1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 611 New Global Business Leader

Facing Su Yuanshan's expectant eyes, Lin Benjian felt a little embarrassed.

After returning to China, he and Zhao Kaidong's team, who had been in remote contact before, plunged into the research and development of 193nm ArF light source. Now is the time to make small achievements and see the light of day...

Frankly speaking, he really doesn't have time to think about what happens after 193nm. And having stayed in Silicon Valley for a long time, he knows the technological strength and technological vision of the lighthouse country very well.

Since the lighthouse countries have already aimed at EUV, obviously, this means that it must be a direction, at least one of them.

However...since what Su Yuanshan asked was a cool trick rather than the direction of the next generation light source...

Lin Benjian actually had some ideas.

I can't call it a clever idea, it's just an immature idea a long time ago. Lin Benjian said with a shy smile.

Su Yuanshan's eyes lit up: Uncle Lin, please tell me.

I published a paper a few years ago, and I thought at that time that if the wavelength cannot be shortened from the light source, then other physical means can be considered. For example, adding a layer of water between the lens and the exposure area can Lower the wavelength.”

As he spoke, Lin Benjian briefly introduced his ideas.

After listening to Lin Benjian's introduction, before Su Yuanshan said anything, Zhao Kaidong and Liang Mengsong were both stunned - both of them were engineers who worked with lithography machines, and they immediately realized that this idea was a bit too whimsical.

Zhao Kaidong said: Old Lin, I'm afraid this is difficult for you, right?

Liang Mengsong also nodded: A bit too...cough.

Lin Benjian just smiled. He didn't have time to sort out the plan now. He just said it casually. Naturally, he didn't expect to convince these two people, and this was not an imminent matter...

Therefore, none of the three of them saw the smile rising in Su Yuanshan's eyes.

Well, I finally have an idea. I'll look for your paper sometime. Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Now we mainly have to solve the 193nm problem.

At present, there are two main companies that have realized the ArF laser light source, one is Cymer and the other is Komatsu. We, Stahl, IBM and others can only say that they are chasing after... But I believe that in the end, we can still catch up. We should be the only ones holding the light source of the lithography machine.

//Note: Komatsu Co., Ltd. jointly established Gigaphoton with USHIO in 2000. Together with Cymer, it has since entered the era of Arf light sources. Of course, it is another story for Cymer to gain support from ASML to distance itself from EUV light sources.

Su Yuanshan's words were naturally recognized by everyone.

History has long proven that as long as you dare not have this technology, foreign countries will dare to block it or sell it at a high price.

——Actually, Yuanxin has done this kind of thing before. Why were the MP3 and Vidoo5m released by Yuanxin in North America last year so expensive? Do you really think the cost is high?

Of course, it was because only Yuanxin launched the MP3 function at that time.

At this year's North American conference, after peers launched mobile phones and MP3 players with the same features, the initial price of Vidoo6m has already dropped, and it has already undergone two rounds of price adjustments. Although it is still the most expensive mobile phone on the market, at least the price is not sky-high.

Xiaoshan, but I'm a little worried now. Zhao Kaidong took over Su Yuanshan's words and said: Old Zhao is urging us very hard, saying that he wants to produce his own products, but he is in frequent contact with Komatsu and Cymer. Don't let us know when the time comes. Get the light source system out...it will be a bit annoying if he doesn't use it...

Su Yuanshan was really startled for a moment. He thought about it carefully and suddenly became happy - it seemed, seemed, probably... Zheng Zhenchuan could really do such a thing!

You know, Zheng Zhenchuan is determined to install the photolithography machine.

And Zheng Zhenchuan knows better than anyone else that in the end, the lithography machine will definitely be Made in All Nations.

For now, no company or country can produce all increasingly sophisticated high-end photolithography machine parts on its own.

Therefore, in Zheng Zhenchuan's view, if domestic lithography machines are to truly rise, they must not just focus on the domestic market - that will only create a bunch of lithography machines used in the low-end industrial chain.

Therefore... it is understandable that Zheng Zhenchuan actively contacts the world's advanced parts suppliers.

In fact, let alone Zheng Zhenchuan, even Su Yuanshan did the same thing!

——As long as domestic lithography machines cannot equal Nikon and Canon, Deyuan’s first choice for lithography machines must be Nikon and Canon.

In other words, as long as the optical system of Yuexin cannot catch up with Cymer and Komatsu, Zheng Zhenchuan's first choice of optical system must be Cymer and Komatsu.

The way of heaven is reincarnation. Su Yuanshan laughed: We used Uncle Zheng and others to force foreign countries to sell our lithography machines, and Uncle Zheng and others used us to force foreign countries to provide them with light source systems...

Zhao Kaidong stroked his diluted hair, shook his head, and smiled without blushing: They say support, but in fact they are all taking advantage, just like we urge Changguang Institute.

You must know that the light source system is not a separate laser, but also includes the lens group and the entire control scheme of the entire optical path solution.

At present, the objective lens system in the laboratory mainly uses Zeiss lenses - the more advantageous point is that Zeiss currently competes fiercely with lens giants such as Nikon and Canon, and Telecore does not have to worry about purchasing.

However, based on the policy of preparing for a rainy day and producing independently. The laboratory here is also like Zheng Zhenchuan, constantly cheering for the lens laboratory of Changguang Institute... urging them to catch up with Ou Chaoni in technology as soon as possible.

The meaning is the same - as long as domestic lenses cannot catch up with Nikon, Canon and Zeiss, then Telecore will definitely choose those three companies, and they must choose the best.

Only in this way can the lithography machine be able to compete in the final product market.

After everyone laughed, Su Yuanshan gradually fell silent. He looked at Zhao Kaidong, Lin Benjian and Liang Mengsong and said softly.

Uncle Lin, Uncle Zhao, Dr. Liang. I have said more than once that the land under our feet is a big country with a population of 1.3 billion - its population is that of Europe, the United States and Japan combined.

Unless someone dares to prove that the intelligence level of these 1.3 billion people is generally lower than that of the so-called developed countries. Otherwise, I believe that the proportion of smart brains is the same.

And all technologies are born from the crystallization and creation of human wisdom. So, what Europe, the United States and Japan can accomplish together, we can also accomplish - at least, leaving aside natural resources, this should be the case at the technical level.

That is to say, when the time scale is enlarged to fifty years, one hundred years, or even longer... we will eventually catch up in all fields.

So, even though I think that a technology like lithography machine, which brings together the most advanced human wisdom, requires the joint efforts of several countries and countless smart brains to complete.

But I also think we should have the possibility to do it independently.

And now, the only thing we lack is time.

So, even if our light source system can only be used as a backup tire, we must persist in working on it.

//Note: See this chapter. If you talk too much, you are afraid of getting a 404.



After leaving the laboratory, Liang Mengsong followed Su Yuanshan half a step, and the two walked along Grape Road towards the factory laboratory.

Perhaps thinking about the next development, Su Yuanshan did not speak, but kept lowering his head and thinking.

Liang Mengsong didn't say anything either, but he didn't think about technical issues, but looked at Su Yuanshan's thin shoulders.

He confessed that he was indeed touched by Su Yuanshan's words.

Perhaps...this is a higher sense of mission that transcends technical achievements, right?

Dr. Liang, I was thinking about the idea mentioned by Dr. Lin just now, and I think it may be a bit confusing. Su Yuanshan suddenly stood still, looked at Liang Mengsong and said seriously: I trust my technical intuition.

Liang Mengsong was stunned for a moment, but after seeing Su Yuanshan's expression, he immediately became serious. After thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head and said: Mr. Shan, light source systems are not my specialty, so I can't draw a conclusion. But if it really arouses your technical intuition, I will choose to support Dr. Lin to give it a try.

For those engaged in technology, technical intuition is a very mysterious thing, it is an indescribable technical guidance.

There are excellent scientists and engineers.

And Su Yuanshan's intuition is even more acute, and it is recognized that he has mastered two heavyweight nature articles at the age of twenty, and he may even be a Nobel Prize-level discovery.

Even if this kind of person's technical intuition is wrong, it is still worthy of trust.

Su Yuanshan nodded.

The main thing he had to do was to inoculate Liang Mengsong first. Don't support it unconditionally as soon as Lin Benjian proposed a plan... it would always seem a bit too far-fetched and biased.

It is one thing for a person like Liang Mengsong to believe in himself, but it does not mean that he does not have his own judgment and position.

Let's go take a look at the factory.

As Su Yuanshan was talking, Wen Xiaoqian, who was falling behind the two of them, suddenly ran after Su Yuanshan while holding Su Yuanshan's mobile phone.

Silicon Valley, Fields Bar.

Tang Wenjie and Chen Jianguo looked at Wang Rui in front of them with solemn expressions - since Wang Rui came to the Lighthouse Country, he would only go back to the country when the executive director meeting was held. He usually stayed between the Lighthouse Country and Europe. Flying back and forth.

At this time, Wang Rui was obviously much thinner than the last time he saw him, and his eyes and face were sallow.

Although he is still very energetic, I always feel that something is wrong with him.

Brother, please don't make trouble. I'll call Xiaoshan. Chen Jianguo held the phone with a serious look on his face.

Wang Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He picked up the coffee and took a sip: Don't make trouble, I'm in very good health. It's just that I've been acclimatized and jet lag has made me a little bit unappetite. You said that I feel like I have a terminal illness.

Chen Jianguo ignored him and dialed Su Yuanshan's phone number - although these brothers rarely met each other, Professor Su Xinghe had a special EM group under his disciples. Including Su Yuanshan, several senior brothers were all inside. Normally, whether we encounter difficulties in life or troubles at work, everyone will chat for a while.

It is this kind of exchange that makes the relationship between several senior brothers not only not weakened by distance, but also deeper.

Xiaoshan, my second son and I met Brother Rui. He has been thin and yellow recently, and there is something wrong with him.

On the phone, Su Yuanshan's tone suddenly became nervous: Can you send a video and let me take a look?

Chen Jianguo was startled: How should I post it? I didn't bring a camera...

On the phone, I heard Su Yuanshan say Come on: Then take him to the hospital for a checkup quickly!

Let me tell you. Wang Rui shook his head and reached out to take the phone.

Xiaoshan, I'm really fine. I'm just not used to eating here, plus the jet lag. I've lost a little weight, but there are no other problems.

You're not a little thinner, you're a lot thinner, okay! Tang Wenjie said leisurely from the side: Brother Rui, do you weigh a hundred pounds now?


Okay, okay... I listen to you, I'm going to the hospital now - I tell you, the doctor will prescribe a few hamburgers for me at most and let me eat more.

Unable to bear what Su Yuanshan said, Wang Rui finally agreed and threw the phone to Chen Jianguo.

A day later, the inspection report came out, Child-Pugh A.



Three days later, the provincial capital airport.

The flight taken by Louis Carter and his secretary arrived on time.

But before he could get off the ladder, the scorching September sun in the provincial capital gave him a warning. Carter quickly loosened his tie and walked quickly to the shuttle bus with the crowd.

When Carter walked out of the exit, he saw a beautiful and dignified lady in her thirties holding a piece of cardboard with his name written on it.

Hello, I'm Carter. Carter quickly walked up to her, tried his best to keep a smile, and said in stiff Chinese.

Hello, Mr. Carter, I am An Siying from the CEO Office.

An Siying first said hello in Chinese, and then led Carter to the parking lot in English.

After getting in the car, even though he knew that the other person was fluent in English, Carter still didn't know how to talk to him.

The President's Office... doesn't sound like she's from the Mountain Office... then is she an ordinary administrative employee?

Seeing Carter's hesitant look, An Siying smiled slightly: Mr. Carter, if you have anything you want to know, you can ask me directly - by the way, let me introduce you again, I am the person in charge of the President's Office and also Mr. Chen. Secretary. Responsible for assisting and coordinating Mr. Chen and Mr. Duan in handling various matters.

Carter's expression condensed and he immediately remembered who this was.

Because he took office in a hurry, Carter had no time to familiarize himself with the leaders of Yuanxin's high-level structure. In addition to his excitement, his mind was filled with the nervousness of facing the examination.

He quickly smiled, stretched out his hand again and said, Hello, Miss An, the weather is so hot... I'm sorry to trouble you.

Yes, Mr. Carter will be the person in charge of overseas business of Yuanxin. Originally, Mr. Shan said that he would come to pick you up in person. It was just an unfortunate coincidence that a superior leader came to visit... So I was the only one who came. I also hoped that Carter Don’t mind, sir.”

Carter breathed a sigh of relief without leaving any trace.

Of course he didn't mind.

Of course...if this lady was just an ordinary employee, he would definitely still mind.

But this person turned out to be the secretary and person in charge! Then he wouldn't mind it anyway.

After all, he is still just the vice president of Yuanxin's overseas business unit.

His immediate boss is Wang Rui, a senior overseas president.

It was just that Wang Rui needed to recuperate due to illness, so he was directly promoted to vice president of global business under Wang Rui's recommendation and was responsible for presiding over actual work.

Looking at the changing scenery outside the window, Carter was thinking about what to say when he saw Mr. Shan later, and couldn't help but think of what Mr. Shan had said to him when he was in Silicon Valley.

He is a man with a broad mind - you may know that the current CEO of Yuanxin was personally invited to join Yuanxin.

Carter also remembered that he seemed to have complimented him casually, saying, Mr. Wang is a man of high moral character.

And now, Carter wanted to say that compliment again.

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