1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 337 Good Days

Yuanxin Technology Park.

Su Yuanshan is reviewing the experimental design report submitted by He Chunhua.

Now that he has made up his mind to train himself, an outer brother, to be the main person in charge of the future graphene laboratory, he must be strict with him...

This may sound a little funny, but it's true.

This is He Chunhua's third experimental design article in the past half month. If Su Yuanshan hadn't read it carefully every time and seriously given suggestions for improvement, he would have thought that Su Yuanshan was deliberately making things difficult for him. …

Moreover, it was not until he stayed at Yuanxin that He Chunhua truly understood how awesome Su Yuanshan was, who came to study and experiment as a junior in the P laboratory.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Yuanshan is Yuan Xin's only spiritual support.

Moreover, it is strange that no one in Yuanxin would praise Su Yuanshan and call him a genius. As if this word is not enough to describe Su Yuanshan's awesomeness, they usually call Su Yuanshan the mountain god behind his back.

It means, a man who exists like a god - although the word mountain god does sound a bit funny.

Well, it's okay. Thank you for your hard work, senior brother.

After half an hour passed, Su Yuanshan finally looked up from the experimental report and said with a smile: I made a rough estimate. If you continue to follow this design, in addition to the Hall effect, there should be more performance discoveries.

He Chunhua breathed a long sigh of relief.

After all, he has a Ph.D. in physics, and he also has a Ph.D. in physics from P University...

No matter how talented or divine Su Yuanshan is, he still has his own dignity!

——Therefore, his experimental design is not so much to repeat the Hall effect experiment that Su Yuanshan has completed, but to conduct other extended experiments based on the Hall effect experiment.

Since Su Yuanshan can provide the top testing environment in the country and the top testing funds in the world, if he does not squander it but wants to pick up Su Yuanshan's wisdom, then he is really unworthy of the teachings of Mr. Li Chungang. .

He Chunhua stood up and said furiously: Then I will start the group in the afternoon!

Well, there's no need to be in such a hurry. Su Yuanshan raised his wrist and glanced at the time. He saw that it was already past eleven, so he stood up and said, Let's go to the laboratory to have a look and chat by the way, and then we'll meet at noon. Have a meal.”

As Su Yuanshan said, suddenly the mobile phone at his hand rang.

Not everyone can make calls to this mobile phone - it is his real personal mobile phone. Apart from his family and friends, only the bosses of various departments will make this call in critical moments.

When Su Yuanshan saw the display, he was startled for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his lips.

Senior brother, wait a moment, there may be good news.

Su Yuanshan said and pressed the answer button.

Sure enough, Claude's voice came from the other side.

Su, the tape-out was successful, and the test comparison results with our friends are also out. We are almost ahead in all aspects.

Well done! Su Yuanshan praised him and exhaled softly.

He uses the architecture of Pentium MMX - there are even ideas from the generation god U Tualatin, plus a full-speed second-level cache. If it can't beat the current Pentium 1, then he might as well stop playing.

But for chips, design is design. No matter how awesome the design is, it still depends on the results after tape-out testing. Now that he heard that the overall lead was no surprise, he was relieved.

But I'm still a little worried. According to the tape-out data analysis from TI, the cost of this U is still high. Coupled with Cyrix's previous product pricing strategy and image...

Claude paused for a moment when he said this, but as long as Su Yuanshan had ears, he could tell that Claude was worried about whether the U market would accept it.

Su Yuanshan just smiled: Don't worry about this. If this CPU is launched by Intel, it may not be able to sell, but as long as it is launched by Xinghai, it will definitely be sold... and Intel will definitely keep up. CPU using L2 cache.

Claude asked curiously: Why?

Su Yuanshan knew that this guy had always been engaged in technology, and he tried to follow Intel's old path of occupying the market purely with products and technology. Even he himself didn't believe how much business and marketing acumen he had.

So Su Yuanshan smiled and explained: It's very simple. The market needs a chip company that can compete with Intel, and capital is also needed... As for the Cyrix pricing issue you mentioned, this has some impact, but not much. The new CPU will use Xinghai's name, released under a new registered trademark. From now on, the Cyrix trademark will focus on mid-to-low-end product lines. As for why Intel will follow up...it goes without saying, right? Level 2 cache must be the development direction of CPUs in the future, Intel If they dare not follow up on high-end CPUs, they will go bankrupt!

Well, that's okay. Claude nodded happily. Since integrating into Xinghai, Cyrix's original sales and publicity plan has been basically overturned and handed over to Xinghai. The reason why he asked this question, Just out of necessary care.

Seeing that Claude had nothing to say, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but underestimate him.

Didn't this guy discover the floating point division vulnerability in the first generation Pentium processor?

impossible! He said a long time ago that he must test all the mainstream CPUs on the market, especially Intel's Pentium-class CPUs, and rank them accordingly to provide a reference for pricing when they are officially released.

Didn't they test the first generation Pentium? Or did you miss the scientific testing tools sent by Yuanxin?

Then Claude's next sentence let him know that his worries were unnecessary.

By the way... we found a problem during the floating point division test. Claude seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before saying.

A smile appeared at the corner of Su Yuanshan's mouth.

what is the problem?

Intel's floating point division seems to have a loophole. Claude paused, and then told Su Yuanshan his guess.

Su Yuanshan listened quietly. When he learned that Claude was going to ask him for the source code of the test tool, he immediately nodded: The source code seems to have been uploaded to StarHub. You can download it yourself.

Claude took a deep breath: If... we can really determine that Intel's first-generation Pentium processor has a design defect, how should we deal with it?

Su Yuanshan narrowed his eyes and grinned: Just tell Carly, she should know how to deal with it.


After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan took a long breath.

Since I am inconvenient to take action myself due to some kind of psychological barrier, I will let Carly make the choice.

He believes that in the critical period of the upcoming IPO, Carly will definitely not let go of this opportunity to hit Intel.

Come on, senior brother, I'll treat you to lunch! Su Yuanshan grabbed the phone and laughed at He Chunhua who was listening with interest.

I accidentally heard a few words. It seems that Xinghai has found a flaw in Intel?

Shh...keep it secret.

Su Yuanshan walked out of the office, facing the approaching autumn sun, opened his arms and sighed.

What a great day.

(Wish you all a Happy New Year ~ May you be full of energy)

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