1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 28 The Dynasty’s New Ambition

Electronic Design Automation. In essence, any EDA is CAD. We don't need to struggle with its concept, we only need to understand it as an automation tool that can greatly reduce our electronic circuit design workload. Since it is an automation tool , then the level of automation is the most important indicator to measure whether an EDA is excellent - I guarantee that Yuanxin EDA is the strongest, no one else.

Since everyone's English proficiency varies, we have a Chinese version, and the materials in your hands also have Chinese and English explanations. Xi Xiaoding paused as he said it. He stood under the light of the slide, his face flushed.

Looking at the more than 60 people sitting on the stools and listening attentively, Xi Xiaoding pursed his lips and continued: But I still hope that everyone can master English. Because we are the first batch of people to pursue the cutting-edge technology of modern computers, and these cutting-edge technologies The technology is currently all controlled by the West. Whether it is reading various technical journals or daily communication, we have to accept this reality before foreigners start to straighten their tongues and learn Chinese.

Everyone laughed, and Xi Xiaoding also smiled: I will start with the most basic functions of Yuanxin EDA...


Su Yuanshan listened at the door for a while and then left quietly. Of course, he was not worried, he just wanted to hear how Xi Xiaoding started.

Senior Brother Xi is indeed a boss. I really can't imitate his arrogance. Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile and lay down on the sofa in Qin Weimin's office, raising his feet on the armrests, feeling very relaxed and comfortable.

Qin Weimin also smiled. He put down his pen and changed his posture to a comfortable position and said, I entered the University of Science and Technology of China at the age of thirteen. This is the only experience in the country. Besides, I am pretty awesome.

Aren't I awesome? But I can't imitate his aura of 'I don't care what you thought before, just follow me from now on'.

You need to be more down-to-earth. Qin Weimin looked at him and sighed: Xiaoshan, don't mind saying something. I watched you grow up... You came to the computer room to compete with us for a position when you were only ten years old. , I remember that the electronics department was extremely poor at that time, most of the computer rooms were still Laser-310, not even APPLE II, and you still begged us to teach you Basic.

Don't mention the computer room. When I mention the computer room, all I can think about is the smell of feet.

At that time, both the school and the students in the Department of Electrical Engineering were as poor as ghosts. They had no foot protection and had to take off their shoes when entering the house - the feet of college boys... you pinpin.

Qin Weimin laughed loudly: I think your talent was smoked out.

Maybe. Su Yuanshan smiled and took out a book from behind his head. On the cover was Principles of Integrated Circuits. He turned the page and glanced at it casually: Look, this differential cascode The structure is so simple, it is nothing more than a set of active loads and a set of differential input pairs...

Stop it! Qin Weimin couldn't laugh or cry: I heard from your dad that you sleep with a book in your arms every night. Didn't you learn all your knowledge about integrated circuit design by yourself?

Isn't it? Su Yuanshan also sighed. He was also helpless. In order to give a reasonable explanation for his awesomeness, he would cover his face with a book every night before going to bed and pretend to be bitter. Recently, it has become even more extreme. I have to listen to English tapes to fall asleep every night...

I won't talk to you anymore. If you have nothing to do, go back to your office. Qin Weimin sat up straight and waved his hands like he was shooing away flies.

Su Yuanshan laughed and continued to flip through the book casually, but his mind was full of ARM architecture.

As the chief architect of Haixin, Su Yuanshan is familiar with the development of ARM architecture. He knew that ARM really shined when ARM7 came out in 1993. The first-generation ARM processor to be released this year has only sold hundreds of thousands of units, which cannot be said to be a success.

The most important thing is that ARM is not like X86. No matter how you go around it, you can't get around the infamous 338 patent (patent on cache) - you know, Intel first started playing with SRAM (SRAM, static random access memory). Taking memory can be simply understood as level 1 cache, level 2 cache, and level 3 cache in the CPU parameters). It was just that the talented people who couldn't compete with Niguo had no choice but to transform and become IBM's younger brother, manufacturing processors for it, and licensed X86 to AMD under IBM's power, making it the second supplier.

——There is an unknown gossip. In fact, Intel is not the first author of X86. X86 was designed by a company called Datapoint and commissioned by Intel to develop. At that time, Intel, which focused on storage, was too weak and could not handle it for a long time. So Datapoint couldn't wait and built a new CPU of its own. But even though Intel is not good at it, they still have to pay for the work. So X86 was given to Intel for $50,000—it was said that he accepted it with tears in his eyes.

Now, as long as we can bypass ARM's existing patents and design more advanced instruction sets and architectures, complete patent blocking and build barriers, we can strangle ARM in the cradle.

Qin Weimin waited for a while to meet Su Yuanshan but still didn't leave, and said helplessly: If you don't want to leave, let's have a meeting together. I sorted out my thoughts and found that according to your needs, we need to kill the existing streamlined instruction set architecture. It’s a bit difficult to find a way out...

It's okay, you go ahead and let everyone speak freely. Just give me a copy of the meeting minutes. When Su Yuanshan heard that the meeting was about to begin, he immediately got up and returned to his office.

As soon as I returned to the office and my butt was still hot from sitting, the extension phone rang.

Haha, Mr. Su, I didn't bother you, did I?

No, no, hello, Brother Wang. Seeing that it was Wang Chaoxin's call, Su Yuanshan sat on the table and replied with a smile.

Did you receive the pager? Are you confident about our quality?

Very good, don't worry. Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes, guessing the purpose of Wang Chaoxin's call. He smiled and said, Brother Wang is not asking me for payment now, is he? It's only the beginning of the month.

Hey, Yuanxin is our parent company, so we don't dare to ask for payment. But can you help me support a few people?

Su Yuanshan grabbed a pen and turned it around, smiling: Didn't you leave three people with you?

Zhang Ke brought three people there but didn't bring them back. They were to provide technical support and to connect with Huajing. After Huajing's training is completed, Su Yuanshan will have to send a heavyweight to Huajing to squat.

It's not enough... That's it, brother. Wang Chaoxin took a breath and pondered for a few seconds before saying: I asked Mr. Zhang about Yuanxin's arrangements. Logically speaking, the layout of the parent company, we We just need to cooperate. But I think since the branch here relies on Huajing and is in a city like Xicheng with dense electronic companies, it would be a waste if it is not fully utilized.

So I discussed it with Huajing and inquired about the domestic situation. I found that there are no domestic companies that specialize in packaging and testing. You once said that the semiconductor industry will be broken down into various steps. I agree with it. This is why next year when I have enough money, I plan to set up a closed and beta test line.”

In addition, according to reliable information, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications will allow private enterprises to enter paging stations by next year at the latest and this year at the earliest. By then, paging stations will also be a good business. And our market is not necessarily limited to the domestic market, but can also be exported to surrounding countries. If we can’t develop in the west, why can’t we develop in the surrounding areas?”

Su Yuanshan stopped writing, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth: Yes, I agree.

Wang Chaoxin breathed a sigh of relief over there and said with a smile: So I asked my brother to send over the team that was working on the pager. We will form a joint team with Huajing to try to build a domestic paging station as quickly as possible. At that time, we can also incubate a chip design team here and receive small orders one after another.

As he spoke, Wang Chaoxin lowered his voice and smiled: You can also dig up Huajing's people.

Okay, I agree. Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded again: But you have to talk to Dr. Tian. We are just divided into groups. It doesn't make sense for me to adjust his work before it has started. And I will give you a maximum of five people. It’s a mix of old and new. You have to understand that Dr. Tian’s team is involved in the layout three years from now, which is very important.”

No problem! We need to recruit people here too.

After hanging up the phone with a smile, Su Yuanshan breathed out softly.

Let’s not talk about whether Wang Chaoxin has the selfish desire to maintain his independence. This pioneering spirit alone makes him appreciate it and makes him worry-free.

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Regarding the history of Intel, if you are interested, I will take the time to summarize it and write it in the extra chapter. In addition, there is Fairy Boy Yagami.

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