1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 390 The Infant Giant

In this life, because of Xinghai's early intervention in the Internet field, many backward technologies were released in advance.

This includes ASP - Active Server Page. This is often referred to as dynamic page technology.

It does not mean that the web page moves with various moving pictures, but that the links are not fixed and can dynamically change and respond according to the user's requirements and choices.

Simply put, different users can generate different content when they visit the same website.

As long as you cooperate with the algorithm well, it will be... the Douyin of future generations.

Moreover, ASP appeared within a year after the emergence of CGI technology - this is very different from the previous life, and with the unanimous promotion of Microsoft and Xinghai, an operating system giant and an Internet basic technology giant, ASP technology Soon CGI was nipped in the cradle and became a cutting-edge technology that became popular on the Internet.

Su Yuanshan quickly returned to normal.

He did not doubt that Zhang Xiaolong could think of this - after all, he was the person who had created national software, and he was riding on Yuanxin, a big ship sailing at the forefront of the Internet wave. Coupled with his unintentional reminder just now, he could instantly do it. It is natural to think of personalized customization.

Interesting. Su Yuanshan nodded: And I believe that this should also be the direction of future development.

Hmm! The main thing is that dynamic pages must be the direction of future development - in addition to the news pages of portal websites, providing customized and personalized needs for different users is so in line with the spirit of the Internet!

Zhang Xiaolong clenched his fists excitedly as he spoke: Then it's settled!

Su Yuanshan stopped him: Brother Xiaolong, the question is, have you considered whether the current server can handle so many concurrent demands?


Moreover, dynamic pages require extremely high concurrent data management and solutions - do you have the talent and technical reserves in this area?

Zhang Xiaolong was startled for a moment, and then said harshly: If you don't have it, then cultivate it. As long as the direction is right, then you have to go on.

As for the server, I think that when the website is online and there is a user group that the server cannot support, there should be servers with more advanced performance. And server technology is also one of the projects we will tackle in the future. This is an opportunity to do it early and gain experience early.”

After Zhang Xiaolong finished speaking, he looked at Su Yuanshan: What do you think?

Su Yuanshan pondered for a few seconds and then nodded slowly: Okay. Remember, algorithms are very important - a set of recommendation system algorithms learned and optimized based on a large amount of data must be the core of the entire system and its core competitiveness.


After Zhang Xiaolong left in a hurry, Zhou Xiaohui blinked at Su Yuanshan and asked, What was his idea just now?

Well, very good, that's not ordinary. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile: Once the algorithm matures, this thing will be a sharp weapon.

Uh... I don't really understand.

Let me give you an example. Su Yuanshan thought for a while and said, Do you usually rent DVDs and watch them?

No, but you can pretend I rent the disc to watch.

...Well, if you go to an unattended video rental store to rent a disc, after you have rented it a few times, you don't even need to rent it, you just need to take a few glances at the disc that you are 'interested in' Finally, when you come back next time, you will find that what appears in front of you are all the series you like to watch...

Tell me, will a store like this that rents DVDs make money from you? Su Yuanshan said with a smile.

Zhou Xiaohui opened her mouth and finally nodded: ...Yes. But you can use lipstick colors as an example. For example, I often go to a cosmetics store to buy lipsticks. After I choose a few lipsticks of a certain brand, I will buy them again in the future. When I go there, the store will put my favorite lipstick in front of me in advance.”

How many reds do you have?

A few dozen...

... Su Yuanshan stared at her mouth with no lipstick on it at all, shook his head and sighed: To be honest, Sister Xiaohui... I have never noticed whether you are wearing lipstick or not.

At this time, the phone on her desk rang. After she answered it, she glared at Su Yuanshan, turned around, and left the office angrily.

Su Yuanshan was happy, and he also knew that his words were standard not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

But not long after, Zhou Xiaohui pushed the door open again and entered.

Behind her stood a young man under thirty wearing glasses.

Mr. Shan. Zhou Xiaohui had already forgotten Su Yuanshan's insult just now, and introduced the visitor into the office with a smile.

Su Yuanshan raised his head and stared at this shy man with some confusion. Then he stood up - although his randomness was well known to everyone in Yuanxin, but it also had to be divided into targets. As his old secretary, Zhou Xiaohui naturally knew this, so she would not bring anyone into the office casually.

This person who was brought in by Zhou Xiaohui must have some status.

This is Mr. Wang Hongtao, deputy general manager of Unisoc, who is also the leading developer of TH-OCR94.

Oh...Hello Mr. Wang.

Hello, Mr. Shan.

After the two shook hands politely, Su Yuanshan introduced Wang Hongtao to the guest sofa, while Zhou Xiaohui helped them make tea.

When Su Yuanshan saw Zhou Xiaohui going to make tea, he began to guess the purpose of the vice president of Ziguang - obviously, he was not here to do after-sales service at his level.

However, Zhou Xiaohui was able to summon the vice president with just one phone call. This also shows that Yuanxin's current size and reputation are indeed boundless.

Seeing Su Yuanshan's confused look, Wang Hongtao touched his glasses lightly. To be honest, he was a little nervous - after all, Su Yuanshan was well-known in the technology industry, so it was a bit presumptuous for him to come here this time.

Mr. Shan, it's like this. I heard this time that our OCR software has caused problems for you at work... We attach great importance to the feedback from important customers like Yuanxin. Wang Hongtao licked his lips as he spoke and smiled: I came here this time to see if I can help make some improvements. On the other hand, I hope to see if I can cooperate with Yuanxin in other fields.

Su Yuanshan breathed out softly.

This is so true! It would be too much to have a vice president just for the sake of scanning.

He knew that the current Ziguang had just become the Universal Light Group from a school-run factory, but compared to later generations, this group was really just an empty frame. It is far from being the giant that will be involved in storage, chips, and even all integrated circuit design fields in later generations.

You must know that Ziguang in later generations is the largest comprehensive integrated circuit company in China. It ranks first in the country and second in the world in the enterprise-level IT service segment.

In a sense, it is Yuanxin's rival.

But now, it's just a baby in swaddles.

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