1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 45 Look forward, don’t look at the bowl

Mechanical and Electrical Department Guest House.

Su Yuanshan stood under the shower, letting the hot water flow all over his body, washing away the fatigue from the journey.

He stayed in Silicon Valley for three days. During these three days, he not only helped interview employees, but also helped install machines and network. Finally, he set up an open forum with Xi Xiaoding and Howard who volunteered to stay and help.

The current main function of this forum is for Yuanxin EDA users to exchange various practical tools, such as the gadget developed by Su Yuanshan that allows Yuanxin EDA to directly load Protel. Of course, because it involves a highly confidential project such as EDA development, all gadgets must be open source.

In Su Yuanshan's vision, the professional and core parts of Yuanxin EDA can be controlled by Yuanxin. Some interfaces can be opened so that users can develop some practical gadgets according to their own preferences, which can play a magical role at some point. As a result, some companies that attempt to provide segmented functions will be forced to death - never underestimate the strength of those great masters and the spirit of sharing in them.

For example, the first version of Linux was released just this month. It was started by Linus and then a bunch of guys built it brick by brick. Linus's famous saying Talk is cheap, Show me the code - stop talking nonsense and put it into perspective - shows how awesome it is.

As for the operation and expansion of Xinghai, Su Yuanshan left three million dollars and gave them a maximum three-month payment period. This means that as long as there is flowing water, Xinghai Technology can develop healthily.

After taking a shower, Su Yuanshan changed his clothes, lay on the bed and closed his eyes for a while, then grabbed the notebook on the bedside and started revising his speech.

Not long after, Professor Li Gaoliang knocked on Su Yuanshan's door.

Xiaoshan, are you ready for your speech? Li Gaoliang pinched two oranges, peeled them open and handed them to Su Yuanshan.

Thank you, Uncle Li. You're almost ready. Su Yuanshan looked up and saw the embarrassment in Li Gaoliang's eyes, and blinked: Uncle Li, do you want to read the manuscript?

Li Gaoliang touched Wa Liang's scalp and chuckled: Then I'll take a look.

Su Yuanshan handed over the manuscript paper, threw another orange into his mouth and joked: When did our habit of writing speeches in advance change, even if we really changed it.

Hey, actually, the main thing is to get some air. After all, your speech is mainly about Silicon Valley. Don't ask me when the time comes and you don't know everything there is...

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded.

Yuanxin made quite a splash on the last day of the exhibition. It was a little-known company from Xia Guo, but it was able to outperform its peers and attracted nearly a hundred semiconductor companies to flock to the exhibition. This alone was enough to make the country proud and make the members of the delegation straighten their backs a lot in the following days. At the same time, Yuanxin is also the only company that has opened up overseas markets at the exhibition and can foreseeably create high foreign exchange income.

Then it is only natural to listen to the voice of Yuanxin.

And Su Yuanshan also hopes to pass on some ideas and concepts - some things may not be effective if done, but they will definitely not be effective if not done.

Li Gaoliang slowly looked at the manuscript paper, his expression gradually became serious, and finally he sighed softly, stared at Su Yuanshan and said: Xiaoshan, you went too far.

In his speech, Su Yuanshan gave examples of Silicon Valley's company establishment efficiency, various supporting facilities, capital injection and surrounding planning. It is explained in detail that the reason why Silicon Valley has become a technological dream is not by chance, but by a series of factors such as policy, technology, universities, and venture capital, which combine to create a soil that is most suitable for high-tech development.

At the same time, Su Yuanshan used the example of cooperation between Stanford and Silicon Valley to summarize the industry-university-research model in detail. His analysis was more detailed and thorough than the National Industry-Academic-Research Cooperative Education Association established in SH in the first half of this year, and even proposed a long-term perspective. Core is trying to take such a path with Dianke. He also called for increased investment in education in major schools, so that schools can have more resources and cooperate with enterprises to create more advanced technologies and realize industrialization by enterprises, making money while also repaying the investment of schools.

Not far away Su Yuanshan shook his head: When we fall behind, if we can't look further, how can we catch up with others? Take our EDA as an example, if we just cater to the market and don't make forward-looking designs , even if it is made, it will not be competitive.”

Li Gaoliang smiled bitterly and shook his head: But the country is poor. There are still so many hungry people across the country. How can we invest so much money in education? Do you know how much money our Electrical Engineering Department got this year?

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly smiled: Uncle Li, you have watched me grow up, so don't be unhappy if I say something.

Hey, you kid. Li Gaoliang patted Su Yuanshan's head: You say it.

Whether the country is poor or not, and whether the people are hungry or not, are these things that you should consider? Su Yuanshan stared at Li Gaoliang and said softly: You are not the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. You are the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. It is not your bounden duty. Think about whether the country is poor or not. What is your vocation? To make the college awesome! As a scientist, your vocation is to promote the progress of science and technology. Lack of money? Of course, you just ask for it from the boss. If you don’t give it, you will make trouble. Yes! Do you care how many people are hungry?

If scientists only focus on the people's jobs and don't look forward, I'm afraid the two bombs and one satellite will still be gone!

The reason why Su Yuanshan said this to Li Gaoliang was because he knew that Li Gaoliang was also a very thoughtful person. Although he is over forty-seven years old and bald, it does not prevent him from ranking first in the country in electronic science and technology, a discipline in the Department of Electrical Engineering, in the next ten years.

Li Gaoliang was silent, and finally his eyes gradually brightened, and he nodded: You are right, Uncle Li is narrow-minded.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Uncle Li, you are so perfunctory.

You brat, sort out the manuscript paper and have it printed out early tomorrow morning. Then the ministry will pick it up at noon and hold a report meeting in the afternoon. You should be well prepared.

Okay! We will definitely not disgrace the Dadian Department!


There were more people than expected at the report meeting. In addition to the Mechanical and Electrical Department, there were also leaders and experts from other departments gathered together. In addition to the members of the delegation, only Yuanxin and Inspur sent representatives from the enterprise side. After all, Yuanxin is a private company, and it would be too shameful not to send a state-owned enterprise to save face.

Everyone's speech draft has already arrived in the hands of the leader, so the speech in the afternoon is not just a simple reading of the manuscript, but a direct summary, and at the same time, exchanges and answers to the leader's questions, so the atmosphere is not serious, on the contrary, it is very relaxed.

Director Yu finished his opening report first, followed immediately by the Inspur representative. When the representative was about to read the manuscript, he was directly interrupted by a leader who asked him to focus on the key points...

The implication should not be too obvious. The representative smiled bitterly and simply said, The point is that the government still needs to increase its support.

Finally, everyone looked at Su Yuanshan.

A leader in his fifties wearing glasses smiled and said: Xiao Su, we have read your speech several times, so there is no need to summarize it again. I have a few questions to ask you - you Can your answer represent Yuanxin’s opinion?”

Su Yuanshan straightened his body and nodded seriously: My father, uncle, and Dr. Xi and I often discuss related issues. In the field of semiconductor industry, we all have the same opinions.

You are young and promising... the leader praised, and then said solemnly: You said that the success of Silicon Valley can be replicated. So as a private company, what do you think of the current situation of the domestic semiconductor industry and software industry? Do you think that from policy What adjustments need to be made to the environment to help - in your words, hatch more telecores?

Su Yuanshan's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This problem is too big! Do you really think of yourself as a magical boy?

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