1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 306 Tearing out the Nobel

Of course Xi Xiaoding had no objection. Not only did he have no objection, he was even happy to do so.

Although Tian Yaoming is already a big boss at a high level in Yuanxin, he is still... a little bit behind Mr. Xi, and whether it is Su Yuanshan's strong support or Mr. Xi's staying at Yuanxin in the early days of its founding Regardless of his image, Mr. Xi is a real boss in the eyes of everyone in Yuanxin. Deserving of the title of his chief scientist - if I had to say who was more suitable to be the chief scientist, it would probably be Professor Su Xinghe or the hidden boss Mr. Shan.

And more importantly, Yuanxin and other technical people are not the kind of laymen who only watch the excitement. Everyone knows that whether it is the algorithm textbook developed by Mr. Xi, the YXlab developed by Pandora Labs, or the chess AI that is just a joke nowadays, Mr. Xi is doing all of them. The work of laying the foundation of a building is something that most people cannot handle yet.

Therefore... no one thought about shaking Mr. Xi's position.

But the desire for technology and honor is the natural pursuit of these big guys. Even if they respect Mr. Xi, they may not give in to Mr. Xi in everything.

——This is why Tian Yaoming wants to establish the NEWBEE Laboratory. He is not starting from scratch, but feels that communication technology also requires the best talents and the highest standards.

Xi Xiaoding, on the other hand, views this awesome laboratory from the perspective of the development of the entire Yuanxin. He believes that the establishment of this laboratory will help breakthroughs in mobile communication technology, so it must be supported.

This means that the location is different and the field of view is different.

——The same is true for Chen Jing. She has never worried that Su Yuanshan will support Zhou Xiaohui to check and balance herself. —— Yuanxin is a technology-driven company, and Su Yuanshan has almost mythical prestige among countless engineers. He really wants to do it. What, there is no need to learn the tricks of other companies.

Therefore, all decisions and approvals made by Chen Jing are based on making the Yuanxin tank advance better.

Su Yuanshan sent Tian Yaoming and the two out of the house, turned around and said to Chen Jing: Sister Jing, I will go back first and prepare the next paper soon.

Well, where did you send your paper?


Awesome! When will it be released?

next week.

Back in the office, Su Yuanshan began to prepare papers related to the graphene Hall effect. With the experience of the first article, he will be much more cautious and rigorous in this article, and his hopes will be very small.

It's not that there is no chance to publish a manuscript, but he once read Andre Heim's interview and knew that even fifteen years later, Andre Heim published his first article relatively easily. After nature. The subsequent integer quantum Hall effect and the quantum Hall effect under normal temperature conditions also underwent several modifications before they were finally published.

At that time Andre Heim also concluded that the work should not be hanged from a tree and should be published in a lower-level journal.

You know, it was already 2009, when the semiconductor field was getting closer and closer to the limit of Moore's Law, and when the entire industry was eager to find the next generation of semiconductor materials.

And now, let alone the limit of Moore's Law, it is still unknown whether it can catch up with Moore's Law... If you are not careful, it is very likely that your manuscript will be continuously rejected because of no practical value.

Unless... Su Yuanshan can complete the Magic Horn experiment in one go. Start from the field of superconductivity to save the country through curves.

The so-called magic angle refers to the magical superconducting effect that occurs when two parallel layers of graphene are stacked at a subtle angle of about 1.1° in a low-temperature environment. This discovery caused a sensation in the international academic community, directly opened up a new field of condensed matter physics, and provided new ideas and directions for traditional superconducting materials.

——You know, whether it is the major journals or the Nobel Prize Committee, the field of superconductivity has always been the darling of the scientific community.

A week later.

When the new issue of Nature came out, a post that said Holy shit! Mr. Shan posted a divine article on Nature! instantly detonated the entire forum.

As the most international company, Yuanxin attaches the greatest importance to publishing various journals internationally. Not only do you subscribe to a large number of journals, but you also have access to the latest journal content and news through various channels.

As a result, Su Yuanshan's divine article was exposed.

He is the first author, and he is also the corresponding author.

This means that he independently discovered a two-dimensional material he named graphene.

In Su Yuanshan's office, Xi Xiaoding burst in like a storm.

How did you find out? Without really any help?

Xi Xiaoding sat down on Su Yuanshan's desk and stared at Su Yuanshan with a look of disbelief on his face.

As a veteran turtle, he is all too aware of the difficulty of publishing papers in Nature - with the deepening of reform and opening up, the improvement of the economy, and the appeal of scholars, many overseas papers have been published in the past two years. Scholars returned home. And even if they don’t plan to return permanently, they still maintain a high frequency of communication.

Therefore, the country has begun to formally publish academic papers in world-wide journals.

It can even be said that as long as you can publish a one-author paper in a top journal such as Nature or Science, you can be awarded a full professor immediately. If you have made outstanding contributions and have qualifications, it will definitely be your promotion capital as an academician.

For example, Professor Su Xinghe's ability to become the youngest academician is not only due to his own contributions to the domestic semiconductor and microcontroller fields, but also to a large extent because of his top journal.

But Professor Su Xinghe’s top issue had multiple corresponding authors, and one author, two authors, and three authors—anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that it was the result of a team’s contribution!

Su Yuanshan is good, not only is he the first and second author, but he is also the corresponding author!

This damn... can no longer be described as weird.

Discovered by accident.

Su Yuanshan turned off the monitor. He knew that Xi Xiaoding would come to him sooner or later, so he stood up and walked towards the bookcase.

While making tea for Xi Xiaoding, he said with a smile: This thing actually comes from a wonderful idea. After reading papers related to carbon nanotubes and fullerenes, I made a bold guess... I thought Now that there are spheres and tubes, why can’t there be a single-layer crystal structure?”

I checked the relevant information later and found that there were experiments on peeling off graphite crystals a long time ago. So... I am also going to give it a try. As for why you used tape to tear it out...

Su Yuanshan shrugged, spread his hands and said, I can only tell you that inspiration came to me all of a sudden.

... Xi Xiaoding was speechless for a while.

Did you know that you might win a Nobel Prize?

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