1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 60 Friends who work on motherboards

Mask, if you understand it simply and crudely, is equivalent to the negative film after exposure of the camera. It's just that Chen Jianguo has only been there for two months, and he already knows how to make masks?

Facing Su Yuanshan's doubts, Chen Jianguo smiled and said: Our people in the past were responsible for restoring the masks, and accidentally discovered that some existing technologies could be slightly improved.

Su Yuanshan nodded and read it quickly. He didn't know the specific technology of the lithography machine, so he couldn't judge the value of these two technologies. But he only observed from the intuition of technology. These two technologies should be discovered by a sudden inspiration, not the kind of technology that comes from solving problems.

After looking at the patent ownership, he smiled and asked Lin Yonggu: What are the technical levels of these two?

The idea is wonderful and your employees are very good. Lin Yonggu did not directly answer the technical question, but he did not hesitate to praise it: And it is very practical. You have to know that there are so many technologies covered by the wafer factory. Any progress is a big step. Worth the wait.

That's true. Su Yuanshan put away the documents and put them away. UMC and Yuexin had a detailed agreement on the patented inventions that may be involved when they decided to cooperate. All inventions in the cooperation are considered joint inventions, but the share of patents differs.

So what's your progress now? Has the microcode been resolved?

I guess it's been a while. Now that everyone is becoming more and more proficient in using YuanICCAD, they have the urge to simply redesign the chip. Lin Yonggu said with a self-deprecating smile: But I can't bear to do the work for so long, and Even if we redesign, we cannot avoid the X86 architecture.

Su Yuanshan seemed to say casually: Then have you considered the RISC instruction set?

Lin Yonggu was startled: Are you talking about ARM's architecture authorization? Or do you develop one yourself?

The architecture is authorized, but it's not from ARM. Su Yuanshan walked into the bedroom and took out his briefcase: We have a YX architecture based on the reduced instruction set. We have just designed the first 32-bit CPU, YX01, and the indicators are quite good. Okay. I thought I could catch up with CEBIT in Hannover in March, but now it seems I can only catch up with your computer show in June.

At present, numerous exhibitions from all walks of life are the best channels for manufacturers to promote their products. Take the IT industry as an example. CEBIT in Hannover, Germany, COMDEX in Las Vegas, and Computex TAIPEI (Taipei Computer Show) are the three most prestigious computer exhibitions.

For a long time, people in China participated in these exhibitions with the purpose of gaining knowledge and had to write various reports after returning. It was known as the modern version of opening your eyes to see the world. However, after Yuanxin made a big splash in Las Vegas last year, it still has certain hopes for Yuanxin this year. It contacted Yuanxin as early as two years ago and asked if it would participate in CEBIT.

Su Yuanshan wanted to actively participate...but he really had nothing to offer in March. In addition, Xi Xiaoding had long said that he would open a branch in Europe, so he went directly from Xinghai with the latest version of EDA to show his face. However, since there is something good going on, Yuanxin also has to express its intention to send the two of them to show off the UESTC microcontroller that their father and the others have built. How much excitement will be generated depends on luck.

After all, the foreign microcontroller market is already very mature. As a new microcontroller, it is difficult to enter the market without developing convincing systems and applications.

Therefore, Yuanxin's main focus is still on the International Radio and Television Technology Exhibition held in Las Vegas in April this year, and Computex TAIPEI in June.

In April, Yuanxin will directly launch VCD and cordless phones. In June, Yuanxin will directly launch YX01CPU.

As for COMDEX’92 in November, it depends on the situation - but no matter what, as a newly established technology company with goods in stock, these exhibitions are a must-attend.

Su Yuanshan handed Lin Yonggu the theoretical parameters of YX01's current running simulation, leaned up and looked at Chen Jianguo with a smile: Brother, are they poaching me?

Lin Yonggu, who was about to read the document over there, was choked by Su Yuanshan's straightforward and unavoidable question. He shook his head and opened the document with a smile.

Chen Jianguo also smiled. He shrugged, took a sip of tea, and said calmly: Although the lithography machine is fun, I am not a mechanical major after all.

If you are really interested in learning, just major in electronic mechanical engineering and get a Ph.D., it will be great. Su Yuanshan rested the back of his head on his arms and glanced at Lin Yonggu. He saw that Lin Yonggu was already a little stunned. .

Chen Jianguo was also attracted and came over to take a look. He knew that Qin Weimin had led a team to design a new architecture, and he also knew that his senior brother was very talented in architecture, but he did not expect to design the first CPU so quickly. .

When the two saw the detailed comparison of the parameters of YX01 and ARM6, Chen Jianguo felt better, while Lin Yonggu's eyes almost popped out.

Lin Yonggu glared at Su Yuanshan: This is... your brand-new structure that is completely independently patented?

Well, it's a brand-new architecture, and in addition to the instruction set, we also have a lot of patents on caching and pipeline processing. Su Yuanshan chuckled: Are you interested? If you are interested, I can license it to you now. You can use it to improve it at will. and optimization, or of course directly using our universal design.”

Lin Yonggu let out a few rough breaths. He knew that Su Yuanshan was joking - he was the director of the IC design department and was working on a CPU. If he went out and bought a U, he would be accused of being stupid. sick. What's more, as a mid-level executive, he is not qualified to make a purchase decision.

You guys are really... Lin Yonggu took a few breaths, and finally smiled bitterly: I might as well jump to your job, so that I can see how you create miracles.

Su Yuanshan immediately said: Okay, I will write the letter of appointment immediately.

Of course, this is all a joke.

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Yonggu handed the document back to Su Yuanshan, shook his head and said, We still have to try. If it doesn't work... I will suggest that the higher ups choose your architecture.

After saying that, Lin Yonggu looked at the time again, looked at Su Yuanshan and said: There is still half an hour, how about we go to the restaurant downstairs to wait?

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile and put all the documents into his briefcase.

When I contacted Lin Yonggu yesterday, he said that a friend who was engaged in motherboards wanted to open a factory in the mainland, but he didn't know what the current situation was like on the mainland and whether it was safe or not.

And from Lin Yonggu's cryptic tone, Su Yuanshan could tell that his friend seemed to need to find someone in the mainland who was easy to eat and had credibility and strength as a partner.

In Lin Yonggu's view, Su Yuanshan is undoubtedly the best candidate.

[Asking for recommendation votes~]

Thanks to Ali Dou Dou, Niu Xue Shuo Wei Bao_, Yan Se, Book Friends 150907114100604, Book Friends 20181128155519110 for the reward~~

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