1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 320 Not working hard enough

Introduce shareholders to BOE?

Wang Dongsheng was a little suspicious - because Su Yuanshan didn't mention this matter, not only in the email, but also in the two meetings.

Su Yuanshan's suggestion to Wang Dongsheng was that it would be great if BOE could provide money in addition to providing factories and workers - because these all need to be converted. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get it out. Anyway, Yuanxin will fully support Wang Dongsheng in running the joint venture factory.

For Wang Dongsheng, who is unwilling to drag Yuanxin back, if BOE can invest funds, it will definitely have more say, and it will be more convenient for Yuanxin to support it.

Therefore, Wang Dongsheng also considered approaching the government.

But there is also a problem when looking for the government. First of all, I don’t know whether the government is willing to invest money. Secondly, it depends on the government’s appetite—whether it is to invest in BOE, or whether the government wants to join the current cooperation between the two countries and the four parties—of course, Su Yuanshan's opinion is that no matter what the government's attitude is, it must be told to Ni Guo that the government hopes to join the current four-party cooperation.

And now Chen Jing said he could introduce a shareholder...

Obviously, this shareholder was introduced to BOE.

Can I ask where the capital is from? Wang Dongsheng calmed down and asked quickly.

Well, it's Western Capital, Xinghai Venture Capital.

Xinghai Venture Capital? Wang Dongsheng thought about the word and was immediately startled: Is it... the one in Silicon Valley?

Yes, it is a sister company of Yuanxin. Chen Jing smiled slightly: Mr. Su and I thought about it. Your biggest problem now is that you have too few cards and too few chips. Although you have a long history and technology accumulation, But... long-term losses still make BOE’s valuation too low.”

Your current debt-for-equity swap accounts for too much equity, nearly half of it...

After listening to Chen Jing's words, Wang Dongsheng first smiled and then let out a long sigh.

During the restructuring, due to years of losses and brain drain, the value of Factory 774, as Chen Jing said, was very low... But being low also has an advantage, that is, it makes it easier for employees to use the least amount of money to complete the joint-stock reform. .

But the result of this is that the account owed to the bank is valuable.

If Yuanxin had not taken the lead in this cooperation, Wang Dongsheng's approach was to turn the situation around first, and then work step by step to seek listing. At that time, the bank's shares can be continuously diluted through the stock market, and at the same time, the necessary funds for expanding production and scientific research can be obtained.

The emergence of Yuanxin suddenly accelerated BOE's pace, which also highlighted some problems.

After sighing, Wang Dongsheng took a deep breath. After all, he had been involved in finance for a few years, and he quickly understood what Chen Jing meant.

Thank you, Mr. Chen, thank you, Mr. Su. Wang Dongsheng said sincerely.

Chen Jing smiled and nodded: You're welcome. An enterprise that is heading towards a future industry should obtain the value and status it deserves in the capital market.

Introducing Xinghai Venture Capital to BOE was an idea that Chen Jing suddenly thought of yesterday after chatting with Su Yuanshan and sorting out BOE's current property rights structure. She found Su Yuanshan at that time, and the two hit it off immediately.

BOE's biggest problem at present is that it is not valuable, but if it can introduce another capital that is purely an outsider and take advantage of BOE's cooperation with Yuanxin, Sony, Fujitsu, etc. to forcibly raise the valuation, then it can Forcing banks to either continue to increase capital to maintain their shares, or reduce their equity...

Of course, if we really want to achieve this, we still need to go through various procedures and even hold a shareholders' meeting. But Wang Dongsheng was originally ordered to do so in the face of crisis. After completing the restructuring, he immediately made profits. Now he is cooperating with giants in one fell swoop... These many auras make his words very effective.

But no matter what, with the favor of overseas capital, this will give BOE more confidence.

For Su Yuanshan, regardless of whether Xinghai Venture Capital can successfully invest in BOE, it is an acceptable result for him.

At half past one in the afternoon, Su Yuanshan appeared at the School of Physics on time.

On the way to the lecture theater, there was an endless stream of students heading to the teaching building. Su Yuanshan just pricked his ears and realized that these people were all there to listen to his lecture.

Suddenly I feel a little embarrassed.

After walking around the corner, Su Yuanshan muttered softly.

Zhou Xiaohui always deliberately dresses up maturely when she and Su Yuanshan go to the factory. But when she came to school today, she was not so deliberate and looked a bit like a senior.

Only a few points, because after all, she worked as an administrative secretary for several years and was recently promoted to a senior executive, so her temperament cannot be stopped no matter what.

On the other hand, Su Yuanshan looked like a complete student.

Hearing Su Yuanshan's muttering, Zhou Xiaohui smiled and said softly: You're not nervous anymore, are you?

It's really a bit...

……I do not believe.

Of course Zhou Xiaohui didn't believe it. Su Yuanshan was famous for being unscripted. During meetings, he could often talk about a key point for more than ten minutes. Moreover, during the Yuanxin annual meeting, there was a crowd of people, but Su Yuanshan was still worthy of it.

You don't understand. Su Yuanshan chuckled: This represents a group of people with the highest IQs in the country...

...When you say that, I'm starting to get nervous. Zhou Xiaohui pursed her lips and looked away for a moment.

Although Yuanxin prohibits discrimination based on academic qualifications, it cannot prevent those with insufficient academic qualifications from feeling inferior... Especially Zhou Xiaohui, who works as a secretary with a college degree - if it is really an ordinary secretarial, let alone a college, a technical secondary school is more than enough. But the problem is that Zhou Xiaohui is not an ordinary secretary...

She is the secretary of Su Yuanshan, the soul who maintains the link between Yuanxin's scientific research and enterprises... This means that in addition to mastering the administrative position, she must also have an understanding of technical matters, even because she is also responsible for contacting Su Yuanshan For those businesses overseas, she also needs to be familiar with investment and finance...

Not to mention that she has now established her own office and begun to try to enter the role of assistant to the chairman.

She finally realized how important it is to have a good mind...

Uh... Actually, you're not stupid. Su Yuanshan looked at Zhou Xiaohui and smiled: It's just that you didn't study seriously when you were studying - many times, we mistakenly think that the reason why we work hard and fail to gain anything is because we are not talented enough. But in fact , that’s because I didn’t work hard enough to compete with my talent.”

well said!

Su Yuanshan looked up and saw He Chunhua walking out of the teaching and research office with a smile on his face: But in the face of talent, the weight of hard work is too low. Just like you, I can't catch up even if I try to flatter you.

Su Yuanshan was so busy: Senior brother, you are joking. Should we go directly to the lecture theater?

Go directly, I made a mistake today, too many people from outside departments got in... I don't know if they can understand. He Chunhua stretched out his hand to guide him: Come this way, Professor Li and the others have been waiting in the classroom for a long time.

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