1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 323 Chai Migui

In order to promote the popularization of domestic mobile communication base stations, the base station department of Farcore Mobile Division has been busy from the beginning of the year to last month, and Li Yinan, who is specifically responsible for the base station, is even more busy. He is needed for ground-technical negotiations and technical problems.

This is one of the reasons why Li Yinan gave up NEWBEE Laboratory.

After all, human ability and energy have limits.

The result of such rapid expansion is that China Mobile owes FarCore a large amount of money for base stations.

Su Yuanshan didn't even use a pen. He just did a quick calculation and found that the account could exceed one billion yuan.

Moreover, the previous account period has passed, but the money owed by China Mobile has still not been paid...

When she heard that Su Yuanshan was going to collect the bill, Chen Jing pursed her lips and smiled.

These days, it is already said that the one who owes money is the boss - let alone a state-monopolized enterprise like China Mobile.

Chen Jing asked with concern: Does the mobile company have money?

They must have...the network access fee is so expensive. Su Yuanshan frowned with disdain: The network access fee is a fucking bandit policy! It is a thief that hinders technological progress...Whoever came up with this thing should be on the Internet The gallows.”


Chen Jing didn't know where the Internet access fee started, but she knew it definitely didn't start in China - because it is now collected all over the world, and the country is just copying it.

Just be content. Wireless communication technology was originally for military use. Now that it can be provided for civilian use... it is already a great progress. Chen Jing comforted with a smile.

Su Yuanshan wanted to mock those capitalists again, but Chen Jing's military words suddenly made him startled: Uh... when you said that, I suddenly thought of a business.


That's right, GPS global positioning system. Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes and said softly: For this thing, we have to find a way to get the patent authorization first.

The GPS global positioning system is the most typical example of converting military use into civilian use. At first, it was regarded as a treasure by the United States... but then there were several accidents that should not have happened - especially in 1983. A Chinese passenger plane was shot down by Maozi due to navigation problems. The United States subsequently made a decision to open GPS to civilian use - but used SA technology (Selective Availability for positioning accuracy) to reduce accuracy.

I have to say that at this point, Lao Mei is indeed a bit of a beacon.

In 1991, Maozi also began to release GLONASS, the GLONASS global positioning system, for civilian use, without charging users, and there were no SA technical restrictions from the United States.

Competition is a good thing. The United States announced on the spot that it would cancel the export license for GPS terminals, which truly brought GPS to the world and the whole people.

Then in 1996, the United States officially released the National GPS Policy (PDD), which clearly stated that it would promote the application of GPS global satellite navigation systems and enhance the competitiveness of the civilian satellite navigation system industry. For this reason, the Lao American government also promised to suspend it within 10 years. Use Selective Availability (SA) technology.

In the next few years, in addition to special-purpose people and vehicles, positioning systems will give priority to setting off a boom in the automotive industry.

Because only cars with relatively high prices can quietly popularize something that costs thousands.

But for Su Yuanshan, he doesn't want to make money from car navigation - well, it is still possible to make upstream money by making chips - the most fundamental thing is that the positioning system must be embedded in subsequent mobile phone operating systems.

Since Su Yuanshan wants to create a new generation of remote-core Android ecosystem, GPS is indispensable.

And in addition to these, future push alliances are also essential.

... Chen Jing did not expect that Su Yuanshan would consider the mobile phone operating system at this moment, but when she heard the GPS, she was just startled, and her eyes soon lit up.

Even though she had not seriously learned about GPS before, her long-term professionalism and trust in Su Yuanshan made her immediately aware of the future application of positioning systems - because Su Yuanshan once boasted about it in an executive meeting. It is said that AI + positioning can realize autonomous driving.

AI cannot be implemented yet, but positioning systems can be implemented - after all, with the end of the Cold War, the entire world economy is beginning to repeat itself, and is even on the fast track.

If you have money, you can buy a car.

You can have this, but...it seems like you still need a map system, right?

Well, if you want to realize the navigation function, of course you need a map system. But it doesn't matter. As long as the chip comes out, these industries can slowly develop and develop.

Su Yuanshan sighed as he spoke: Sister Jing, this era is really good...there is gold everywhere.


Haha, I'll go back and prepare the ledger first, and collect the money tomorrow!

Chen Jing blinked: Good luck.

After watching Su Yuanshan leave, Chen Jing leaned on the chair, closed her eyes and rested for a while, and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Having been with Yuanxin for so long, she has always been in charge of the business operations. Only she knows how expensive Yuanxin’s firewood and rice are...

Since last year, Su Yuanshan has been throwing money everywhere like a fool, building a science and technology park in the east and a production line in the west, and various projects have been launched continuously, regardless of whether they can make a profit...

——It’s a good thing that he sold EDA at a good price, otherwise Yuanxin’s capital chain would have been broken into nine parts by now.

Besides spending money, he never cared about his financial situation...

Now, he can actually think of collecting accounts... This is really a bit of progress.

Regarding the debts owed by the mobile company, Yuanxin has provided a sufficient account period for this year, which lasts for half a year. But it’s been a long time since the second month’s payment period, and China Mobile only paid the first month’s payment...

Su Yuanshan wants to collect it. Now he can get at least 200 million yuan back.

Of course, in Yuanxin's plan, there was actually no fear that China Mobile would default on its debts. Su Yuanshan's initial idea was to let China Mobile owe money for a while longer within the scope that Yuanxin could bear - as long as they spent the money on expanding on scale.

It seems that he also knows that firewood and rice are expensive.

Chen Jing muttered to herself and continued to work.

Back in his office, Su Yuanshan had just sat down when the cell phone next to him rang.

Xiaoshan, are you in front of the computer?

Senior brother? I just sat down.

Su Yuanshan was a little surprised. Xi Xiaoding knew that he was on a business trip, so he usually wouldn't call him.

That's good, you open the email, I sent you an attachment... um, little water pipe, you may need to download it for a while.

What is it? Software?

No, it's a driver. To be precise, it's a virtual communication tunnel driver. Xi Xiaoding smiled heartily: You will know after you try it.

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