1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 36 The ordinary third brother

The drunk uncle was strictly prohibited from driving by Su Yuanshan. Unable to resist, Zhang Kezhi took a taxi and returned to the Electrical Engineering Department with Su Yuanshan and his son.

After arriving home, her mother Zhang Xiuyun murmured while serving warm mung bean soup for the two of them to sober up. Finally, she smelled Su Yuanshan's cheek to make sure that her son had not drank before returning to the study to continue sorting out her work reports - she also occasionally When working overtime.

Xiaoshan, you said earlier that there was a high probability that they would agree. How did you determine that? The three of them went home directly after leaving Jiangdu Building. They only had a brief chat along the way and did not discuss it in depth. So as soon as he got home, Zhang Ke couldn't wait to ask his nephew.

How should I put it... Su Yuanshan pondered for a moment and slowly explained: UMC is not a monolithic entity. Whether it is the wafer factory or the IC design department, they all need us, and the IC department needs us even more. And the only one on the opposite side is I only have a little scruple...

What point? Trade secrets?

Su Yuanshan nodded: Hardly, right? The foundation of a technology company is patents and technology. Patent itself is an act of publicity in exchange for legal protection, and it is not considered confidential. As for technology, as long as it can't be learned from outside, If it arrives, it will be regarded as a trade secret. What UMC is worried about now is that our people will steal our skills in the past...

The uncle pursed his lips: Then you said the other party would agree.

I only said that the probability of agreeing is relatively high. You don't know if my uncle is not engaged in technology. Technology can be cultivated and introduced. As long as they understand this and really need us, they will probably agree. ——After all, in their view, it is very difficult to learn skills, and secondly, we can’t use them after we learn them. It’s like you have a car driver’s license, but there is only one bicycle at home, so it is useless to learn it.”

Su Yuanshan lowered his head and took a sip of mung bean soup: And he will also discuss with us the permissions, which ones we can move and which ones we can't. Anyway, it's not as simple as just saying Come on.

Su Xinghe listened and nodded: Yes, according to this analysis, the possibility of the other party agreeing is indeed relatively high. What about our candidates?

Speaking of candidates, Su Yuanshan immediately had a headache: I just thought about the team leader, it's really hard to choose the others.

Yuanxin's steps are a bit big now, and even if it keeps recruiting people, it still can't meet the needs of the team. Not to mention that the people who want to be sent there have to consider all aspects, including being politically strong and technically strong.

Su Xinghe also knew that Yuanxin was currently short of people, but he didn't expect his son to actually choose the team leader, and asked in surprise: Who will lead the team?

Senior Brother Jianguo.

Su Xinghe was startled and became confused: Jianguo? Can he do it?

Chen Jianguo is now in his third year as a graduate student. He doesn't talk much and is a dull type. Moreover, his programming level is not outstanding, and he is not very strong in architectural innovation... In short, compared to Qin Weimin, who is talented in architecture, and Tang Wenjie, who is talented in circuit design, he seems to be the most mediocre among the three brothers. Nothing surprising.

This year, Su Xinghe recruited three more master's degree students. Since he did not have time, Su Xinghe handed over the task of educating his junior students to Chen Jianguo - Chen Jianguo originally started working on microcontrollers. Su Xinghe originally thought that after adjusting Chen Jianguo's tasks, he, the most ordinary disciple, would complain, but he didn't expect that he would be quite happy with his junior disciple.

Now Su Yuanshan has come forward and asked Chen Jianguo to lead the team to UMC...

Facing his father's doubts, Su Yuanshan chuckled. Now, even his father doesn't understand Chen Jianguo himself - or in other words, even Chen Jianguo doesn't understand himself as well as he does.

Chen Jianguo does not belong to the kind of talents with pioneering thinking. To put it bluntly, he is not good at innovation. But he has a unique skill that is beyond the reach of several of his brothers - he is extremely sensitive to the microscopic world and is extremely good at discovering loopholes and bugs from the smallest details. Therefore, he is very suitable for jobs that require keen observation, such as debugging of embedded systems and process improvement of chip production lines.

If the trajectory does not change, then Chen Jianguo will respond to Zhang Rujing's call and go to Xingzhou in 1993. Zhang Rujing persuaded the Xingzhou government to recruit 300 people in the mainland to join TI's new wafer fab. Of these 300 people, dozens more followed Zhang Rujing back to SH. Chen Jianguo was one of his most capable assistants.

Senior Brother Jianguo's specialty lies in being steady, careful, and good at discovering and solving problems, not in his wild imagination. Therefore, in the microcontroller project team, his performance has indeed been restricted. It's just that there has never been a suitable job for him before, so he can only let him He can gain some experience. Su Yuanshan explained to his father with a smile: Anyway, Senior Brother Jianguo's graduation has been completed. When the time comes, dad, you can make a report and ask the school leaders to be accommodating and let him graduate first. When the time comes, he will have some dignity when he goes out. .”

Su Xinghe was still a little hesitant: It's no problem to graduate early. I also know that he is steady and careful...but...is it really okay?

Don't worry, Dad! When have I ever made a mistake? Su Yuanshan looked at his father and said seriously.

This sentence undoubtedly gave Su Xinghe a reassurance - he knew that once his son took a serious tone, it would be a sure thing. He nodded immediately: Then I will do ideological work for him tomorrow, but I don't know if he is willing.

Don't worry, we'll probably have to talk about this for a while.



The next day, Lin Yonggu and the others got to know each other at Yuanxin for a day and did not mention cooperation. On the third day, Lin Yonggu told Su Yuanshan that he had reported to the company, but the company's senior management had to weigh the details in various aspects.

Su Yuanshan expressed his understanding. After Lin Yonggu revealed his intention to return as soon as possible, Su Yuanshan directly took out the installation CD and a set of class video tapes and handed them to Lin Yonggu.

In principle, you can now use EDA to design a chip and then tape it out directly through simulation. This is what Philips and Bell do.

Lin Yonggu nodded and sighed softly: Well, the two of them mainly design CMOS chips, which can be verified in advance on CPLD (programmable logic device), and it is not complicated.

The implication is that UMC is used to develop more complex chips - what else besides CPUs?

Su Yuanshan chuckled: It doesn't matter, you guys go back first. If you really find someone is needed, we will send them right away.

Okay, let's go back first - by the way, you want to go to Las Vegas on the 21st, right?

Go there.

See you then.

In the days after the three returned, Lin Yonggu would occasionally call or send faxes to seek EDA resources. Regarding the proposal for in-depth cooperation, he could not give any valuable information. He could only say that senior officials were still discussing it.

After all, he is only the supervisor in charge of IC design at the main factory. UMC has five factories and a large unified department above them.

Su Yuanshan had already expected this situation, so he was not in a hurry at all. As he said, as long as he took it easy, he could get surprises at any time.

Time flies, and October 17th arrives in a blink of an eye.

Su Yuanshan, Xi Xiaoding and Yang Yiwen boarded the passenger plane to New York.

They did not join the delegation, but flew directly to New York first and then transferred to Philadelphia - Xi Xiaoding wanted to go back to Penn. He still had personal belongings left there and had a few old friends to meet.

Thanks to book friend 151109192002219, your look back disturbed my heart, KILIG, back then Xiaolouxi, Ali Doudou, Brother Monkey had five classes today, Holy Light Bee’s reward~ Bow

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