1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 359 The best value

Su-san... Kutaragi Ken raised his teacup to Su Yuanshan and swept away the smoke of fireworks in the air.

Well... Su Yuanshan shrugged and made a gesture of invitation to William Smith.

He acted so forcefully from the beginning, which was obviously intentional - this guy relied on himself as a big-name producer and industry insider, and pretended to be cool while losing money. Not to mention that Kutaragi Ken looked unhappy, and even Su Yuanshan couldn't watch it. Went down.

After all, Su Yuanshan didn't want to make a movie with him.

William Smith took a few deep breaths, hummed slightly, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

Putting down the cup, William Smith stared at Su Yuanshan and said expressionlessly: Mr. Su, no one can judge whether the film will be a hit or not when reading the script. I hope you understand this. And it was not favored during the filming. As a result, There are so many examples of things that sell well—and vice versa.”

What Smith means is that it is impossible to predict whether the film will be a hit or not. Ken Kutaragi continued to knead the mud and explained with a smile.

To be precise, any movie is likely to fail. Even if the previous one is a hit, the chances of the sequel failing are ridiculously high. William Smith continued, staring at Su Yuanshan.

Is that Schrödinger's movie?

William Smith was startled: What do you mean?

It's not interesting. It's a thought experiment proposed by Schrödinger. Su Yuanshan was not going to explain to this liberal arts gentleman what Schrödinger's cat was: But in my opinion, it's actually just a fluke. Hollywood is known as a commercial film. Palace, it’s hard to make a movie that wins an Oscar, but it’s not easy to make a movie that makes money? You even streamlined the script down to every minute...

It was only after Su Yuanshan was about to cooperate with Sony Pictures that he began to seriously look for some current Hollywood information. Then he was surprised to find that Hollywood's strict requirements for scripts had been in place in the 1990s - especially those who This is especially true for movies produced on an assembly line.

For example, what should be explained in the first few minutes, what should be explained in the middle minutes, and then the scene is switched, clues are added, etc. - it is very similar to the format of writing a web article that requires a climax and a satisfying climax according to the number of words required.

William Smith just smiled and said that he would not be entangled with Su Yuanshan on this issue.

Su Yuanshan also smiled.

Now that he has pissed off this guy, he will show no mercy. He turned to Kutaragi Ken and said: Kutaragi-kun, I heard that the script of Titanic is not very optimistic, but I am very optimistic about it... We have no chance to contact you. If you do, you'd better go to 20th Century Fox. Let’s discuss it and see if we can invest together.”

Now Kutaragi Ken was really surprised: Are you still paying attention to this?

I only pay attention to Cameron. The movies he makes are definitely suitable for investment. Su Yuanshan glanced at Smith and said with a half-smile: Mr. Smith, if you want to make money, just invest.

Come on, this is no longer the era of Casablanca and Pretty Woman. Can a romance film cost hundreds of millions of dollars be recouped? William Smith exhaled softly and sat relaxed in his chair. , as if he had seen through Su Yuanshan.

Kutaragi Ken took a deep look at Su Yuanshan and said softly: Su-san, is it true or false?

As long as you can persuade 20th Century Fox, I will vote for you if you don't - and if you have the ability, it's no problem to lure Cameron over.


Okay, let's get down to business. Seeing everyone's speechless expressions, Su Yuanshan chuckled: The era of DVD is coming. As a new storage medium, it can just hold a high-definition movie.

And because of the existence of copyright, even in Western societies, it is impossible for everyone to afford genuine films to watch at home.

When Su Yuanshan said this, William Smith finally sat upright, but he still said lazily: It seems that the country under our feet does not have such troubles.

Haha... Who told your government not to sign the agreement? Su Yuanshan glanced at William Smith, his eyes still focused on Kutaragi Fitness: Establish a large-scale copyright management center to act as an agent and distribute the DVD format of all films, and then use Order online and make an appointment, and provide film services to a wide audience by mailing DVD films.

Compared with the current scattered community audio and video product rental stores, its biggest charm is that you only need to move your fingers to wait for the video to arrive at home - just mail it back after watching it.

When the future enters the era of comprehensive Internet, we, who own the copyright and film library, can move all the films online and realize on-demand Internet viewing.

In short, you just need to sit in front of the computer and open a web page to watch a high-definition movie - you can even cast it on a TV or even a home projector.

As long as technology continues to develop and as long as people still have the need to watch movies and TV shows, then Internet copyright in the future will definitely be the most important derivative copyright, bar none.

Su Yuanshan finished speaking in one breath, looked at William Smith with a half-smile, and said softly: So, this is the value of the copyrights of Columbia Pictures' thousands of films.

At this time, Zhou Xiaohui, who had been listening silently, suddenly looked up.

She looked at everyone and smiled: The best value is that we know that the future will be like this, and it will be like this.

With the movie in mind, the music is obviously easier to understand.

Donald Bright even asked Su Yuanshan carefully about how much storage space is needed to move a four- to five-minute piece of music online and how much bandwidth is needed to achieve online playback.

Su Yuanshan has always been willing to explain to such enthusiastic and studious people.

He told Donald Bright that if it were converted into a format with sound quality acceptable to everyone, a song would only be about 4 or 5 megabytes. Regardless of the current mainstream use of floppy drives, it seems that even a single song cannot be installed. But the development speed of hard drives is far beyond people's imagination.

In less than five years, people will be able to listen to a piece of music smoothly over the Internet.

“In the Internet field, in addition to striving for innovation, we also strive to see who can catch up early.”

Su Yuanshan stared at Brett and explained with a smile.

——Especially in this kind of resource monopoly industry, only by completing the monopoly before others notice can we become the biggest winner.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Kutaragi Ken.

He hopes that Kutaragi Ken can realize the true meaning of taking the first step and the road will be smooth.

The same is true for audio and video, and the same is true for games.

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