1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 367 Intel’s Dilemma

However, Su Yuanshan immediately thought that Xia Xiaoxuan was Li Xiao's classmate at the same school. One of their labs was upstairs and the other was downstairs. After staying here for so many days, they might have already talked about these topics.

How long will it take to put it into commercial use? Xia Xiaoxuan asked immediately.

Haha... Not all successful scientific research must be put into commercial use. Of course, we are a profit-oriented enterprise, and commercial use must be the main goal. Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: But before, we still You have to let the data speak, first confirm and repeat. Then consider the following - you have to know that except for mechanical exfoliation, the graphene preparation methods we can currently consider are all very expensive.

So after determining whether graphene is excellent, one of the most important areas is to consider reducing preparation costs while increasing production. Otherwise, it may be like lithium batteries, which just stay in the laboratory for decades.

Xia Xiaoxuan nodded: But lithium batteries have survived, right?

So, the current cost has dropped to a level that is worthy of marketing. Su Yuanshan said and prepared to stand up: Are you okay? If not... I will go back. If you have any questions, you can call me. You can send me an email.”


Well, come on!

Xia Xiaoxuan sent Su Yuanshan out and returned to her seat. After taking a few deep breaths, she opened the drawer, took out snacks and stuffed them into her mouth.

While chewing Bawang Crispy, she looked at Su Yuanshan's comments again, and the president's evaluation of Su Yuanshan came to her mind.

——Yes, she did go to Xi Xiaoding in the name of signing the experimental fund application, and then she happened to meet Xi Xiaoding when he was free, and the two chatted for a while...

Of course, the main content of the conversation between the two was Xia Xiaoxuan's question about Su Yuanshan - after all, Su Yuanshan was her immediate person in charge, the nominal boss.

Then according to Xi Xiaoding, Su Yuanshan is almost omnipotent.

As expected of the mountain god. Xia Xiaoxuan looked at the annotation and thought to herself: How could this fucking modification be made by a junior college student - this is completely professor-level knowledge!

That night, Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing, plus Xi Xiaoding, Wang Chuanfu, Cheng Peng, Li Xiao and others, hosted a banquet for Kutaragi Ken and his party on the third floor. After learning that this picture was one that had invited many domestic bigwigs to dinner, a group of Niguo people were obviously interested. It feels quite useful.

After dinner, Su Yuanshan received a call from Claude, saying that the press conference was a success. He also jokingly said that if he had known better, he would have shorted Intel's stock...

Haha, luckily you didn't do it, otherwise it would be too late to cry.

But now Intel's stock has started to fall. Claude said unconvinced: And the bullets are still flying... Otherwise, the Internet world will be crazy about the news that Intel can't even do arithmetic correctly. You know, the sales of the first-generation Pentium were very good last year.”

Then let's wait until tomorrow...

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan took a shower first, then turned on the computer and connected to the Internet.

Due to the addition of an additional overseas transfer line from HK, the current network speed is still barely acceptable. He logged into Yuanxin's code hosting forum - which has become the largest open source community in North America and is known as a programmer's paradise - and after entering the hardware sub-forum, he noticed a post titled Why is the Pentium 66 computing test Will the results be different from other CPUs? post came out.

Silicon Valley, Intel headquarters.

Andy Grove stood in front of the window, looking at the setting sun outside the window, his eyes anxious.

His secretary stood behind him, not daring to make a sound.

Just in the past few hours, Intel has encountered its biggest crisis since its founding.

Xinghai had already released rumors half a month ago that the CPU was like an invisible rope, tightening around Intel's neck more and more tightly - the entire Intel system was even more tense than Xinghai.

Because Intel doesn’t know what the level of Xinghai’s CPU will be, because this CPU is said to use the most advanced technology from Yuanxin.

There is no doubt that the most stressful time is before the dust settles.

But after the announcement, everyone at Intel breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, everyone at Intel admits that the Xinghai CPU, which is the first to adopt L2 cache technology, does have an absolute advantage at the same frequency. It even has an advantage in execution efficiency compared to the second-generation Pentium, which has a frequency of more than half.

But Intel is not a vegetarian. It is nothing more than the improvement brought by the second-level cache technology, making it seem like no one has it.

The design department, which has had no rivals for a long time, is even a little happy - the rivals are finally no longer weak chickens who only know how to create copycats.

However, as forums and news groups used a certain test software to perform scientific calculations on the CPU, and concluded that the first generation Pentium would have completely different errors, the news quickly followed the trend of Xinghai releasing a new CPU. It spread across forums and newsgroups.

Even just a few hours ago, someone examined the open source code of the test software and reproduced the floating point division error of the first generation Pentium based on the code.

Frankly speaking, Intel knows this mistake...

Last year, test engineers discovered this low-level error before the chip was officially released. But at that time, it had been successfully taped out and was being prepared for mass production. In addition, to reproduce the error, it required extremely coincidental errors. Only extreme amounts of mathematics, science, and engineering calculations would lead to erroneous results.

The most important thing is that the first generation Pentium was just a transitional product.

Therefore, almost all senior executives at that time believed that this was not a problem at all, and perhaps no one would be able to discover it during use until it was eliminated.

In fact, Andy Grove now believes that even if it is discovered now, it will not be a problem. Intel has enough reasons to convince users that this bug will not affect any performance and normal use of the CPU.

But just at the same time that Xinghai released a new product, a bug broke out, so there was a problem.

Andy Grove frowned tightly, turned to face his secretary, and said in a deep voice: What was the result of their discussion?

The secretary said carefully: Explain to users that this is not a loophole, let alone a defect, it is just an insignificant small bug, and at the same time, speed up the launch of Pentium POR.

Is there no other way? Andy Grove asked.

The secretary gritted his teeth and whispered: Yes, there will be a full recall of the defective CPUs... But that may cost us more than 400 million US dollars!

Andy, the most important thing is that our stock price...has fallen 3% today. If we don't take action...

Andy Grove took a deep breath.

As a listed company, especially a semiconductor company that is preparing to become the number one in the industry, it is an extremely serious signal for the stock price to fall by 3% in one day.

Let me think about it...

Andy Grove waved his hand dejectedly.

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