1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 405 Horses running and dancing

Su Yuanshan's arrival soothed everyone's emotions so much that everyone had the fun of celebrating. So the next night, nearly 500 people from the entire CPU R\u0026D team rushed to the hotel in a mighty manner. Long before the packaging and testing were completed, the team of experienced Dynasty’s new staff told Gao Xiaodi, You're ready to celebrate.

Even if the meal was priced at 800 yuan per table, the night including drinks would have cost nearly 60,000 yuan.

This tradition of having dinner together after completing a big project still comes from the EDA era, and every team since then has continued this tradition.

That night, big names such as Zhang Rujin, Wang Chaoxin, Li Mingliu and EDA's Pan Xiaojun gathered in the box. After all, successful CPU tape-out cannot rely solely on the design team. Especially for a fledgling team like Yuanxin, it has been nearly a year since the design was completed. EDA, design, and wafer fabs are already very familiar with each other. .

Especially Pan Xiaojun, as the sales and service president of Zhiyuan EDA, he came here specially from Wuxi today because he heard that Su Yuanshan was here and he had to come over for a drink.

At the beginning, he was just a technical secondary school student who agented the after-sales service of foreign EDA, and he was also the kind of person who had seen the world and the moon is round abroad... Later he met Su Yuanshan, joined Yuanxin, and obeyed Su Yuanshan's suggestion. While in charge of the EDA business, I also picked up books again and embarked on the road of self-study...

Now he is about to graduate from graduate school.

And it is said that he plans to take another major in economics or management - as a core executive of Zhiyuan EDA and one of the four giants, he does not need to consider the diploma at all. It can only be said that he really hopes to read more books.

Since it was a celebration banquet, everyone only talked about happy things during the dinner, not the bad things. Moreover, there were so many people coming and going to toast that it was hard to get much out of the conversation.

It wasn't until the hotel that night, after a group of people had eaten and drunk and dispersed, that Su Yuanshan and the others changed to a private room.

The hotel knew the identity and status of this group of people, and ordered the kitchen to prepare a new table of light snacks, vegetarian dishes, etc., and also specially brought out sake that was said to be imported from Ni Country - it tasted similar to mash.

Well, this is a gift.

After the tape-out is successful, there will be a lot more things. Are your channels in good condition? Zhang Rujin asked with concern, sitting next to Su Yuanshan.

The channels are not very worrying. As long as we invite the leaders to come over for acceptance, I dare not say anything else. At least the domestic complete machine manufacturers will definitely be willing to choose us. It's just that the domestic market is still too small, and it can only be regarded as a mosquito leg... Su Yuanshan smiled and said: And the CPUs that come from foreign countries through formal channels are generally higher in cost than ours, so they can't sell ours no matter what.

That's good. Zhang Rujin smiled.

He knew that Yuanxin still had patent problems for its U, but now that China has not joined the WTO, Yuanxin could not sell it to the other side!

Currently, domestic tariffs on electronic products are very heavy - of course, foreign countries can also impose the same tax rate, but if domestic brands are not sold, even if you impose a 200% tariff, it will be ridiculous.

At first, the tariffs on both sides of Ni Country and Lighthouse were the same, but Ni Country's cost could be controlled even lower, so that Lighthouse Country couldn't sell it at all, so it had no choice but to press Ni Country's head and sign two semiconductor agreements with completely unequal tariffs... ...This agreement is an outright shame in the eyes of Niguo Semiconductor people - this is one of the reasons why Niguo Semiconductor companies are willing to strengthen cooperation after seeing the rise of Yuanxin and the development of mainland China.

Actually, it's not very good. If you want to make money, you mainly have to rely on the western market. Su Yuanshan sighed softly, and then smiled: But there are more solutions than problems. We still have to wait for Intel's press conference.

Then when will you release it?

Since we have to make two preparations, we can only wait for the national acceptance and then see the situation. The primary issue now is to improve the yield rate.

Zhang Rujin smiled and nodded: Yes, yield is always the first competitiveness of a fab.

Su Yuanshan blinked. Out of respect, he didn't want to refute Zhang Rujin. But for the sake of fairness, he had to patch Zhang Rujin's words.

Yes, especially when the manufacturing process is at the same level, yield is the first competitiveness. Su Yuanshan said with a smile.

Lao Zhang spent his whole life building factories, expanding and operating. His stance and perspective have always been based on corporate survival and market share.

To put it more bluntly, Lao Zhang subconsciously did not realize that China must master the most advanced manufacturing processes on its own, instead of relying on others to transfer them, or simply not get involved in the most advanced fields and focus on the mid- to low-end market. As long as the mid- to low-end market is occupied, both profits and influence will be there.

I don’t blame him for having such thoughts.

In the business world, there is a clear division of labor and active cooperation.

In this world, even those with the most malicious speculations about the Lighthouse Country would not have foreseen that in the future, the Lighthouse Country would impose a complete blockade on a certain domestic enterprise, so that even OEMs would not be able to find a place.

Moreover, Su Yuanshan has been back in this world for so long, and he has seen it clearly - there will always be someone to lead the Rust Belt workers who have been ignored by the Wall Street elite...

Yes. Zhang Rujin looked at Su Yuanshan and shook his head slightly. It was not that he disagreed, but that he was a little helpless.

He has known Su Yuanshan for three years, during which time he has had countless interactions, and he deeply feels that this young man respects and regards him.

But he also knew that Su Yuanshan spared no effort in pursuing the manufacturing process, and was even a little paranoid.

If it were another person, Zhang Rujin might think that this was an irreconcilable difference and contradiction. But to Su Yuanshan... Zhang Rujin can only say, just respect each other.

Because Yuanxin is rich and willing to spend money.

Since there is no need to consider shareholders in the manufacturing process, and even shareholders are willing to inject blood and capital at any time, why wouldn't Zhang Rujin do it? Anyway, don’t bear the performance pressure yourself.

Then how do you consider foreign markets? Zhang Rujin continued to ask, he was still curious.

Because according to various precedents, once Intel knows and believes that FarCore has touched their patents, it will definitely take action, and... it will never be lenient.

This CPU from Yuanxin is strong, but it always has some misnomers and misunderstandings.

Find a middleman to be a lobbyist.

Middleman? Zhang Rujin was surprised.

Working as a lobbyist between Yuanxin and Intel?

Does anyone have such a big face?

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