1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 234 The Su Family Gang

Su Yuanshan returned home at the weekend.

Finally good news.

Lying on the recliner, Su Yuanshan looked more like an old man than his father. He smiled at his father and said: Everything has not gone well in the past six months, and I want to count the passing years.

Su Yuanshan was lying in this position. If he had dared to do this a few years ago, his mother would have twisted his ears to change the channel. But now...seeing that his 20-year-old son looked exhausted, even Zhang Xiuyun couldn't bear to scold him. Instead, he put the peeled fruit next to him.

How about I go to Wenshu Monastery to make a wish for you? Zhang Xiuyun stared at her son's thin face and said distressedly: You usually eat more meat and eat more regularly - why don't I move to the Science and Technology Park?

Don't... Su Yuanshan sat up quickly, grabbed the apple and stuffed it into his mouth: Don't do that thing about praying to gods and praying to Buddha... I just said it casually to show the importance of my dad being elected as an academician. He is The youngest academician.”

Professor Su Xinghe laughed at the side. Although he didn't care about Yuan Xin, it didn't mean that he didn't pay attention to it. He is still aware that Yuanxin's mobile phone business was not good in the first half of the year, and there has been no major breakthrough in various research progress.

It's just an honorary title. Su Xinghe waved his hand to signal Su Yuanshan not to continue talking about this matter: If Yuanxin encounters trouble, just stop for a while. I don't understand business... but I know it at least. It’s different from doing technology. If you start a business too fast, it’s easy to lose its foundation, Xiaoshan.”

Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: Dad, companies can stop and wait, but the industry cannot stop.

Su Xinghe looked at his son, smiled and sighed. He knew Su Yuanshan's ambition and also saw the progress and development of related domestic industries under the leadership of Yuanxin - everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as there is a beginning, then those who come after will naturally have a direction and success. industry.

Take the software industry as an example. Su Yuanshan’s original sentence, “It’s nothing more than burning your brains, who is afraid of whom?” was spread and really inspired a group of aspiring programmers in China.

In the past two years, although the domestic software industry is not yet large-scale, it is blooming everywhere. In particular, the emerging game industry claims to have successfully entered overseas markets.

The same is true for the chip design industry. Before Yuanxin EDA came out, how many chip design companies were there in China? Only some large enterprises will carry out some designs according to their own needs, and design technology is still more mastered in colleges and institutions. But now, EDA has become a compulsory course for undergraduates majoring in integrated circuits, and microcontrollers have also been exposed to undergraduates from the graduate level.

As a new academician of the Academy of Engineering, Su Xinghe knows how important the quality and quantity of engineers are to a country's industrialization and technological development.

At the beginning, the Warsaw Pact was several times behind NATO economically, but it was able to compete with it technologically. What did it rely on? It relies on a complete industrialization system. And what does the industrialized system rely on? It depends on the engineers.

Domestic industrialization is also inseparable from engineers.

Top theoretical scientists explore and guide the future, while engineers lead mankind into the future.

But at this moment, Su Xinghe was more willing to let his son relax, so he smiled and said: You finally have a weekend off. When you get home, don't think about work and talk about other things.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said, Besides work, what else do we have to talk about?

Su Xinghe grabbed a pistachio next to him and threw it on Su Yuanshan's head: You brat, why are there no more things to talk about? Do you know that your senior brother Jiang has a female singer friend?

When Su Yuanshan heard this, he immediately became interested: Tell me, which singer?

What? Did Xiao Jiang talk about a singer? Zhang Xiuyun also poked his head out of the kitchen: Which one is it?

The one who endorses the VCD. Su Xinghe smiled at the VCD machine in the TV cabinet: I met Qingchuan at a meeting in the capital, and I asked him casually. He was a little embarrassed.

Wow! Senior Brother Qingchuan is awesome! Su Yuanshan laughed.

Although he didn't pay much attention to VCDs, he still knew that he had found a spokesperson - the one who was currently the most popular in mainland China, with beautiful people and sweet songs. Together with her partner, she was known as the golden boy.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips again and said, But he's not honest. When I asked him last year, he said he didn't have time for a relationship... But now it's better, he's been hooked up as a spokesperson.

At this time, Zhang Xiuyun also realized who it was, leaned against the door and laughed: That's a big beauty. That Xiao Jiang is a bit high-spirited.

When Su Xinghe heard this, he immediately became unhappy. He turned to his wife and said, Hey, what you said is true. Why did Qingchuan get so high up? Qingchuan is now the head of the VCD business department. He earned 600 million in cash for Yuanxin last year... …Not worthy of a singer?”

Okay, okay... you deserve it. Everyone in the Su family is the best. Zhang Xiuyun smiled and admitted defeat, saying that she would not argue with her husband.

That's right! Su Xinghe shook his neck, his tone unabashedly proud.

The few graduate students he had at the beginning, including current employees Jiang Qingchuan and Wang Rui, as well as Qin Weimin and Chen Jianguo, were already the backbone of Yuanxin. Tang Wenjie even went abroad to study for a Ph.D., focusing on studying the semiconductor manufacturing process. After returning home, he became a general.

The graduate students he has now are also pretty good, and they all have their own understanding and breakthroughs in the field of integrated circuits...

As a teacher, what could be more important than being outstanding by your students and being recognized for your work?

However, Su Xinghe immediately said sternly: Don't say such things as the Su Family Gang outside... It was a reactionary academic authority a few years ago.

His mother gave him a look of disdain: Am I as stupid as you?

Su Yuanshan watched his parents bickering from the side, and a wave of warmth arose in his heart - if history did not change, now would be the day when his uncle had fallen, his mother had embezzled public funds, and his father had become anxious.

Now, history can no longer repeat itself, which is good.

Perhaps Professor Su Xinghe's appointment as an academician really had a happy effect. After June, everything went smoothly.

As Duan Yongping took over the mobile phone department, Wang Rui was able to escape and start his future job as president of the global business unit in advance. He originally had a technical background, and had been responsible for after-sales service. Coupled with his personality, his contacts with Siam were extremely compatible.

Therefore, in mid-June, Li Yinan's team built the first base station for True Corp. At the same time, various trainings for Thai technical personnel also went very smoothly.

According to the efficiency of FarCore, it is estimated that the base station installation under the contract will be completed before the end of the year.

At the same time, the Vidoo mobile phone engineering machine, a brand new brand that carries the great hope of Yuanxin Mobile Phone Division, was officially rolled off the production line and was delivered to Su Yuanshan's hands by physical express delivery by his uncle Zhang Ke.

As an aside, from a national perspective, the number of domestic engineers has formed a crushing advantage over foreign countries. What is bad is the quality, system, and environment where people can do their best. In addition, the third brother actually attaches great importance to the training of engineers. You can know the status of Imperial College as shown in Three Idiots in Bollywood.

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