1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 300 Blue Star

Sorry, I lost my temper.

When Gu Xiaochun said the last sentence, he immediately realized that he had lost his composure.

He could question the so-called artificial intelligence's chess prowess, but he could not question the computing power of this computer as Xi Xiaoding said - there was no need for Yuanxin to lie to him in this regard.

Haha, it's okay. Xi Xiaoding was not annoyed and smiled lightly: The computing speed of this supercomputer is not enough to take advantage of the algorithm. In addition, it took a lot of time to collect chess games, so this time Teacher Gu also Give way.

If it is true that I have learned hundreds of thousands of chess games...then I have to pray for it to give in. Gu Xiaochun chuckled, his face becoming a little cautious.

When Yuanxin contacted him, Gu Xiaochun had a little understanding of what the so-called learning of AI is - mainly imitation and calculation. If, as Xi Xiaoding said, this program can master hundreds of thousands of chess games in just a few days, it means that it has a high probability of being able to cope with all conventional tactics.

Gu Xiaochun couldn't help but pay more attention to it.

At this time, several graduate students under Xi Xiaoding quickly pulled out a network cable, connected it to the laptop nearby and tested it for a few minutes. Finally, Xi Xiaoding's eldest disciple Gou Jun, a graduate student from the Department of Electrical Engineering, sat in front of the laptop.

Teacher, Mr. Shan, that's all.

Well, come on. Xi Xiaoding nodded casually, and then said to Gu Xiaochun: Teacher Gu, let's go first.


As Gou Jun clicked to start, AI quickly took the first step on the computer.

Gu Xiaochun took a look and followed the usual routine.

The AI ​​took another step almost without any consideration.

Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding watched the back and forth between the two sides with great interest, and soon entered the middle game.

In chess, the middle game is the stage that takes the longest time, has the sharpest offensive and defensive conflicts, and is the most complex in a game. Gu Xiaochun also obviously slowed down and began to think seriously.

Su Yuanshan is not very good at playing chess, but he can still read the situation.

At least the situation seems to be evenly matched between the two sides.

Su Yuanshan whispered in Xi Xiaoding's ear: It's interesting... you won't be able to defeat an opponent of Gu Xiaochun's level in the first time, right?

Xi Xiaoding shook his head: It depends on how the next game goes. You know the time is limited. We can only learn so many times.

——Yes, Yuanxin's AI does not learn by inputting massive chess records like Deep Blue did in history. Instead, after inputting the rules, it only inputs a few hundred games and lets it learn by itself. After finishing, the left and right fighting began again. To put it more professionally, it is training.

The training speed is very fast. You must know that the Alpha Dog of later generations can train millions of games in one day. Although the supercomputing and cloud computing of later generations are very different from today, the changes in Go and chess Also very different.

It’s still okay to train thousands of games every day.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon Gu Xiaochun fell into longer thoughts.

But the situation is tilting towards him little by little...

As night gradually fell, Gu Xiaochun had gained a clear advantage.

The AI ​​has given up. Gou Jun glanced at the notebook. Although he was a little regretful, he still smiled and said, Teacher Gu is amazing.

No, AI is very powerful. Gu Xiaochun took a long breath. He grabbed the teacup and took a deep look at the chessboard: It made a wrong move, and then it kept trying to recover the loss... If it hadn't been for that move , I might choose to seek survival.

Xi Xiaoding asked: Huh? Which step is it?

In fact, after losing the move of losing the knight, it can choose to seek a sum. In that case, the chess game will last longer. And it is too aggressive...

Well...thank you Teacher Gu for your suggestion. Let's go. Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Gu. Let's go eat first.

The first showdown between supercomputers and humans ended quietly.

While eating, after Gu Xiaochun learned that this was the world's first intelligent program with the ability to autonomous learning, he became patriotic and enthusiastic. He began to review the game without reservation and made many suggestions. Valuable advice.

The next day, the two sides fought two more games, and the results were no surprise, with Gu Xiaochun winning.

Overall, Blue Star's current capabilities are pretty good.

Xi Xiaoding and Su Yuanshan were walking on the way to Pandora Laboratory.

Because the supercomputer is not his own, Xi Xiaoding did not plan to name the AI ​​from the beginning, and just called it test. Later, after the game, I found that it was always inconvenient to have a name, so I casually named the AI ​​program Blue Star. Blue Planet also means Earth.

Although they lost all three games, Xi Xiaoding still rated Blue Star quite highly.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Although Gu Xiaochun is a chess master, he is a real layman in the computer field. He only knows that Yuanxin's program is far more than the garbage in those game consoles, and its style is sharp and can put pressure on people.

As for what algorithm is contained here, he has no idea.

But even so, Gu Xiaochun still believes that even if it is replaced by a faster supercomputer, he is still confident of defeating Blue Star.

But this is not the case in the eyes of Pandora's people.

Although the first battle was not successful, it proved that Blue Star was on the right path.

Optimize the algorithm, adjust your personality, and train more, and you should be fine. Su Yuanshan stood still, smiled and said: Seeing Gu Guanjun looking so confident, I'm really embarrassed to hit him. I want to. If not, just challenge Kasparov directly next time, this guy has been dancing very hard recently.

Kasparov in Su Yuanshankou is currently the number one player in the world of chess and has won 7 world championships.

In fact, in his previous life, this person won a total of 17 world championships in his career, and won the highest honor Oscar Award for chess players 11 times... Such achievements can be said to be unprecedented.

Last year, he was dissatisfied with FIDE and directly announced his withdrawal. Then he established a separate organization to organize the World Professional Chess Federation, preparing to organize a separate world chess championship to compete with FIDE.

If the historical trajectory does not change, he will also be an opponent of IBM's Deep Blue challenge.

No, I've already gotten better with Gu Xiaochun. Let's fight again in half a year. Xi Xiaoding blinked: Their team is still quite unconvinced, saying that they have to find their place. After they win the domestic championship, they can then go to find the world champion.

Haha, you just have to arrange it.

Su Yuanshan smiled, pushed a bicycle under the umbrella pavilion next to him, and got on it.

I'm going to the optical laboratory. There are visitors over there.

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