1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 308 Postdoctoral Station

Abroad, there is a relatively mature system for setting up corporate postdoc stations. In China, it is still mainly based on scientific research institutions, and there is no precedent for corporate postdoc stations... However, there is no precedent, which does not mean that Yuanxin cannot open it. This is an example. Xi Xiaoding looked at Su Yuanshan with bright eyes: Recently, many Chinese scholars abroad have begun to actively contact each other, calling for raising the ceiling for Chinese scholars in the West. At the same time, some scholars are actively calling for those who have achieved master's and doctoral degrees. Return to China. Especially there are a few young scholars in the biological field who are very enthusiastic...

This is a good thing. It means that as long as there are more opportunities in the country, more outstanding talents can be attracted back. Xi Xiaoding took a sip of tea and continued holding the cup: We have no control over the biological field, but computers and semiconductors, Even in the field of mechanical electronics, Yuanxin has this responsibility.

Su Yuanshan smiled when he heard the word responsibility coming out of Xi Xiaoding's mouth.

In his memory, the domestic enterprise postdoc station system was only started in 1997 after HK was taken back... Moreover, the pilot system also started with large state-owned enterprises, and it was not until 20 years later that it was established in some private enterprise giants. .

Unexpectedly, Xi Xiaoding was planning to do it now.

If we do it, we will have no problem here. I believe that whether it is a wafer fab or your Pandora laboratory, they can provide the conditions to support a postdoctoral station. The main problem lies in policy. Su Yuanshan said almost without thinking He agreed with Xi Xiaoding's idea, but he also raised a question: Brother, you should know. The country's attitude towards us is actually very complicated...

When Su Yuanshan mentioned this, Xi Xiaoding was slightly startled, and then said with a smile: It's understandable. The year before last, we were still discussing the capitalist society. But compared to large state-owned enterprises, our advantages are too obvious. I believe it. As long as the country is willing to promote it, it will definitely give limited consideration to Yuanxin.”

It's just too obvious... Su Yuanshan sighed: Of course the country hopes that domestic enterprises will succeed, but it also hopes that those large state-owned enterprises will succeed.

The establishment of a postdoctoral station is to provide doctors with a further scientific research platform. It can obtain the scientific research results of postdocs and provide qualifications to postdocs.

A great postdoc website can attract truly great talents.

Based on the current technical reserves and investment in scientific research of Yuanxin, once a postdoctoral station is established, it goes without saying that it will definitely be the first choice for those who are very talented in postdoctoral work, whether at home or abroad.

Talents from all over the world are returning to Yuanxin. This is not a good phenomenon...

Whatever, you have to give it a try, right? Xi Xiaoding didn't think as much as Su Yuanshan, so he waved his hand resolutely: I guess you will also set up a laboratory next, right?

Well, almost... Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: Although I don't like to talk about qualifications, I have to say that whether it is international or domestic, qualifications are what matters now. What do you think I would do to establish a laboratory?

Pfft... Xi Xiaoding couldn't help but laugh: If I were you, I would establish the company directly as a junior student, and only recruit doctoral students, and they must be Ph.D.s from the three schools of TPF - what are you afraid of if you have the ability?

Doctor's degree is passed, it's too much... Su Yuanshan waved his hands quickly.

What a joke, he knew that he was only a novice in applied physics. And because there is no master to guide him, he just relies purely on his own scientific literacy and self-study, so that his ability is at most the level of a master's student at present.

Unless he sets up an integrated circuit and chip design laboratory - this is his profession that he has been immersed in for decades, and he has that qualification.

Oh, you... you just think too much. Xi Xiaoding smiled and sighed: Okay, I will discuss the postdoctoral station with your dad again. If it cannot be established in the name of Yuanxin, Then we will save the country through curves and work together with Electrical Engineering, but the scientific research base will still be located here in the Science and Technology Park.

Also, I estimate that you will participate in several reports next time... then you can see if you can mention it and give me some advice. Xi Xiaoding paused and said, You can't stay behind all the time, you have to stand up.

...Did I stay behind?

Do you think I'm blind? Xi Xiaoding rolled his eyes at him, put down the teacup, and stood up: Let's go, go answer your email.

After seeing Xi Xiaoding leave, Su Yuanshan actually sat back in front of the computer and began to reply to emails from all over the world.

Frankly speaking, he still somewhat underestimated the impact of that paper - he only knew that ten years later, when Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov discovered graphene, it indeed triggered a wave of enthusiasm. A wave of in-depth research on graphene.

But one thing he forgot was that his paper was completed by himself, and he provided several experimental samples and data, giving the electromechanical properties of graphene at room temperature.

In a sense, he has pointed out a path to application for current scientists.

In addition, the fields of materials physics and semiconductors overlap, and Su Yuanshan is also a well-known genius in the semiconductor field... Coupled with the blessing of Yuanxin's miraculous rise, his identity has become even more mysterious.

As a result, many laboratories sent emails one after another, especially domestic laboratories, which seemed to mean building a good relationship in advance.

When he finished replying to the email, he finally clicked refresh, but a new email popped up.

Go home at night. - Su Xinghe.

Sister Xiaohui, give me a call. I have to go home tonight.

Su Yuanshan opened the door and said to Zhou Xiaohui who was answering the phone.

Zhou Xiaohui's office is outside his door. After Su Yuanshan's suggestion last time, Zhou Xiaohui found two secretaries for herself from the administration.

Now there are three people in her office. Although it is a little crowded, it is more convenient.

Moreover, Zhou Xiaohui did not want to steal the business of the administrative office, so there were not many things going on.

Are you notifying Team Leader Fu? Seeing Su Yuanshan go out, the new secretary named Qiu Yu immediately picked up the phone.

Well, yes. Su Yuanshan nodded and smiled at the girl who had just graduated from college: See if he is free. If he is not free, just ask Master Zheng.

Master Fu must be here. Zhou Xiaohui looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile: It's rare to see you go home.

Isn't that right... Father calls me, so I have to go back.

Su Yuanshan smiled and sighed.

He knew that his father must be because of his paper.

——Although he had vaccinated his father in advance, it was just a verbal statement, and he was not shocked when he saw the original text of the paper.

Moreover, he thought...that his father wanted him to go home was because of the school.

After all, he is still a student in the Department of Electrical Engineering.

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