked at Su Yuanshan again: Use running water? Or reduce the shares of easybook?

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Let the water flow first, easybook will continue to rise.

Ding Lei’s Easybook has never stopped growing from the time it was launched to the present.

As of today, the market value has exceeded US$30 billion.

Nowadays, Ding Lei walks with the wind.

Of course, Ding Lei didn't know that easybook's current market value was not at its peak yet - Su Yuanshan's prediction was that in two years, before the Internet bubble ends, easybook's market value is estimated to reach more than 100 billion US dollars.

The reason is simple. In the previous life, Yahoo was even more powerful - before the Internet bubble burst, Yahoo's highest market value had reached 150 billion. (I didn’t expect that)

Although Yahoo in this generation was successfully listed as scheduled, easybook holds the title of the first portal on the Internet and uses the excellent engine of Ye Rudai's ESO team. In addition, it started out as an email company... it can be said that, Yahoo has been beaten to the ground by Easybook in terms of number of users, scale, reputation, and storytelling.

Since the stock prices of Internet companies have been soaring, Su Yuanshan would just use the flowing water.

After both parties expressed their attitudes to each other, the ensuing discussion became much more positive.

Sure enough, as Su Yuanshan expected, Cui Taiyuan hopes that cooperation with Yuanxin will not be limited to the semiconductor field.

To this, Su Yuanshan gave a clear answer - Yuanxin is a high-tech company and will only choose to cooperate in the semiconductor field.

However, Yuanxin is willing to conduct non-commercial cooperation with SK in China, and can even establish a public welfare foundation with SK. Make contributions to education, medical care, health and other public undertakings.

Cui Taiyuan was very satisfied with this proposal.

Then, the two sides signed a memorandum and are scheduled to conduct the first round of substantive negotiations in Seoul half a month later.

January 10th.

Su Yuanshan sent Cui Taiyuan and his party away.

After returning to the office, he began to make a final review of the server solution proposed by the CPU department.

Just when he was immersed in work, the dedicated phone suddenly rang, startling him.

This phone number is a confidential one. Unless it involves very confidential matters, very few people will call.

Hello, I am Su Yuanshan.

Hello, Su Yuanshan. I'm from the general office...

Listening to the person on the phone announcing his home address, Su Yuanshan immediately stood up.

This office is not that office.

Hello, Director Chen... Why can I bother you to make a phone call? Su Yuanshan took a gentle breath.

Haha, the leader gave orders. Director Chen laughed on the phone: Are you free in a week?


As long as you have time, the leader will inspect Wuxi Chip City, and at the same time he will meet with you, the bosses of the semiconductor industry, and hold a symposium to talk about the development and planning of the semiconductor industry - is that okay?

Su Yuanshan clenched his right hand in an instant.

no problem!

Okay! Director Chen laughed on the phone: The leader said that he is looking forward to your insights, so you must be well prepared.

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