1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 52 Waiting for the Spring Breeze

Su Yuanshan was a little dumbfounded by the words good news, but when he saw the content, he couldn't help but perked up!

It was indeed good news.

At this time, the phone rang at the right time, and Su Yuanshan immediately heard Wang Chaoxin's hearty laughter as soon as he picked it up.

Have you seen the fax?

I saw it. Congratulations, brother Wang. By the way, how did you hook up with Siam?

Among the good news, Zhongxin has not only successfully developed an 80W paging station transmitter, but also successfully entered the Siamese market, and has reached an agreement with a Siamese technology company to jointly develop Thai pagers.

Although the country of Siam has a population equivalent to that of one province in the country, it is currently the strongest in Southeast Asia after the Four Little Dragons, and is known as the leader of the Four Little Tigers. And starting from this year, Siam began to fall into a trade deficit, and the deficit was staggering-just for Zhongxin to take a bite.

But how Wang Chaoxin bit into it made Su Yuanshan very curious.

We have old overseas Chinese here, so we got in touch. Wang Chaoxin laughed.

I see. Su Yuanshan sighed, and couldn't help but think of the deeds of those overseas Chinese at the beginning of the century. He smiled and said: But Siam has a small population. If we develop Thai paging alone...

We have calculated the market and costs. Now Siam's economic level and market economy are very high. The pager market is expected to be at least two million units. Once the Thai version is released, the market will expand. And even if it is only The R\u0026D cost can be recovered by producing 100,000 Thai paging units. But this is nothing. The most important thing is that we can take this opportunity to tear a hole among the four little tigers.

Chaoxin paused and then said with great interest: Yuanxin's overall layout is very strong, but after thinking about it carefully, we still have one step left. You see, in Western developed countries, we use the most advanced EDA and other software to develop. Not to mention the domestic market, it is the fat on our lips - the West is the most economically developed place, and China is the least developed place. But what about the market in the middle? The four little tigers in the middle are now making a little money with the support of the West. Money—this money is just waiting for us to earn!”

Su Yuanshan thought that he could only make money in these few years, but he still admired Dynasty's new vision and joked: Brother Wang, why don't you come to Yuanxin? Your branch factory there is too incompetent.

Wang Chaoxin was startled and said with a smile: Brother, don't be joking. Yuanxin is using high-end technology, but I'm a layman.

Su Yuanshan's fingertips bounced on the table in turn, and he said with a smile: Don't tell me, I am really just a technical person.

Chaoxin chuckled: So I plan to hand over the joint development business to Yuanxin, and let you jointly develop with Siam and give them a good shock!

Su Yuanshan agreed: No problem! When the science and technology park is completed next year, Yuanxin's engineers are expected to expand to thousands. By then, people from the branch factory can come for training, or they can be arranged directly. Everything will be based on the actual situation next year. allow.

Okay, I'll thank you in advance!

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan walked to the logistics office with a smile.

Return the fax to Sun Xihui and ask her to contact the company in Siam and preliminary discuss the steps of cooperation. Of course it would be better if the other party can be fooled into coming to Yuanxin - Yuanxin can even lower its stance and let Siam Luo Naifang came as a group of experts to guidance Yuanxin, and then he would shock those bumpkins like tigers and dragons.

Back in the office, Su Yuanshan carefully reviewed the recent arrangements and took a long breath after finding that there were no gaps.

He stared at the calendar, counting the time silently in his mind.

In one week, the huge northern empire will collapse, and both the international and domestic world will fall into a brief state of confusion. Then the West will immediately realize that the Cold War is over, and it will end with their victory, and they will go into a euphoria.

As for the country, it will be confused for a little longer - and then until the spring breeze blows again.

Sun Xihui was very efficient. She replied to Su Yuanshan the next day, saying that when Zhou Xiaohui lowered her profile and invited Siamese engineers to come to Yuanxin to guide the work, the people in Siam laughed and said, Don't be ridiculous, I Saw your wonder boy in Las Vegas”.

However, the other party finally agreed to the invitation and agreed to come after the year. While cooperating, I also came to Yuanxin to purchase and learn EDA.

This is probably the last piece of good news before New Year's Day.



A week later.

Su Yuanshan rushed to Jiangdu Building as usual. On the way there, countless people exchanged the news that happened yesterday in cryptic terms.

The company was no exception. Qin Weimin, Tian Yaoming, Li Mingliu and others were all sitting in the reception area. Several smokers filled the reception area with smoke.

Seeing Su Yuanshan entering the door, Qin Weimin stood up first to greet him: Xiaoshan, have you heard about what happened yesterday?

Su Yuanshan looked at the worried faces on everyone's faces, smiled and shook his head: It's not a big deal if you all sit down.

That's... Tian Yaoming blurted out, but immediately shut up and sighed.

In the eyes of everyone, such a huge empire was actually broken up.

Actually, there have been signs for a long time, but we haven't paid attention to it. Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds and smiled softly: My dad and I have the same opinion. We are engaged in technology. No matter what happens, we should concentrate on doing our job well. Projects are stronger than anything else. Don’t forget that what Yuanxin is doing now is the most advanced in the land under our feet!”

After a few words, everyone cheered up!

Yes, although Yuanxin is a private company that is the most worrying, the work that everyone is doing is blank in China, whether it is EDA, YX instruction set, VCD, or wireless baseband , Yuanxin are all at the forefront of the country. This is something that no one else would believe.

So don't panic, the Spring Festival is coming soon... and there is still a spring breeze.

Su Yuanshan walked into Qin Weimin's office with a smile.

Instead of exchanging news, the two brothers quickly got into work and discussed the structure of YX01. According to the current design of 50,000 transistors, the frequency of the YX01 after the design is completed can theoretically reach 50MHz. All theoretical indicators are far superior to the ARM6 released this year. Not to mention, it is much better than MOTO's 88100 and others.

It's a pity that the Shuguang Project and the Galaxy II Project have been launched. It will take at least next year for Yuanxin to complete the final design and tape-out. Coupled with the messy things like acceptance, the second and third supercomputer in the country have to go through these two The bus can't catch up, so we can only wait for the next wave.

How's the progress with your dad? Qin Weimin rubbed his eyes and suddenly remembered the bet he made with his teacher.

We will apply for a patent tomorrow and have it taped out the day after tomorrow.

Qin Weimin smiled and said: It seems that he is still not as good as the teacher.

But Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, not giving his father any face: You don't even see how strong his team is, and if you hadn't come back to finalize the structure, there's no telling how long they would have been fighting.

Haha. Qin Weimin shook his head. He knew that the reason why he was able to make the final decision was entirely because Su Yuanshan handed the hammer to his hand.

Not to mention this, TI's video decoding chip will be sent over the day after tomorrow. It seems that Li Mingliu's PCB hasn't been finished yet, so I have to check it out.

Su Yuanshan walked towards the door as he spoke, and finally looked back at Qin Weimin and said seriously: Brother, really don't worry. Next year will be the fastest development year for Yuanxin, so fast that you can't even imagine it.

Okay! I'll wait!

[Recommended ticket door]

Thanks to Di Tianban, the one who defies heaven, I don't have money 16138, the firewood collector~~

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