1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 33 White Box Testing

There is not yet a golden week during National Day, but the three-day holiday still gives people who work six days a week a long enough holiday, and it also drives a wave of pager sales.

Motorola's Han display computer has returned to people's attention through previous channels, but its previous high-end aura has faded - the Han display computer is two months later than the domestically produced model, and it still has the nerve to say that it is High-tech products? Therefore, the situation that worried Zhang Ke did not happen. Instead, the two brands chose the same price point in a tacit understanding and took advantage of the time to increase production capacity.

After National Day, Su Yuanshan received a call from Pan Xiaojun.

Before Pan Xiaojun went south, he had a style of planting flags all the way. He established Yuanxin offices in SH and SZ, two places where the semiconductor industry is concentrated, and successfully recruited new employees. In just two months, opened up the situation.

Mr. Xiao Su, UMC has made a suggestion that instead of meeting in Xiangjiang, they should directly send an inspection team to Yuanxin headquarters.

Huh? Are they out of their minds? Su Yuanshan looked at the phone, a little confused. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait have not yet reached a consensus. Although they have been talking about three links for a long time, in fact, whether doing business or visiting relatives, they have to go through Hong Kong. When he originally agreed to meet with UMC Xiangjiang, he did not want the other party to get into trouble - but he did not expect that the other party was not afraid of trouble.

Pan Xiaojun laughed on the other end of the phone: I don't know, I guess he wants to see our details.

Haha, they can come if they are willing to go through the trouble, but tell them to hurry up. We are going to Las Vegas on the 20th.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan opened the folder again, sorted out the patents he wanted to apply for on his way to Las Vegas this time, and then walked into the finance room.

Sister Tang, how much foreign exchange do we have in our account now?

Finance Tang Wenfang is in her early thirties and has clean short hair. She replied without thinking: Five. To a large extent, it was thanks to Yang Yiwen's family connections and Yuanxin's tough attitude - Yuanxin is a software company, and if it gets impatient, it can use offshore accounts as an offshore company, and even customs can't stop it.

Okay, sister-in-law, help me calculate how much it will cost. Su Yuanshan handed the folder to Yang Yiwen, then sat on the sofa and frowned.

What Yuanxin EDA does is not the kind of business that its foreign counterparts do, where one authorizes and determines a version. What Su Yuanshan wants is a long-term flow, relying on continuous innovation to firmly bind users to Yuanxin EDA, and sells very little foreign exchange.

The core competitiveness of industry software lies in functionality and foresight. If you use a plug-in as an example, when your ordinary plug-in is still doing the legendary wax-free and run-up-free, Yuanxin has come up with an instant kill. When you finally managed to get an instant kill with one knife, Yuan Xin even got offline. When you make the offline hangup, Yuanxin has already started the cloud hangup.

——Yuanxin EDA will use this almost rogue move to completely defeat his peers.

There are a total of 18 patents. If the entire process is handled through agency, it will cost about US$300,000. Yang Yiwen quickly calculated the price based on the previous agency's quotation.

Those dog agents really eat people without spitting out their bones.

Yang Yiwen shrugged: There is no way, lawyers are expensive in the west, not like us here.

Ahem... Su Yuanshan couldn't answer this: By the way, sister-in-law, senior brother has no problem with you going to Vegas with us, right?

The corners of Yang Yiwen's lips curled up: He was so happy that he even asked me to bring him a pair of sneakers - I just don't understand. He still plays basketball with that figure?

Su Yuanshan thought of Tang Wenjie, who had gained weight unknowingly from sitting around every day recently, and couldn't help but smile and joked: Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful, why do you fall in love with your senior brother?

Only a minor like Su Yuanshan could ask this question. It would be a bit provocative for others to ask.

In the eyes of others, Yang Yiwen is a first-class girl regardless of her family background, appearance or talents. Although she is not as good as flowers and cow dung when paired with Tang Wenjie, it always makes people feel that Tang Wenjie is getting a big deal.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yiwen did not joke as usual, but pursed her lips and smiled, and said leisurely: Have you seen the two scars on your senior brother's stomach?


We are high school alumni. When I was a freshman in high school, I came home from self-study one night and met two gangsters. You know I had a bad temper, so I slapped them both in the face. Just when I almost suffered a loss, your senior brother came over. After picking up a brick, he got into a fight with the two gangsters and was stabbed twice. Fortunately, he was lucky and was not injured anywhere.

Su Yuanshan was stunned for a moment, and then said after a while: Senior Brother Tang, is there ever a time when he is so fierce?

Haha, he was really fierce at that time. After being stabbed twice, he was able to flatten his face with a brick. I almost died of fright while holding him - sometimes fat is quite useful.

Seeing Yang Yiwen's happy and proud look, Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Heroes saving beauties is indeed the only way to find a girlfriend - by the way, you fell in love when you were sixteen or seventeen?

Yeah, what's wrong?

It's nothing, I'm happy for you. Tang Wenjie is two realms ahead of Yang Yiwen, which means that except for high school, they have basically been in a long-distance relationship for the entirety of their relationship, and they have been in love for five years - this is simply unimaginable in future generations.

After chatting for a while, Su Yuanshan returned to his office. After thinking about it, he called Pan Xiaojun.

Originally, he planned to go to Xiangjiang in person this time, and then find an agency to register an offshore company in the Cayman Islands - he even changed the age on his ID card by one year to eighteen. Since UMC decided to come to Yuanxin to take a look, the offshore company could only ask Pan Xiaojun to ask for help.

The benefits of registering an offshore company are endless. Whether it is tax avoidance or cooperation, it is far more convenient than on the mainland.

Four days later, a three-person inspection team from UMC plus Pan Xiaojun arrived in the provincial capital by plane from SH.

Zhang Ke drove his newly purchased Santana to greet the three of them. Along the way, the three UMC people who set foot on the motherland for the first time did not show much emotion or chat. They often communicated with eyes.

Obviously, they still don't quite believe that a world-class EDA can be born in this land full of rice fields and wheat fields.

Santana drove into the provincial city. Although the ancient city was slowly regaining its vitality, the comfortable atmosphere that had permeated the streets and alleys since ancient times still seemed so ancient and out of place. The old people setting up dragon gate formations, the aunts playing mahjong, the young people picking their ears, the beautiful girls wandering around with their bags on their backs... made the whole city slow down.

According to Su Yuanshan's instructions, all work at Yuanxin remains as usual. There was no welcome or ceremony. Even Su Yuanshan sat in the workroom waiting for the three of them.

Pan Xiaojun entered the workroom first, and then introduced to Su Yuanshan who had just stood up: Mr. Su, these three are UMC engineers. Lin Yonggu, Jiang Mingqi, and Chen Zihao.

Three of you, this is the little Mr. Su I mentioned.

Welcome you three to Yuanxin. Su Yuanshan stretched out his hand to shake hands with the three people who were a little confused one by one, and then got straight to the point: Let's not say more and just look at the product. What do you think?

The three of them looked at each other, and Lin Yonggu smiled slightly: Yes, in fact, our opinion is the same.

Su Yuanshan nodded and started building a new project directly.

Half an hour later, a simple switching power supply control chip was completed. After Su Yuanshan pressed simulation, he turned his chair to face the stunned three people.

FarCore is happy to cooperate and establish a good relationship with a world-class wafer fab like UMC. I wonder if you are still satisfied with FarCore EDA?

Lin Yonggu felt his mouth was a little dry, and he licked his lips: Can I try?


Sitting on his seat, Lin Yonggu followed Su Yuanshan's example of building a new project, and then began to design registers, enter a few random instructions, then set up microcode, and then added logic gates.

The extremely convenient and fast operation made him feel that he was not designing a chip, but completing a handicraft of his dreams.

We are very satisfied. Lin Yonggu stood up and extended his hand to Su Yuanshan: We want forty sets. We also hope that you can send a team to station at UMC to help us improve the manufacturing process and make it easier for you to make improvements.

It's okay to send a team, but I have a few requirements...

Please say.

Su Yuanshan smiled: I hope you will allow us to use the clean room for white box testing.

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