1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 310 This melon doesn’t taste good

Su Yuanshan's predictions about graphene are very optimistic, because in later generations, in addition to the hot money hype that follows the trend, graphene, especially single-layer graphene itself, has become a scientific research topic due to its excellent performance and two-dimensional crystal properties. darling.

The same material, a subject, as long as it can be used to write a paper, then it will be hot no matter how cold it is.

What's more, it is excellent enough in itself and is qualified to carry mankind into the next semiconductor field.

As for letting Yuan Xin take the first step... Su Yuanshan had two considerations.

The first is that he does not want the country to invest its tight scientific research funds in areas where practical results cannot yet be seen. This will not be of much use except to allow domestic scientific researchers to write more papers.

The other thing is that only he knows which direction is right.

After hearing Su Yuanshan's thoughts, Dean Zhou and Director Lu fell into thinking at the same time.

Now that they have confirmed that Su Yuanshan discovered this graphene through experiments alone, they have reason to believe in Su Yuanshan's intuition.

Of course, they have more reason to believe that Su Yuanshan can indeed speak the truth in Yuanxin.

As long as Su Yuanshan opens his mouth, he will indeed be able to mobilize Yuanxin's huge resources to serve himself - Yuanxin, known as the Little Chinese Academy of Sciences, is no joke!

Take the teaching and research groups of Dianke and Yuanxin as an example. Any cooperation project selected by Yuanxin will receive millions of research funds at a glance. And those that Su Yuanshan personally selected are related to Yuanxin's business and future semiconductor projects, such as photolithography machines and lithium batteries, and hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on them...

In China, there is truly no one else who is willing to spend money like this.

After pondering for a few seconds, Dean Zhou shook his teeth and said slowly: Xiaoshan, when you say you want Yuanxin to continue, do you mean you don't recommend other domestic scientific research institutions to follow suit?

Hmm... not very recommended. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Other scientific research units can wait for Yuanxin to take the first step, and then slowly follow up.

At this time, Su Xinghe interrupted: Then what does your laboratory do? What model does it adopt?

Su Yuanshan looked at his father and knew that his father was actually a bit biased towards school. He chuckled and said, Senior Brother Xi just told me today that he plans to set up a postdoctoral station in Yuanxin...

Postdoctoral station?

The three of them were startled at the same time!

The postdoctoral station system has been in place for several years, and even the top professional universities in China such as Electronic Science and Technology of China only have one postdoctoral station. Yuanxin is a company that you want to start now?

However, the principal came to his senses immediately. As the principal, he obviously got more news. And he knew that it was only a matter of time before a corporate postdoc station was established in China.

Principal Zhou immediately smiled and nodded: That's right! If Yuanxin can be promoted to establish a postdoctoral station, then Yuanxin can provide a good platform. At the same time, it can also promote research in related fields...

Su Yuanshan chuckled and said: So I think, based on Yuanxin and adopting a postdoctoral station system, everyone will slowly develop this graphene...

What about you? Are you setting up a laboratory? Director Lu asked, staring at him.

Su Yuanshan knew what Director Lu was thinking as soon as he heard this.

Although the physics of the Department of Electrical Engineering is called a joke by the outside world, Lao Lu, the head of the department, cannot admit that it is a joke - if he gives up, then the Department of Electrical Engineering will simply cancel the physics major.

Although the physics department of the Department of Electrical Engineering is weak now, it cannot hold up to the strength of Su Yuanshan!

A school that gave birth to a physics genius who independently published Nature, no matter how weak physics is, how weak can it be?

——This is why Director Lu and Principal Zhou would carefully verify Su Yuanshan’s fundamental reason.

The Department of Electrical Engineering needs a talented physics boy without any stain.

I will set up a laboratory. Su Yuanshan breathed out softly, smiled and said: When the time comes, I will invite a few senior brothers from the school to help, and I will also ask Director Lu to help guide me.

Hearing this, Lu Xuechao took a long breath.

He doesn't expect to be named on Su Yuanshan's thesis, but he now has master's students... If they can become famous in Su Yuanshan's laboratory... He, as a tutor, will have a bright face.

After seeing the two of them off, Su Yuanshan returned to the living room. When he saw his father smiling at him with a comforting look on his face, he shook his head.

Dad, do you also suspect that my nature article was not done by me?

Su Xinghe was very calm: I don't doubt that you discovered it, but I kind of doubt whether you completed the experiment alone - you don't have that much time.

That's true, because I squeeze out all my time...

Su Xinghe was immediately startled, and suddenly remembered what happened to Su Yuanshan more than a year ago, and said in surprise: During the Chinese New Year the year before last... you were so anxious that you stayed in the laboratory every day. Is that what you were doing?


You... Su Xinghe glared and took a deep breath.

What kind of monster is this kid? A physical discovery was actually able to be hidden even from his father, and he kept it secret for almost two years! This mentality is a bit too scary, right?

Su Xinghe's face was full of disbelief: You actually endured it for so long?

In doing scientific research, don't you need to be able to endure loneliness? Su Yuanshan didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: Let's not talk about this for now, dad. By the way, if the experiments for my thesis were really done for me by my senior brothers... Or to put it more bluntly, what would you do if I lied?

Su Xinghe licked his lips after hearing this, and after a few seconds of silence he smiled and said: If you didn't do the experiment yourself, but you just took or bought other people's results, then I would probably treat it as not knowing. But if If it is fake, then I will definitely ask you to retract the article.

What about Principal Zhou and the others?

Lao Zhou and Lao Lu... Su Xinghe sighed, looked at his son with a complicated expression, and smiled slowly: Xiaoshan, China is paying more and more attention to papers. Especially CNS-cell, nature, In the three top journals of science, lecturers go directly to associate professors, and associate professors go directly to full professors... Let’s put it this way, there have been discussions in the academy, and it is believed that one must publish papers in top journals to be eligible to become an academician candidate.”

After all, scientific research is the field that should be most in line with international standards. Our country lagged too far behind before, and now we need to urgently catch up with the international standards.

And the nature article you posted is, in principle, credited to the Department of Electrical Engineering. It is the first one in the past ten years! So... you should know the attitude of Lao Zhou and the others.

Su Yuanshan also sighed after hearing this.

Dad, don't talk about fraud. Even if the experimental results cannot be replicated... I will not submit the manuscript. Even if I submitted it at the beginning to be first, as long as it cannot be replicated, I will apply for retraction later.

Reproduction of experiments is the basis of science. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and said softly: I hope it starts with me.

This is when the mother came up with a plate of watermelon: Everyone has left, you two are still chatting? Come and eat some watermelon.

Su Yuanshan chuckled, reached out and picked up a piece of watermelon and took a bite.

This melon doesn't taste good.

//You should know the latest melon

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