1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 393 In my name

If I understand correctly, the poster hopes to implement customizable content in the search box to achieve search recommendations. If so, the relevant code can be found in the schub my signature space.

“BZW, I’m curious about what project the poster is working on, can you get to know him?”

The replyer's name is Y·Dill.

Su Yuanshan silently glanced at the time and found that it happened to be around 11 pm in Pennsylvania.

It's already eleven o'clock and I'm still awake... Su Yuanshan muttered with a smile, then clicked on the homepage of this guy named Y. Dill, and then saw the code she uploaded.

It's simple and beautiful. As a public wheel, it's perfect.

After downloading Ye Rudai's code, Su Yuanshan marked it in the work log here and sent it back again.

Then he looked at the reply and wanted to know himself. He thought for a few seconds and decided to just pretend to be dead...

You still have to save some face!

However, Ye Rudai was able to grow up quickly, and he was still happy from the bottom of his heart. Judging from Ye Rudai's project, she thought of commercializing the search engine from the beginning - otherwise there would be no such purpose. Very strong recommendation function.

And according to the news from Xinghai, she plans to cooperate with Xinghai Browser first and embed the search engine into the browser to test the waters first.

At this time, the phone on the desk rang.

Su Yuanshan answered the phone and was immediately shocked by Qin Weimin's excited roar.

Xiao Shan, the process is finished.

Su Yuanshan looked stern and immediately became nervous: Are you sure?

Haha, when have I ever lied to you? Qin Weimin laughed heartily on the phone: The layout will enter the lighting factory soon.

Well done! Su Yuanshan laughed: Is Senior Brother Jiang Wanchao also with you? It's all thanks to him this time - thank him for me.

That's natural. I'm going to have a drink tonight - do you want to come over?

Su Yuanshan looked at the empty desk across from him and shook his head regretfully: I'll come over after the tape-out is successful.

OK. Qin Weimin hung up the phone concisely.

Su Yuanshan closed his eyes and took a long breath.

It is now the end of May, and it has been three months since TI brought the manufacturing process here.

Although the process standard package used in the design of Deyuan is based on Deyuan's 0.5 micron, if this thing is really implemented on Deyuan's equipment, it is far from just following a set of instructions. It is very likely that you will be acclimatized in various ways.

The reason why it took three months to wait for tape-out is that the three parties of Yuanxin, Deyuan, and Jiang Wanchao's EDA worked together to make the entire process perfect.

Now that the photomask factory can be installed, it means that the process integration is successful.

It was also announced that Deyuan Semiconductor can produce 0.5 micron chips.

Therefore, Qin Weimin called Su Yuanshan specifically to ask if he wanted to go over to celebrate.

Su Yuanshan wanted to... but Zhou Xiaohui had just flown to Ni Country with Ziguang's people recently, preparing to discuss an office equipment project. He felt that it was too much trouble to go out alone...

And after the tape-out is successful, it’s just the beginning.

In the past and present, countless bloody facts have proved that Intel has never been a vegetarian, and it has always been willing to kill opponents who dare to challenge it.

Although Su Yuanshan doesn't want to, he still has to admit that when the time comes, everything will depend on Intel's expression.

Moreover, there is another bad thing to face soon.

Thinking of this, Su Yuanshan grabbed the phone and dialed Zhang Rujin's cell phone directly.

After summer, something that would have a profound impact on the island finally happened.

For a time, the usually calm sea became turbulent.

Yuanxin Technology Park.

Although Su Yuanshan moved his office to the special zone, the office here has not been cancelled. Only the filing cabinets have been emptied, but everything else remains the same - even the computer and pen holder are kept.

But no one has stayed in the office for a long time. Even if someone cleans the place every day, it is still a fact that it is impersonal. So Su Yuanshan just walked around the office and chose to walk directly into Chen Jing's office.

In the past two months, Chen Jing has obviously become more anxious. Compared to Su Yuanshan, she is under greater pressure.

Sister Jing. Su Yuanshan walked straight to the desk, leaned on it, and faced her with a relaxed and casual attitude.

Chen Jing greeted him with her eyes. At this time, she put down the mouse, pushed the chair back, and curled up in the wide chair.

My brother is taking care of all aspects, so it shouldn't be a big problem. Chen Jing looked at Su Yuanshan, wanting to stay even, but she couldn't hide the fatigue in her eyebrows.

Well, Brother Chen's side is easy to say. Theoretically, he is not a high-tech talent...

Even now, Chen Jing almost couldn't help but become happy after hearing this. She glared at Su Yuanshan gently: If you have the ability, try saying that in front of him.

Forget it, I'm afraid of getting beaten.


But Sister Jing, I'm a little worried about you. Su Yuanshan immediately became serious: Now, in the semiconductor industry, your reputation is much greater than that of Brother Chen.

Because of these two months of confrontation, there are voices on the island that have begun to ferment, saying that they will counterattack the mainland through technology. The specific plan is that those outstanding talents on the island cannot play for the mainland.

Even though Su Yuanshan had already prepared, he asked Zhang Rujin and Liang Mengsong to keep a low profile. Especially Liang Mengsong, who is one of the core members in the implementation of 0.5 micron technology. But in public, he was not given more recognition or rewards - because at that time, the island had already begun to test a certain bottom line.

But even so, Zhang Rujin, the leader of Deyuan Semiconductor, still received a warning from the island to return within a certain period of time.

As for Chen Jing, I don't know whether it's because she is just a business leader, or because she is a woman. She did not receive any official warning from the other side, but criticism from the people was rampant.

And... inside the telecore, some unstable sounds began to appear.

——Will Mr. Chen’s identity help her continue to be in charge of Yuanxin?

I'm actually fine. Chen Jing shook her head and smiled tiredly: It's mainly because I feel a little tired recently.

Yeah. Su Yuanshan also smiled and nodded.

He knew that she was tired.

So, I'm back. Su Yuanshan tapped his toes, sat down on the desk, and said with a smile: I will inform you that a meeting of middle-level cadres will be held in two days. All M4, P4 and above will come back for the meeting.

On my behalf.

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