1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 605 Under the storm, all living beings are equal

Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui stood outside the airport, chatting and waiting for the plane to arrive.

I heard that this person from AIS is very beautiful? Zhou Xiaohui and Sun Xihui have a small EM group. They almost never talk about work and only talk about gossip.

When Sun Xihui told her that she was a beautiful woman, she realized why Mr. Shan was dressed so handsomely today.

AIS is a telecommunications company founded by the Shinawatra family.

I don't know, I heard that too. Su Yuanshan shrugged and lowered his head to check his shirt. Fortunately, it rained last night and it's not hot today, otherwise he really wouldn't know what to wear.

After a while, the plane arrived. Among the crowd, a woman with extraordinary temperament walked out of the passage surrounded by several entourages.

Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui smiled at each other as if they had a clear understanding.

She is indeed a beauty.

Miss Qiu, welcome to the provincial capital. I am Zhou Xiaohui from Yuanxin. Zhou Xiaohui took a step forward and introduced herself to the actual third-in-command of AIS, whose Chinese name is Qiu Yingyue.

Qiu Yingyue shook her hand and said with a smile in Chinese with a clear accent: Hello, Miss Zhou.

Immediately afterwards, she greeted Su Yuanshan again: Hello, Mr. Su.

Yuanxin welcomes you, Miss Qiu. Su Yuanshan stepped forward with a smile and shook hands with the other party politely.

Back in the business car, Su Yuanshan and Qiu Yingyue did not talk about work or the current situation in Siam. Instead, they started talking directly from Chiang Mai, her birthplace, and then to her ancestral home.

I wonder if Miss Qiu has ever thought about returning to her ancestral home this time?

I don't have enough time, so I might have to wait until next time. Qiu Yingyue looked away from the window and said with a smile: They are all there anyway, and they won't run away.

Haha, yes, there are plenty of opportunities. Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded, thinking in his heart that this beautiful brother and sister would both run away from now on...

During the chat, the commercial vehicle quickly drove into the development zone.

Su Yuanshan saw that Qiu Yingyue was obviously surprised when she saw the high-rise buildings surrounding each other - because the edges of the airport expressway were all typical villages.

In less than half an hour, it was like traveling through time and space and entering a modern city.

——After planning by the provincial government, well...especially after Yuanxin's protests, the development zone's original plan to recruit factories was scrapped, and then became a high-tech industrial park focusing on software and Internet industries.

At the same time, in order to better build a business card-level demonstration park, Electronic Technology is also actively preparing to build a high-tech zone branch.

Principal Zhou’s idea is very simple. He wants to lay a “hundred-year foundation” for the Electronic Science and Technology Department before he completely retires. ——If the provincial capital intends to turn the high-tech zone into the Silicon Valley of the East, then Dianke will become Stanford on the edge of Silicon Valley.

Since it is a demonstration park, both public facilities and layout must be modern. Therefore, it is extremely normal for Qiu Yingyue to not adapt.

Yingyue, welcome to Yuanxin.

At the gate of Yuanxin, Sun Xihui stood with a smile.

She and True Corp President Bawang have been waiting for a long time.

In Yuanxin's pavilion garden, Su Yuanshan, Sun Xihui, Qiu Yingyue, and Bawang were sitting around the coffee table.

All four of them knew English, so translation was unnecessary.

The current situation in your country is indeed very bad. We have used various economic models to calculate that the loss of the Thai baht is inevitable - this can no longer be supported by a few slogans from your Finance Minister.

Su Yuanshan used a chatting tone, but his few sentences never strayed from the current situation in Siam.

As the most important market and partner of Yuexin, in addition to hoping to survive as much as possible from this financial crisis, we also hope that Siam can survive the pain of the bubble bursting as soon as possible and regain its vitality and vitality.

Although Su Yuanshan's eyes kept alternating on the faces of Bawang and Qiu Yingyue, all his attention was focused on Qiu Yingyue's expression.

Yuanxin is not a company that simply relies on products to seize the wealth of other countries, but a company that is willing to work with all countries to make people's lives better. This is the original intention of Yuanxin and also the direction of Yuanxin.

Su Yuanshan saw that after he said these words, Qiu Yingyue's expression became more appreciative.

Therefore, Yuanxin will try its best to make some contribution to your country's recovery within its own business field.

Qiu Yingyue nodded slightly, pursed her lips and smiled: Then what do Mr. Su plan to do?

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and said with a smile: When those who make hot money and enrich the country are gone, we can rebuild the country together.

In the next few months, a large number of companies in Siam will go bankrupt, ranging from semiconductors to assembly line processing plants.

Of course Yuanxin does not have the intention or ability to save Siam, but it is still possible to acquire two packaging and testing factories and acquire and integrate several assembly line factories.

Qiu Yingyue nodded again, but sighed slightly.

Now her brother's government is in a precarious and unfavorable period.

As a master of public administration and political science who has worked in a company for several years, she can naturally understand that with the current economic situation in Siam, no one can change the situation except tens of billions of dollars from heaven to the central bank. OK.

Even if it is as powerful as Yuan Xin, it can only temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the bubble burst.

Fortunately, Yuanxin is the first company to say that it will not give up on Siam.

However, her brother's political ambition may not be realized in a short time.

On the first day, we drank tea and chatted. On the second day, Su Yuanshan took these two people to officially visit Yuanxin.

In order to take care of Qiu Yingyue's understanding of technology, every time Su Yuanshan introduced a technology, he would patiently explain in what fields this technology would be used and what its current international standards were.

Of course, she didn't understand everything. After all, she worked for a telecommunications company, so even if she heard it normally, it would sound familiar to her.

Therefore, when she saw the 3G network in the Yuanxin laboratory environment, she was obviously shocked.

At present, Yuanxin's CCDMA baseband processing chip has completed the preliminary design and is currently being tested on the FPGA chip. Of course, it is definitely still early for real commercial use, but it is enough for demonstration in a laboratory environment.

When Su Yuanshan saw Qiu Yingyue and Bawang each holding a 3G prototype and trying out the Internet function, he smiled slightly: According to the existing information, our CCDMA network speed is the fastest.

This prototype machine, because I was lazy, simply copied the design layout and screen driver of Sony PDA, and also built-in the dialing system in YOS. If it weren't for the black and white screen in its PDA style and layout, at first glance, it would look a bit like the no-name smartphones of later generations.

Can I make a phone call?

Qiu Yingyue noticed that this prototype phone had a microphone, earpiece and dialing interface, raised it and asked.

Su Yuanshan glanced at Tian Yaoming, who then smiled and said, Miss Qiu, if you can stay in Yuanxin for one more month, that's fine.

Qiu Yingyue pursed her lips and smiled, and sighed sincerely: You are so fast.

Su Yuanshan smiled meaningfully: The impact of this financial crisis will be widespread and far-reaching, but people's lives still have to go on, and the country still needs to develop.

Qiu Yingyue and Bawang looked at Su Yuanshan at the same time.

While running, a group of people fell down. At this time, the competition is not who can run faster, but who can get up faster.

3G technology brings not only faster network speeds and call quality, but also new models and business ecosystems. Whoever completes the 3G layout first will have the advantage of external expansion.


So, God of Wealth... what do you think? Su Yuanshan turned to look at Sun Xihui, who knew nothing about technology, and asked with a smile: You are the richest now.

Sun Xihui hugged her shoulders and smiled: I'm a layman, it's up to you to decide.



A month later, Siam’s Finance Minister, who insisted that the baht not depreciate, announced his resignation after depleting US$30 billion in foreign exchange reserves. On the same day, the Bank of Siam announced that it would abandon the fixed exchange rate that had been implemented for 14 years and begin to implement a managed floating exchange rate system. It also announced that it would increase interest rates from 10.5% to 12.5%.

On that day, the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the US dollar once reached 33.2:1, a depreciation of more than 30%.

The Thai baht fell, and the Southeast Asian financial crisis officially broke out.

The general trend of the world is vast and powerful. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish.

No capital dared to wait and see anymore, and they fled in various ways.

In Siam, nearly 60 financial institutions announced their closure, accounting for more than half of the financial institutions in Siam, and their total deposits accounted for more than two-thirds of the country's total deposits.

The Thai baht exchange rate also continued to fall, with the highest depreciation rate even exceeding 40%.

For a time, companies went bankrupt one after another, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands... nearly three million people were unemployed.

Under the violent storm, all living beings are equal. No matter whether you are rich or poor, whether you are a billionaire, a middle class person, or a commoner, no one is spared.

Billionaires are heavily in debt and have declared bankruptcy and can only make a living by selling cakes. Some middle class people have lost their cars and houses and have to work on construction sites. Ordinary people are constantly facing the disaster of soaring prices caused by high inflation.

The financial crisis, like a huge tsunami, quickly swept through Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. Countless international hot money is like vultures, swarming into one financial market after another.

In their eyes, the so-called four little dragons and four little tigers are just delicious corpses.

Mid-August is the hottest time.

An inconspicuous piece of news quietly appeared in the overwhelming financial information.

Yuanxin Holdings announced in a low-key manner that it has recently signed letters of intent with True Corp, AIS, and Xinghai (HK) on cooperation in the fields of communications and equipment.

The letter of intent states that in the future, the four parties will further deepen cooperation in the communications field, especially in base stations and user services. True Corp and AIS will conduct unprecedented cooperation to jointly usher in the future mobile communications era.

In addition, the four parties will jointly invest in various ways to establish a company focusing on communication equipment manufacturing.

Taian Electronics.

With the public letters of intent from True Corp and AIS, a ripple suddenly appeared in the Siam stock market, which had hit rock bottom in the financial turmoil and was like a pool of stagnant water.


(By the way, do you want to watch the extra? If any comment on this paragraph gets 100 likes, I will write it. If you want to see something, you can directly reply to the message. It will be used as a supplement to some plots of the main text.)

(Why is it 100...because there are few follow-up readings...)

(Why 100... Because if there are not even 100 people who want to read it, I will be too lazy to write...)

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