1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 257 Unable to move without guidance

Lao Zhang must stay. Li Mingliu interjected: And Lao Zhang also suggested that those of us who are engaged in IC design should go to the grassroots level of the wafer factory to intern for a period of time in order to better understand how chips are born. , how the project was realized. I think this suggestion is good.

Well... Su Yuanshan nodded: We will make arrangements in the future after the wafer factory is established.

As an IC architect who has experienced later generations, Su Yuanshan certainly knows that in later generations, designers of IDM (vertically integrated manufacturing) companies like Intel and Samsung generally have internship experience in wafer factories, which is also one of the advantages of IDM companies. .

In fact, IDM companies have many advantages over Apple, AMD, Qualcomm and other Fabless companies. It’s just that it’s not possible for every company to be Intel, Samsung… and because IDM companies are too integrated, it can easily lead to completeness but no excellence and thus lose competitiveness – for example, a group of companies in Niguo.

But in the final analysis, it is still a matter of money - as long as they have money, IDM companies can live very well, extremely well, invincible in the universe.

I'll have a chat with Lao Zhang tomorrow. Even if he doesn't want to leave his job early, we have to find a way to keep him in the mainland.


The next day, Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui were taken directly to the Science and Technology Park by Chen Jianguo.

After more than half a year of construction, the wafer fab's factory building has not just taken shape, but has roughly taken shape. With the strong support of the government, high-rise buildings have been erected in the science and technology park. According to the construction progress, it is said that it will take up to half a year to complete the installation of water and electricity, and can be put into office directly.

For this reason, he encouraged Su Yuanshan several times to move Yuanxin's headquarters here... Even if the headquarters couldn't come, he could come.

Su Yuanshan saw through the little plan at a glance, and he rejected it shamelessly.

The policies for wafer fabs here are indeed generous and almost tax-free, but the overall policy is still inferior to that of the provincial capital. It is located in the basin and is the center of the third tier. The provincial capital has now made up its mind to use science and technology to revitalize the province. The implementation of the concept becomes a path to darkness.

Yuanxin is the core engine for the provincial capital to realize this grand blueprint.

Even if Su Yuanshan wanted to come to the flower world, the provincial capital wouldn't let him...

Perhaps because he knew Su Yuanshan's origins, Zhang Rujin came out of the factory early to wait. Then the two asked the secretary not to follow them, and they walked alone on the Central Avenue that ran through the park.

Today's weather is okay, it's cloudy. Zhang Rujin laughed.

After a busy summer, Zhang Rujin's skin became much darker, but he became more energetic - Su Yuanshan had also seen this state in his father - it was a manifestation of the second spring.

Yes, but unfortunately there is no wind.

If you want the wind, go to the riverside. Zhang Rujin looked into the distance, then looked back: Speaking of it, apart from taking a car back and forth across the bridge to take a look, it has been almost a year and I have never really gone to the riverside for a good tour.

Uncle Zhang, you still have to pay attention to your health. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: If you keep doing this, I have no choice but to drag you out for vacation.

Zhang Rujin was stunned, then put his hands on his hips and laughed.

Since the machines in the fab have continued to enter the market, people from Yuanxin's CPU division have come over from time to time to discuss process-related matters. Therefore, Zhang Rujin knew that Su Yuanshan forced Yuanxin's workaholic Li Mingliu to take a vacation.

Actually, I'm not bad, and I really can't leave the factory. Zhang Rujin said with a smile: They all say that I am a master in building factories, and they all think that I have some secrets. Do you know any secrets?

What secret book?

Haha, there are no secrets. It's just to keep an eye on it and make less mistakes. Zhang Rujin said seriously: In the processing industry, especially in the precision processing industry, whoever makes fewer mistakes will be faster. The same goes for the manufacturing process, although I am not Mainly studying the manufacturing process, but the principle is the same, whoever is lucky and hits the right method will be faster.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Yes, so...Uncle Zhang, after the brothers from Singapore come back, can we handle 0.5 micron?

Zhang Rujin stopped, thought seriously for a while, then shook his head and said: It's difficult, the manufacturing process in Singapore is 0.8 micron, and the latest manufacturing process will not be launched until the end of the year - and we have recalled hundreds of people here. , the launch time there will be later.

Su Yuanshan stared at him and continued to ask: Now that there are no restrictions from the policy, can we introduce it from Deyi?

Zhang Rujin continued to be silent for a few seconds and then shook his head: This is not something I can judge. You need to communicate with the top management of the board of directors. But I want to say one thing, that now that the new lithography machine has been released, the next node should be 0.35, or even more radically 0.25 microns.”

Su Yuanshan nodded slowly.

Although Zhang Rujin said he couldn't judge, judging from the point at which he proposed the process, he should still be leaning towards TI's 0.5 micron process technology.

After all, this is not just a purchase, but a collaboration.

I also have to remind... TI's 0.5 micron process has invested almost 200 million US dollars. Zhang Rujin stared at Su Yuanshan and said: You need to consider this.

Yes, I know.

Su Yuanshan bit his lip, and after a long silence, he said softly: Uncle Zhang, what do you think it will cost for us to let Deyi release the 0.5 micron process and yourself?

Su Yuanshan added: By then, you will be the director of the wafer factory here.

Zhang Rujin was slightly startled, and soon he understood Su Yuanshan's plan.

You mean, I will still be in charge of the work of the fab from now on?

Yes, you will host it. Su Yuanshan nodded. He stared into Zhang Rujin's eyes and said frankly: Uncle Zhang, you know better than me. There is no one in the country with your qualifications who can lead Deyuan Semiconductor.

Although this factory is cooperating with TI, and TI is the second shareholder. But in essence, it is Yuanxin, or the first world-class wafer fab in mainland China.

Zhang Rujin exhaled softly, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As the first-hand founder of the wafer fab, Zhang Rujin certainly knows the scale and specifications of this wafer fab.

Once it is successfully put into production, once its production capacity and yield rate increase, it will immediately become one of the world's top foundries in terms of scale!

Coupled with Yuanxin's design department, it can even make Yuanxin a world-class IDM company immediately!

Such a huge factory is indeed not something that ordinary people can run or run.

At least, no one in the country.

But now, it seems that only I can take it.

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