1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 345 Let the bullets fly for a while

There are two CDs, one contains various programs used for testing, and the other contains multi-image comparison after post-processing.

The hotel is equipped as standard with a high-definition TV + Yuanxin's already iterated Super VCD - this is an upgraded version of the VCD player that Yuanxin has forcibly promoted by relying on its leading position.

In terms of disc standards, Super VCD discs are compressed in the MPEG-2 format, and the image quality is quite improved compared to the first generation VCD - the image horizontal definition has been increased from 250 lines to 350 lines, which is exactly in line with the current situation. HDTV.

Of course, this standard can only be said to be slightly better than nothing - after all, Yuexin does not have a disc patent. In a sense, it is just one more gimmick to maintain a relatively high price and more functions. In actual use, it still relies on backward compatibility to undertake the playback function of the vast number of VCD discs on the market.

Perhaps in order to cater to Yuanxin, this video disc is pressed using the SVCD standard - now that DVD players have not officially exited, SVCD is indeed the clearest video format.

Su Yuanshan stared at the comparison of multiple images intently. Due to the clarity, he could not see every test detail clearly, but the similarities and differences between the images could still be seen clearly.

It looks okay. Su Yuanshan read the tests one by one. When he saw the floating-point division test, the Pentium 66 showed an obvious wrong answer, and the corners of his mouth curled up without leaving any trace.

Yang Yiwen on the side noticed his expression and touched him gently: I heard that this is a vulnerability of the Pentium processor?

Well, according to Claude and the others, they analyzed the source code and tested it one by one. They found that this was an error in the design process of the Pentium processor - they wrote the division table wrong. Su Yuanshan said and looked at Yang Yiwen: Carly is What did you think about it?

Carly said let the bullets fly for a while. Yang Yiwen pursed her lips and smiled.

Su Yuanshan was startled and laughed.

——In fact, Carly had consulted Su Yuanshan’s opinion. After all, this was considered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. At that time, Su Yuanshan told her that it was up to her to solve everything, but he also gave her advice, saying to let the bullets fly for a while and take a look.

Unexpectedly, Carly actually conveyed these words back intact.

Because we are competitors, it is not convenient for us to announce it. So we only provide relevant test software on the official website and related pages. Even the scores are question marks. The current countdown to the announcement time is at noon on December 1, Western Time. 12 o'clock.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Well, it means that Carly still hopes that the majority of netizens will test her configuration first, right?

Yes. Yang Yiwen nodded: Currently there is no authoritative and impartial third-party evaluation organization, so we can only leave it to the users themselves.

Take your time, it will happen.

The next day, the driver first sent Su Yuanshan to the R\u0026D center, and then took Yang Yiwen and Zhou Xiaohui to visit the Shanghai market.

Due to limited conditions, the Yuanxin CPU department does not have a professional and complete platform testing laboratory like Xinghai Cyirx. But this does not prevent Gao Xiaodi from casually cobbling together a few sets of platforms to build these three CPUs.

Then, Su Yuanshan saw the engineers from the DFT department rushing over and said hello quickly: Take it easy, what do you want to do here?

DFT, the full name is Design For Test testability design. In later generations of chip companies, it is a necessary and increasingly important department - to put it bluntly, it is a department that specializes in detecting, marking, and picking out manufacturing defects.

But currently, due to process and architecture, the complexity of chips is far less than that of later generations. Therefore, even in companies like Intel and AMD, DFT is not an important process.

But at Yuanxin, Su Yuanshan started to establish the DFT department from the beginning and instilled the concept of testability design.

Don't worry, Mr. Shan, we're just here to take a look, we won't open the door. The person in charge of DFT is named Yu Jun. He is the second batch of employees to join Yuanxin, and now he has taken up the leading role.

Gao Xiaodi touched Yu Jun: I think you just want to join in the fun, what does your DFT department care about?


The test was carried out quickly. Although Su Yuanshan had already watched the complete video, he couldn't help but get excited when he saw with his own eyes that this CPU defeated the current Intel-related competing products in various indicators.

He was excited, and Gao Xiaodi and the others were even more excited.

Because Yuanxin’s architectural solution is more radical.

In a sense, the CPU designed by Yuanxin is just to show off its muscles - it needs to use technology to force Intel to make concessions and put the two on the same starting line.

During the test, as expected, the Pentium CPU had a floating-point division error again.

——Let the bullets fly for a while, Su Yuanshan told everyone.

One day later, Zhang Rujin returned to Shanghai from Deyi headquarters.

Uncle Zhang, is it settled? Su Yuanshan and Zhang Rujin were sitting side by side in the back seat of the car, looking at each other and smiling.

After not seeing each other for a few months, Zhang Rujin has obviously lost weight, but he is more energetic.

This time Zhang Rujin returned to Texas Instruments mainly to try to stay in the mainland. Judging from his energetic appearance, he must have finally agreed.

Well, according to our estimates, the peak period of the semiconductor cycle is coming soon... The cost of building a factory will increase greatly, and once a factory is built with high costs, you will lose money if you are not careful. Zhang Rujin took off his glasses. After wiping it, he laughed and said: So the headquarters simply seeks stability and gets Deyuan Semiconductor up first.

Haha, according to me, Vincent saw Yuanxin's investment in Deyuan... Su Yuanshan joked: As long as Deyuan is built, it will be no better than building two new wafer fabs that only deal with memory. powerful?

TI is another close partner of Yuexin. Among other things, the optical wafer fab has employees poached from all over the country, as well as technical teams sent by TI.

Therefore, when TI evaluated that FarCore's NAND particles had the potential to compete with NOR particles and could break Toshiba's patent, TI felt extremely happy and quickly sent a team to discuss with Li Mingliu's team. Technology research.

——This involves old things.

After Toshiba's Fujio invented NOR flash memory, Intel made an exaggerated call of 300 times a day, asking to buy samples. Toshiba was so annoyed that they gave them samples. After that, Intel went all out to crack and imitate...

Toshiba, on the other hand, does not know what kind of mentality it is in, and does not regard NOR flash technology as a treasure.

But like all short-sighted hapless people, it refuses to allow others to get involved in NOR flash memory technology - perhaps it is frightened by Intel's powerful copycat cracking capabilities.

In short, Toshiba, on the one hand, does not take NOR flash memory technology seriously, and on the other hand, it keeps suing other companies that want to get involved in NOR.

Among these companies is Texas Instruments.

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