1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 42 Certainty and Affirmation

The plane landed in San Francisco. After leaving the airport, Chen Haoming immediately took Xi Xiaoding to the used car market, and persuaded Xi Xiaoding to choose a Volvo according to his own vision. The square head and square head showed a rugged look. And the price is not cheap, a second-hand one costs US$8,000.

After Xi Xiaoding paid the money, he cried out that he had been cheated. The seat of the car was very hard, not to mention the gear lever. Fortunately, the accelerator and brake were OK, so Xi Xiaoding did not fall out with Chen Haoming - he originally wanted to choose a lightweight car. of Japanese cars.

The Volvo went south along the highway and entered the expressway at Exit 35. This highway divides the Santa Clara Valley from San Jose. To the north of the highway, factory buildings are adjacent to each other. To the south, high-tech companies have sprung up one after another.

Santa Clara Valley, also known as Silicon Valley to the world. This is the birthplace of the semiconductor industry and the base camp of future Internet technology. It is also a paradise for countless young people in the IT industry to pursue their dreams, leading global technology for fifty years.

It was not until the 100s of the next century that Xia Guo spread its wings on the mobile Internet and announced its return to the track.

Along the way, Su Yuanshan looked calm. He watched silently as the factory building disappeared, and then the famous mark, Silicon Valley, appeared in front of him.

Entering Silicon Valley Street, Xi Xiaoding found a phone booth and pulled over, put Chen Haoming down and asked him to page him, then turned to look at Su Yuanshan: Why aren't you excited at all?

Su Yuanshan looked away from the two huge letters of HP in front of him, smiled and said: What's so exciting? I'm not here to look for a job.

Xi Xiaoding smiled and shook his head. He had been observing Su Yuanshan from the road, thinking that this kid would be excited when he arrived in the famous Silicon Valley, but he didn't expect that he would be calmer than himself. But he had to admit that Su Yuanshan was right. Others came here to pursue their dreams, but Su Yuanshan's dream...Silicon Valley was not a very suitable place.

Chen Haoming hung up the phone, and after getting in the car, he stared at Su Yuanshan with a playful expression, which made Su Yuanshan a little confused.

Senior Brother Chen, what are you looking at? Your girlfriend is still behind you.

Qin Si smiled and hit Chen Haoming.

Ahem...guess who paged me just now? Well, you definitely can't guess.

Chen Haoming did not continue to tease Su Yuanshan: The people from IBM just asked you to meet at the Fields Cafe and said they wanted to discuss something. I was about to call you to pick up the phone, but the other party said they would wait for you for an hour and then hung up. .”

Su Yuanshan raised his eyebrows, and he and Xi Xiaoding looked at each other, and both of them saw the surprise in the other's eyes.

IBM was able to send a page to Chen Haoming to find Yuanxin! Is this what IBM does? This is a job done by the FBI, right?

Xi Xiaoding frowned and looked at Su Yuanshan: I know Fields Cafe. It's just two streets ahead. You decide whether you want to go.

Su Yuanshan licked his lips and suddenly smiled: Go, of course! If you don't go, how will you know what medicine is sold in the other party's gourd? Wait an hour... Tsk! I still don't believe he can tie me up here!

Everyone in the car laughed.

In everyone's opinion, Su Yuanshan's words were purely a joke - even if they have deep feelings for the motherland, they have to admit that the reason why the valley below their feet is called the place where the world's dreams set sail is because It's full of opportunity and fairness, a place of pure intellect and creativity. Kidnapping? This would only happen in movies, and even in movies, it wouldn't discredit this place.

This is the paradise of Stars and Stripes open to talents from all over the world.

So no one saw the disdain in Su Yuanshan's eyes.

Excuse me, who should I talk to?

After introducing each other, Bresman leaned back, played with the pen in his hand, and looked at the five people in front of him with interest.

Three men and two women, the number of people is quite consistent with a standard entrepreneurial team. But he knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for just five people to develop industry software as powerful as Yuanxin EDA.

Xi Xiaoding turned to look at Su Yuanshan: It's better you do it.

Su Yuanshan didn't refuse. He blew out the hot coffee, took a sip, and tilted his head to look at Bresman, who was in his early forties, wearing a white shirt, a striped tie, and a brown suit. Although he has a beard, it looks like it has been carefully trimmed.

This person is not a technocrat, he should be in the market, or simply in the IBM investment department. Su Yuanshan made a judgment in his heart. Thinking of this, Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Mr. Bresman, can I ask first, how did you find us?

Oh, the name of Wonder Boy spread throughout Silicon Valley yesterday. Bresman twirled his signature pen, glanced at Xi Xiaoding and replied with a smile: Although this Mr. Xi Xiaoding rejected IBM's offer six months ago, Yesterday, a colleague still recognized him.

I don't know if you have heard of a rule - you only need to contact a maximum of six times before you can find anyone in the world. Bresman sat up straight and stared at the eighteen-year-old boy: This is enough to express Our sincerity.”

Su Yuanshan nodded, accepting this explanation. After all, it was easy to find his mentor through Xi Xiaoding, and then it was only natural to find Chen Haoming.

We Silicon Valley people always hate beating around the bush, so before I show you this document, I need to confirm whether you have the right to dispose of Yuanxin EDA. Bresman asked, staring at Su Yuanshan.

I do. Su Yuanshan nodded again.

Then fill in the number and sign it.

Bresman opened the folder and saw a draft contract for the transfer of software ownership that had been drawn up. There were three blank spaces for signatures. The blank spaces in the transfer amount column were printed grids. There were a total of nine spaces before the decimal point. You can fill in whatever you want.

It means that it can be nine to nine.

Qin Si coughed from behind, and she said leisurely in Chinese: If the oil company wants to buy your house, it means there must be oil underneath your house.

Everyone smiled together, and Yang Yiwen even covered her mouth and chuckled.

Bresman's face gradually darkened. This sudden Chinese language he didn't understand made him feel extremely offended.

Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile and translated the sentence into English for Bresman. The latter was slightly startled, and his eyes immediately became sharp.

Sorry, Mr. Bressman, one billion US dollars is indeed attractive enough. But...you have to know that yesterday afternoon alone, we received nearly 100 million orders from interested parties.

Su Yuanshan pushed the document away and smiled slowly: If you represent IBM's IC design department, I would be happy to sign an in-depth cooperation agreement with you.

Bresman stared at Su Yuanshan quietly: Your charging standard is an annual fee. Are you sure that this time next year, Yuanxin EDA can still maintain its advantage?

I'm sure and sure.

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