1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 240 Blizzard and the Three Wolves

Irvine, California.

The beautiful beach, the sun is shining, the sea breeze is blowing, and countless tourists are playing on the shallow beach. On the shore, there are rows of beautiful holiday villas. This is the most famous resort in Southern California and Filming location for film and television dramas.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Yang Yiwen was wearing hot pants, a floral shirt, and a braided straw hat, looking at the white man across the glass table who was wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and a slovenly programmer outfit.

The white man signed his name on the contract very seriously.

—Mike Morhaime.

When the white man raised his head after signing his name, he met Yang Yiwen's eyes.

Yang Yiwen smiled slightly: Mike, welcome to Custom. Do you want to take a vacation together?

Mike looked at the beach outside the window and shook his head with a smile: Although I also hope to have a good vacation, there are still many things to deal with...

That's right, you are very close to here anyway, you can come over at any time.

Yang Yiwen sent Mike out of the room, then walked up the stairs to the second floor with the contract in hand.

On the second floor, Qin Si was having a pleasant conversation with a middle-aged white man.

Seeing the contract in Yang Yiwen's hand, Qin Sichong joked to the man opposite: Bob, if you hadn't jumped out sideways, Blizzard would have surrendered long ago.

The man named Bob laughed loudly: Miss Qin, isn't this good now?

Yang Yiwen held up the contract and pursed her lips with a smile: No, we all spent more money. And even after the delay, Silicon \u0026 Synapse has changed its name to Blizzard.

The three people now appearing in this villa represent three parties respectively - OCSS Xinghai, Star Venture Capital, and Davidson \u0026 Associates.

As for why these three parties appear here, it is purely because at the beginning of the year, Qin Si discovered a game studio called Silicon \u0026 Synapse while scanning the market. Based on her analysis of the technical strength of this small company and her understanding of Su Yuanshan’s strategy Judging, she thinks the game studio deserves a shot.

However, just when she started to make contact, Davidson Company also came out of nowhere.

Davidson Corporation is a well-known software company that develops educational software. Founded in 1984 by husband Bob Davidson and wife Jane Davidson, it is headquartered in California.

After ten years of development, Davidson has grown from a simple software company to one of the few software publishing giants. Yuanxin and Xinghai's software are distributed through it.

With the rapid rise of the Internet, Bob Davidson noticed that in the future, relying solely on physical media to distribute software would gradually encounter the impact of Internet distribution.

So he began to actively shift his strategy and focus on software that could not be distributed through the Internet-such as games.

So Bob targeted Silicon\u0026Synapse studio.

The sudden competition for capital from both sides surprised the founders of Silicon \u0026 Synapse. As the price tags of both parties continued to increase, Silicon \u0026 Synapse changed its name to Blizzard when it released the SFC version of Superman: Survival from Despair at the beginning of the year, and plans to release it this year. A PC game called Warcraft will be released in the second half of the year.

Warcraft, translated as Warcraft.

Blizzard, translated as Blizzard.

Seeing that the acquisition object is becoming more and more valuable, the two parties competing for it can no longer sit still. Qin Si and Bob found a common connection between them at the same time - Xinghai.

So with the help of Xinghai, the three parties formally cooperated, each invested money, and established a new game publishing company-Custom.

Strategically, Custom was established to cope with the growing gaming industry market. Its main enemy is Electronic Arts - EA, which has begun to take shape.

The first thing Custom did when it was established was to buy Blizzard.

In the capital market, this is a typical case of two wolves fighting for a sheep, and then looking for a third wolf to comment. That wolf said that the three of us should cook it and divide it equally...

This understanding is too bloody and crude. In fact, for Blizzard, as a member of Custom, in addition to having access to the resources of Custom, which specializes in game distribution, it has also obtained sufficient returns from the tug of war. This outfit is actually worth the price.

Of course, as a game publishing company, Custom cannot only sell Blizzard games. In fact, Custom’s main purpose is to serve as an agent in the global game market. As for the local ones, they try to focus on acquisition and control.

By the way, Mr. Davidson, we have an authorization here. China's Yuanxin launched two computer software on the Internet yesterday. At present, they are using the sharing model. But due to the current network conditions, they still plan to go The way media is distributed.”

Yang Yiwen went up to the second floor and chatted for a while, then took out another authorization letter from the document bag: I also ask for your cooperation in issuing it.

OK, we're selling floppy disks again. Bob Davidson took a look at the authorization letter and chuckled: If you continue like this, Davidson Company will sooner or later become a retail store selling floppy disks.

As a long-term partner of Yuexin \u0026 Xinghai, Davidson Company and Xinghai have always maintained a friendly relationship. When the browser decided to launch it as a shared version, the download speed was unstable and the installer was a bit large, so Carly came up with a brilliant idea - let the distribution company sell a floppy disk with the browser installer at almost the original price. , so that users can get a program at almost no cost.

It's still available for sale now, but I'm afraid I won't even be able to sell it in the future. Qin Si pursed his lips and smiled: Now ISDN has entered the application stage, and faster ADSL is also being tested. According to the plan, ADSL can reach 8Mb With the network transmission speed, by then, the contents of a floppy disk will be processed in just two seconds.

Yes, so this is the basis of our cooperation. Bob Davidson put away the authorization letter, stood up, and bowed elegantly: Happy cooperation, two beautiful ladies.

After watching Bob leave, Yang Yiwen and Qin Si chatted and walked back to the house. They quickly put on their swimsuits, put on sunscreen, put on sunglasses, and walked to the beach on the warm sand.

Under the beach, Tang Wenjie and Chen Haoming had already slept under a sun umbrella.

You two are really... you can safely leave two beauties outside? Qin Si kicked Chen Haoming's raised heels rudely and lay down on the beach chair next to him.

You two are so fierce, what are we afraid of? Chen Haoming covered his eyes with his hands and replied lazily: I have been busy for more than half a year and finally got time to take a vacation with you two. I can't discuss business with you. I’ll still follow you when the time comes. Old Tang, don’t you think so?”

Yes. Tang Wenjie turned over, and the beach chair made a creaking sound: Honey, rub your back for me.

What a beautiful idea! Yang Yiwen slapped him on the back and scolded: Get up and squeeze my shoulders.


Seeing this, Qin Si also slapped Chen Haoming on the arm: Old Chen, learn from this.


Sister Si, you'd better let Old Chen have a good rest. He will go back tomorrow to help EM and YXEmail set up servers. Yang Yiwen lay on the beach, enjoying Tang Wenjie's massage, and laughed: Old Chen It’s much harder than this one in my family.”

Yes, yes! Chen Haoming had already sat up. After hearing this, he immediately continued to lie down and looked at Qin Si with a sad face: My dear, I am really tired...

...Okay, I'll spare you. Qin Si closed her eyes and began to enjoy the rare vacation.



The four of them here are enjoying the sunshine and beach, while Su Yuanshan turns on EM in the office.

As the ground-breaking, first Internet chat tool, it does have very few functions. And in a sense, it is the same as Email.

The only difference is that it is more timely and suitable for small talk.

Of course, digital accounts are also a big difference.

Su Yuanshan’s EM number is 10001.

This is not the shortest number, the shortest number is 10000 - his father.

Pony put a lot of thought into assigning the default EM number. On the one hand, he wanted to show EM's status by allocating all key numbers to the leaders of the Yuanxin system. On the other hand, he didn't know how to allocate them...

In a sense, this thing is to rank the big bosses of Yuanxin, which is very offensive.

If it were an ordinary person, it wouldn't matter if they offended them. The terrible thing is that Pony couldn't afford to offend those people...

There are too many big bosses in Yuanxin, and EM can only be regarded as a product of one department. Although Pony believes that EM will definitely shine and has been recognized by Mr. Shan. But now, it is indeed a little transparent...

So after thinking about it, Pony handed this problem to Su Yuanshan.

What can Su Yuanshan do? He was not the kind of person to embarrass his subordinates, so he had to grit his teeth and give a suggestion, asking Pony to keep all the five-digit numbers, not enter the application pool, and then allocate them according to business units.

For example, 11001 is Chen Jing, and 12001 is Xi Xiaoding. 13001 is Tian Yaoming, 14001 is Li Mingliu...

My EM account still needs an egg... Su Yuanshan logged in and took a look at the default friends, all of whom were Yuanxin. He simply quit and chose to apply for a new number.

EM now has a total of three servers, one set up in the capital, one set up in Hong Kong, and one set up in Silicon Valley - the same is true for YXEmail.

The newly applied EM number is 102031. Excluding algorithm interference, this means that there are currently almost 1,000 new user applications.

It's only been out for three days, and it's only been promoted in the west, so it looks kind of good. But Su Yuanshan knew that most of the applicants here were probably ordinary employees of Yuanxin.

It looks like there's a long way to go, Brother Ma. Su Yuanshan chuckled and casually added a friend to chat.

He knew that Pony once pretended to be a girl to chat with people in order to promote it.

However, after chatting for a few words, he felt bored. After turning off the EM, he began to continue designing a method for preparing graphene Hall devices.

From last year to this year, he has failed more than sixty times and summed up a lot of failure experience.

Of course, the failure was not due to lack of skills, but to a large extent due to lack of equipment.

After all, he advanced this experiment by ten years.

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