In later generations, even if Su Yuanshan is not involved in the Internet industry, he will know that Ni Guo will be absent from the world's Internet giants in the future - this has further plunged Ni Guo into recession.

And in the field of the international Internet, domestic... can actually be regarded as absent - when domestic IT companies wanted to enter the world during the mobile Internet era, they were beaten by various sap.

Su Yuanshan had never thought about the reason for this before. Looking back now, he could only come up with unprofessional analysis results, that is: in the early days of the Internet, due to submarine optical cables and import and export bandwidth, Internet companies at that time Almost all of them are based on the location of their mother tongue and then slowly developed.

Among them, relying on the popularity of smartphones, China has almost unreasonably jumped directly from the traditional Internet to the mobile Internet, and relying on a huge user group, it has supported several big Macs that can be called international giants. LAN enterprise.

On the other hand, in the country of Ni, due to its population base and living habits, Internet companies born in its country cannot grow up, and they also lose the opportunity to enter the world.

Here I have to say that the lighthouse country... Relying on early Internet technology, relying on strong social productivity, wealthy people, excellent creativity, and the popularity of its native English, the Internet companies in the lighthouse country naturally thrived in the Internet era. The ability to complete a monopoly.

——especially internationally oriented social media.

Su Yuanshan has experienced the era of violent export of values, and knows that in the post-Internet era, the monopoly of social media means the monopoly of public opinion.

Of course, Su Yuanshan is not so conceited as to be able to create FAANG (Note: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google), nor does he expect to be able to compete with the West's long-standing colored glasses, but if he can create a world-wide A top-level Internet company, at the very least... has no disadvantages.

Do you know why we chose to cooperate with Sony two years ago? Seeing the two of them lost in surprise and thinking, Su Yuanshan took another sip of coffee and asked with a smile.

Akita Ichiro's eyes flickered a few times, then returned to his normal state, and asked with a smile: I would like to hear the details.

Because I think Sony is a great company.

The two were startled again.

Then, they soon discovered that Su Yuanshan did not lie - at least, Su Yuanshan was very sincere in both tone and expression.

The two of them were in debt at the same time. For someone with Su Yuanshan's status to praise his company as great, even if the president is here, he will definitely bow to express his gratitude.

As Akita-kun said just now, we are also willing to go forward with great companies in the future. Whether it is an extension of existing technology or an adventure in the future. I know... Sony is still There’s no more definition of the internet age, right?”

Kutaragi Ken and Akita Ichiro looked at each other, then nodded: Yes, Su-san... you know, we have always believed that design and manufacturing are the most aesthetic industries.

Yes, I think so too. Su Yuanshan also nodded in agreement with Kutaragi Ken, and then he looked at the two of them with a hint of self-deprecation and worry in his eyes: But just because I think so too, I am afraid of the future. .”

Kutaragi Ken was slightly startled.

This was the first time he heard fear from Su Yuanshankou, and it was about the future...

At this time, Akita Ichiro had already stood up, bowed slightly to Su Yuanshan and said, Please give Su Sang more details.

If your understanding of the Internet is limited to websites for obtaining consultations...then... Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and did not tell the result. Instead, he said: What I fear is that if we give up on people's easy access, An accessible industry, so what if...we are eliminated?

Internet, big data, deep learning, artificial intelligence, automated production, automated life...

These may seem far away and too sci-fi, but I can smell that the torrent of technology is rolling forward, evolving towards the next technological revolution, and moving towards this.

Ryogi-kun, Akita-kun, there is no reason for us to be absent from the future.

When Su Yuanshan and three others walked out of the room, it was already 10:30 at night.

Zhou Xiaohui was sitting outside in the booth area facing the door, chatting with a man sitting opposite her.

Seeing Su Yuanshan going out, Zhou Xiaohui smiled at the person opposite and nodded, then stood up and faced Su Yuanshan.

Excuse me for waiting, Miss Zhou. Let's take our leave now. Kutaragi Ken smiled and said hello to Zhou Xiaohui before leaving in a hurry with Akita Ichiro.

The two of them naturally have to go back and digest Su Yuanshan's initiative for the next stage of cooperation between the two parties.

Su Yuanshan watched the two people leave, then looked at the man opposite Zhou Xiaohui with some surprise - this man just stood up and walked towards him.

He saw that the man was slightly startled for a moment, and then smiled.

Who is it? Seeing this person's appearance, Su Yuanshan made preparations to shake hands and greet him, but he still secretly asked Zhou Xiaohui.

——He didn't believe that Zhou Xiaohui would be able to chat with a strange man at this time and place.

He didn't let me tell you. Zhou Xiaohui pursed her lips and laughed.

Su Yuanshan cursed Holy shit in a low voice.

Mr. Shan is good.

The visitor finally walked up to Su Yuanshan. He was about thirty years old, a little thin, but he looked very capable, and his smile was full of kindness.

After getting closer, Su Yuanshan found that this person looked familiar. But he immediately realized that this was not someone he knew - the familiarity must mean that he was somewhat similar to someone he was familiar with.

Hello. Su Yuanshan scratched his head, stretched out his hand and shook it, but unexpectedly he was held tightly and refused to let go.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Yang Guangxin. The man named Yang Guangxin held Su Yuanshan's hands with a smile on his face: I saw you in the photo sent back by my roommate.

Your sister...Hey...Hello, Brother Yang.

Su Yuanshan immediately clenched his hands, feeling a little excited and happy in his heart.

He just said that this person knew him, and he didn't have the courtesy and greetings of others. He was obviously...a person of status.

And when Yang Guangxin talked about the photo, he immediately realized why it looked familiar.

——Yang Yiwen’s eldest brother, his senior brother’s uncle, how could he not look familiar?

No wonder Sister Xiaohui wants to listen to you. Su Yuanshan sat down on the booth and smiled at Yang Guangxin: Brother Yang, I think Sister Yiwen said that you are a diplomat in the UK, right? Are you going back to China to visit relatives now?”

Well, it was before. Now that I'm back, the main thing is to change departments... Yang Guangxin paused and looked around.

Maybe there will be some changes in the planning committee.

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